10 research outputs found

    Initiation of Ignition of Highly Fuel Particles in The Flow of High Temperature Medium

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    An approximate analytical solution of ignition of the fuel porous particles has been brought. The impact of thermal radiation on the characteristics and conditions of the ignition has been considered. The verification of the solution has been obtained by comparing the calculated characteristics (delay time of ignition and the ignition temperature) with similar values obtained using the previously derived formulas

    Terms and Characteristics of Homogeneous Ignition of Coal-Water Particles Coated with a Water Film

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    The problem of coal-water fuel ignition of particles in a high-temperature heating has been solved numericallyin the framework of a two-layer model of "coal-water". The basic characteristics of the integrated ignition has been shown. The influence of the vaporization process of the water film on the ignition conditions has been shown

    Effect of structural heterogeneity water-coal fuel conditions and characteristics of ignition

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    The problem of the particle ignition of coal-water fuel (CWF) with a joint course of the main processes of a thermal (thermal conductivity, evaporation, filtration heat and mass transfer, thermal decomposition of the organic part) has been solved. According to the results of numerical simulation ways of describing the extent of the influence of the thermophysical properties on the characteristics and conditions of ignition WCF have been set

    Initiation of Ignition of Highly Fuel Particles in The Flow of High Temperature Medium

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    An approximate analytical solution of ignition of the fuel porous particles has been brought. The impact of thermal radiation on the characteristics and conditions of the ignition has been considered. The verification of the solution has been obtained by comparing the calculated characteristics (delay time of ignition and the ignition temperature) with similar values obtained using the previously derived formulas

    Terms and Characteristics of Homogeneous Ignition of Coal-Water Particles Coated with a Water Film

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    The problem of coal-water fuel ignition of particles in a high-temperature heating has been solved numericallyin the framework of a two-layer model of “coal-water”. The basic characteristics of the integrated ignition has been shown. The influence of the vaporization process of the water film on the ignition conditions has been shown