17 research outputs found

    Histopathological, immunohistochemical, and molecular study of BHV-5 infection in the central nervous system of experimentally infected calves

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    Bovine meningoencephalitis caused by BHV-5, a double-stranded DNA enveloped virus that belongs to the family Herpesviridae and subfamily Alphaherpesvirinae, is an important differential diagnosis of central nervous diseases. The aim of this study was to describe the histological changes in the central nervous system of calves experimentally infected with BHV-5 and compare these changes with the PCR and IHC results. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded central nervous system samples from calves previously inoculated with BHV-5 were microscopically evaluated and tested using IHC and PCR. All the animals presented with nonsuppurative meningoencephalitis. From 18 evaluated areas of each calf, 32.41% and 35.19% were positive by IHC and PCR, respectively. The telencephalon presented more accentuated lesions and positive areas in the PCR than other encephalic areas and was the best sampling area for diagnostic purposes. Positive areas in the IHC and PCR were more injured than IHC and PCR negative areas. The animal with neurological signs showed more PCR- and IHC-positive areas than the other animals

    Otimização da imunoistoquímica para detecção de herpesvírus bovino tipo 5 (BHV-5) em tecidos do sistema nervoso central fixados com formaldeído Optimization of immunohistochemistry for Bovine Herpesvirus 5 (BHV-5) detection on formalin-fixed tissues of the central nervous system

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    Com o objetivo de otimizar a técnica de imunoistoquímica para detecção de herpesvírus bovino tipo 5 (BHV-5) em tecidos do sistema nervoso central fixado em formaldeído, foram avaliados diferentes métodos de digestão enzimática, diferentes anticorpos e reagentes para bloqueio de reações inespecíficas. As reações apresentaram a máxima intensidade de coloração específica e a quantidade mínima de coloração de fundo quando foram usadas protease de Streptomyces griseus (0,1%) ou proteinase K de Tritirachium album limber (0,05%), mediante incubação durante 15 minutos a 37°C. Entre os anticorpos monoclonais analisados, dois foram capazes de detectar BHV-5. As reações inespecíficas foram bloqueadas mais efetivamente pela incubação do tecido com caseína (0,5%), durante cinco minutos, ou leite em pó (2,5%), durante 60 minutos, ou soro eqüino (2,5%), durante 60 minutos. Com a técnica otimizada foi possível a detecção de BHV-5 em material de arquivo.In order to optimize immunohistochemical technique (IHC) for detection of Bovine herpesvirus type 5 (BHV-5) on formalin-fixed sections of central nervous system, different methods of enzymatic digestion, use of different antibodies and products for blocking of nonspecific reactivity were evaluated. The reactions showed the highest intensity of specific coloration and the minimum amounts of background when protease from Streptomyces griseus (0.1%) or proteinase K from Tritirachium album limber (0.05%) were used, incubating for 15 minutes at 37°C. Only two of the tested monoclonal antibodies specifically labelled BHV-5 antigen. The nonspecific reactions were blocked through incubation of tissues with casein (0.5%) for five minutes or powdered milk (2.5%) for 60 minutes or equine serum (2.5%) for 60 minutes. The optimized immunohistochemical method allowed the detection of BHV-5 antigen in histopathological archives

    Níveis de anticorpos contra o vírus da cinomose canina e o parvovírus canino em cães não vacinados e vacinados Antibodies levels against canine distemper virus and canine parvovirus in vaccinated and unvaccinated dogs

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    Antibody titres to canine distemper virus (CDV) and canine parvovirus (CPV) were measured in 132 dogs: 80 had been vaccinated at least once, 22 had not been vaccinated, and 30 had unknown vaccination history. Serum antibody titers were measured by means of serum neutralization (CDV) or hemagglutination inhibition (CPV). Serum CDV titers >20 and serum CPV titers >80 were considered protective. Protective antibodies to CDV were present in 40.1% of the population: 39.8% of the vaccinated dogs, 31.8% unvaccinated, and in 46.6% of the dogs with unknown vaccination history. Protective antibodies to CPV were present in 90.9% of the dogs: 93.7% of the vaccinated dogs, 90.9% of the unvaccinated, and 83.3% of the dogs with unknown vaccination history

    Ocorrência do subtipo B do vírus da imunodeficiência felina em gatos domésticos da região sul do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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    In Brazil there are few studies on the occurrence of the feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection and its subtypes, which are essential for the development of vaccines and new diagnostic tests. The present study investigated the occurrence of the FIV infection between 2010 and 2011 in domestic cats submitted to medical attendance in the city of Pelotas and nearby area. Total blood samples of seventy cats, suspected (28) or not (42) of infection by FIV were analyzed by nested PCR in order to perform a diagnosis. The results pointed to a FIV infection frequency of 15.7% (11/70) and the analysis of the risk factors related to infection (sex, age and clinical condition) evidenced a greater occurrence in cats up to 10 years of age with chronic and recurrent infections. Eight samples found positive by nested PCR were submitted to DNA sequencing indicating that only the subtype B was detected in the studied region.No Brasil existem poucos estudos sobre a ocorrência da infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência felina (FIV), assim como a determinação dos subtipos circulantes, o que é indispensável para o desenvolvimento de vacinas e novos testes diagnósticos. O presente trabalho investigou a ocorrência da infecção pelo FIV entre os anos de 2010 e 2011 em gatos domésticos submetidos a atendimento clínico na cidade de Pelotas e região. Amostras de sangue total de 70 animais, incluindo suspeitos (28) ou não suspeitos (42) da infecção pelo FIV, foram submetidas à reação de PCR nested. Os resultados indicaram uma frequência de infecção de 15,7% (11/70) e a análise dos fatores associados (sexo, idade e condição clínica) evidenciou uma maior ocorrência em gatos com idade superior a 10 anos e acometidos por infecções crônicas e recidivantes. Oito amostras positivas na PCR nested foram submetidas a sequenciamento genômico e somente o subtipo B foi detectado na região estudada

    Inhibition of equine arteritis virus by an antimicrobial peptide produced by Bacillus sp. P34

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    ABSTRACT P34 is an antimicrobial peptide produced by Bacillus sp. P34, isolated from the intestinal contents of a fish from the Amazon basin. This peptide showed antibacterial properties against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and was characterized as a bacteriocin like substance. It was demonstrated that the peptide P34 exhibited antiviral activity against feline herpesvirus type 1 in vitro. The aim of this work was to evaluate P34 for its antiviral properties in vitro, using RK 13 cells, against the equine arteritis virus, since it has no specific treatment and a variable proportion of stallions may become persistently infected. The results obtained show that P34 exerts antiviral and virucidal activities against equine arteritis virus, probably in the viral envelope. The antiviral assays performed showed that P34 reduces significantly the viral titers of treated cell cultures. The mechanism of action of P34 seems to be time/temperature-dependent. This peptide tends to be a promising antiviral compound for the prevention and treatment of arteriviral infections since it has a high therapeutic index. However, more detailed studies must be performed to address the exact step of viral infection where P34 acts, in order to use this peptide as an antiviral drug in vivo in the future