9 research outputs found

    Electronic structure of borane cage molecules adsorbed on Si(111)

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    We compare the valence band photoemission resulting from molecular adsorption of nido-decaborane(14) (B10H14) and nido-2,3-diethyl-2,3-dicarbahexaborane on Si(111) at 100 K. The relative shift of the apparent valence band edge with increasing molecular coverage is consistent with the relative energy difference in the highest occupied molecular orbital for these two molecules as inferred from modified neglect of differential overlap calculations. The results suggest that the screening is very similar, despite the very different molecular structures of these two nido cage molecules

    The 2-ID-B intermediate-energy scanning X-ray microscope at the APS

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    The intermediate-energy scanning x-ray microscope at beamline 2-ID-B at the Advanced Photon Source is a dedicated instrument for materials and biological research. The microscope uses a zone plate lens to focus coherent 1-4 keV x-rays to a 60 nm focal spot of 109^9 photons/s onto the sample. It records simultaneous transmission and energy-resolved fluorescence images. We have used the microscope for nanotomography of chips and microspectroscopy of cells


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