41 research outputs found

    Introductory Chapter: Seaweed-Derived Biomaterials

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    Introductory Chapter: Drug Delivery Concepts

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    A study of post-dated pregnancy with special reference to maternal and perinatal outcome in nulliparous women

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    Background: The study was aimed to determine the mode of delivery, maternal outcome and perinatal outcome in prolonged pregnancy.Methods: It was a prospective observational study. Uncomplicated nulliparous singleton pregnancies who have completed 37 weeks of gestation were included in the study. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were strictly followed. Total 200 cases were divided into study group and control group. Those who have crossed their Estimated date of delivery (EDD) were compared with term pregnancies (not crossed their EDD).Results: The study group and control group consist of 114 and 86 women respectively. The incidence of caesarean section (64.04%), induction of labour (50.88%) is significantly higher in the study group. It also shows that the occurrence of caesarean section (63.79%) is more in post-dated pregnant women who underwent induction of labour. The most common indication for caesarean section was fetal distress in both groups. The commonest maternal complication was prolonged labour and perinatal complication was fetal distress in both groups. The incidence of low birth weight was significantly less in post-dated pregnancy.Conclusions: Our study suggests that the incidence of induction of labour and caesarean section is significantly higher in post-dated pregnancy. Although the mean birth weight baby is more in them, a definite policy should be recommended for optimum timing of intervention to avoid maternal and perinatal complications

    Assessment of Anti-microbial and Anti-oxidant Activities of Modified Guar Gum

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    1033-1041Apart from drug delivery potential of polysaccharides or their chemical derivatives, some chemically modified polysaccharides particularly sulfated polysaccharides showed significant biological property. In this study, guar gum was sulfated by reacting with various ratios of CSA (chlorosulfonic acid) and pyridine to obtain the product with different degree of sulfation (DS). The sulfated guar gum derivatives were examined by FTIR, NMR and degree of sulfation analysed and were further evaluated for their potential antibacterial activity by agar diffusion method. Results obtained from the study indicated that derivatives having higher degree of sulfation exhibited moderate activity against the selected bacterial strains at 200 μg∙ml−1. However, the sulfated guar gum did not show any significant antifungal activity at any concentration studied. The sulfated guar gum demonstrated dose-dependent DPPH and H2O2 scavenging activity with maximum activity noted at 2 mg∙ml−1 concentration. The sulfation of partially oxidized guar gum caused significant improvement of antioxidant activity to that observed for non-oxidized sulfated guar gum derivative. This study revealed that the extent of sulfation and molecular weight had significant impact on antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of guar gum

    Razvoj i vrednovanje mikrospužvastih sustava etilceluloze i ksantan gume za kontroliranu perkutanu isporuku diklofenak natrija

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    In this study, xanthan gum-facilitated ethyl cellulose microsponges were prepared by the double emulsification technique and subsequently dispersed in a carbopol gel base for controlled delivery of diclofenac sodium to the skin. Scanning electron microscopy revealed the porous, spherical nature of the microsponges. Increase in the drug/polymer ratio (0.4:1, 0.6:1, 0.8:1, m/m) increased their yield (79.1–88.5 %), drug entrapment efficiency (50.0–64.1 %), and mean particle diameter (181–255 µm). Compared to the microsponges with high drug/polymer ratio (0.8:1, m/m), the flux of entrapped drug through excised rat skin decreased by 19.9 % and 17.0 %, respectively, for the microsponges prepared at low and intermediate drug/polymer ratios. When an equivalent amount of pure drug (not entrapped into microsponges) was dispersed into the gel base and the flux was compared, the microsponges (drug/polymer ratio 0.8:1, m/m) were found to reduce the flux by 33.3 %. Whether the drug was dispersed either in un-entrapped or entrapped form into the gel base, the drug permeation through rat skin followed Higuchi\u27s diffusion kinetic model. The microsponges prepared at the lowest drug/polymer ratio exhibited a comparatively slower drug permeation profile and were hence considered most suitable for controlled drug delivery application. FTIR spectroscopy and DSC analyses indicated the chemically stable, amorphous nature of the drug in these microsponges. The gel containing these optimized microsponges was comparable to that of a commercial gel formulation and did not show serious dermal reactions. Hence, the microsponge system obtained at the lowest drug/polymer ratio could be useful for controlled release of diclofenac sodium to the skin.U radu su opisani mikrospužvasti sustavi s etilcelulozom i ksantan gumom pripravljeni metodom dvostruke emulzifikacije i dispergirani u podlogu s karbopol gelom za kontrolirano oslobađanje diklofenak natrija na kožu. Elektronska pretražna mikroskopija potvrdila je poroznu, sferičnu strukturu mikrospužvastih sustava. Povećanjem omjera lijeka i polimera (0,4:1, 0,6:1, 0,8:1, m/m) povećalo se iskorištenje (79,1–88,5 %), količina uklopljenog lijeka (50,0–64,1 %) i srednji promjer čestica (181–255 µm). Prolaz uklopljenog lijeka kroz izrezane komade kože štakora smanjio se za 19,9 %, odnosno 17,0 %, kada se omjer lijeka i polimera smanjio s visokog (0,8:1, m/m) na niski i srednji. Oslobađanje iz mikrospužvastih struktura s omjerom lijeka i polimera 0,8:1 (m/m) smanjeno je za 33,3 % u odnosu na oslobađanje ekvivalentne količina lijeka koji nije uklopljen već samo dispergiran u geliranu podlogu. Ako je lijek bio dispergiran kao neuklopljen ili kao uklopljen u geliranu podlogu, permeacija lijeka kroz kožu štakora slijedila je Higuchijev difuzijski kinetički model. Mikrospužvaste strukture pripravljene uz najniži omjer lijeka i polimera pokazale su sporiji permeacijski profil pa ih smatramo najpovoljnijima za kontrolirano oslobađanje lijeka. FTIR spektroskopija i DSC analiza pokazale su da je lijek u mikrospružvastim sustavima stabilan i amorfan. Gel s optimiranim mikrospužvastim sustavom sličan je komercijalnom gelu i ne pokazuje ozbiljne kožne reakcije. Sustav pripravljen s najnižim omjerom lijeka i polimera mogao bi biti pogodan za kontrolirano oslobađanje diklofenak natrija na kožu

    Functional polysaccharides for biomedical applications

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    Advanced Technology for Delivering Therapeutics

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    The goal of any novel drug delivery system is to provide therapeutic benefits to the patients by increasing duration of drug action, reducing dosing frequency, and controlling drug release rate at the target site, thereby reducing unwanted side effects. Advanced Technology for Delivering Therapeutics is a reference book that covers recent developments in the field of drug delivery science and technology. The purpose of this book is to bring together descriptions of some selective technologies including new and promising nanotechnology currently being investigated for drug delivery applications. This book is a useful source of information for graduate and post-graduate students of pharmacy and biomedical science; pharmaceutical & other researchers involved in designing newer drug delivery systems both in academia and industry

    Synthesis and structure of [L][Mo<SUP>IV</SUP>O(mnt)<SUB>2</SUB>] {L=[(C<SUB>2</SUB>H<SUB>5</SUB>)<SUB>4</SUB>N]<SUP>+</SUP>, [C<SUB>5</SUB>H<SUB>5</SUB>NH]<SUP>+</SUP>, [(C<SUB>2</SUB>H<SUB>5</SUB>)<SUB>3</SUB>NH]<SUP>+</SUP>, [lysinium]<SUP>2+</SUP> and (mnt<SUP>2-</SUP>=1,2-dicyanoethylenedithiolate)} in relevance to molybdenum cofactor of diverse class of molybdoenzymes

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    The title compounds [Et4N]2[MoIVO(mnt)2] (1), [PyH]2 [MoIVO(mnt)2] (2) and [(C2H5)3NH]2[MoIVO(mnt)2] (3) and [lysinium][MoIVO(mnt)2] (4) have been synthesized and crystal structures of 1 and 2 have been determined. 1 crystallizes in space group P21212 with a=29.948(6) Å ,b=14.779(4) Å ,c=7.373(2) Å , V=3263.30(1) Å and Z=4 and the compound 2 crystallizes in space group P2/n with a=7.460(7) Å , b=11.449(1) Å ,c=26.657(3) Å , β =93.89(3)° , Image Z=4. The Mo=O bond (1.71 Å ) in 2 is longer than that of (1.67 Å ) in 1 is due to hydrogen bond in 2, which controls the reactivity of molybdenum towards trimethylamine N-oxide