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22 research outputs found
How officers spend their time with the community
Bayley D.H.
Bayley D.H.
+37 more
Bittner E.
Bittner E.
Black D.
Brady T.V.
Bratton W.
Buerger M.E.
Caldwell E.
Christina DeJong
Clarke R.V.
Eck J.E.
Ericson R.V.
Goldstein H.
Hornick J.P.
Kelling G.L.
Klockars C.B.
Lineberry R.L.
M. Kevin Gray
Manning P.K.
Mastrofski S.D.
Mastrofski S.D.
Mastrofski S.D.
Mastrofski S.D.
Maxfield M.G.
Parks R.B.
Reiss A.J.
Reiss A.J.
Roger B. Parks
Sherman L.W.
Skogan W.G.
Skogan W.G.
Sparrow M.K.
Stephen D. Mastrofski
Thompson J.D.
Tien J.M.
Wilson J.Q.
Wilson J.Q.
Worden R.E.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Patrol officers and problem solving: An application of expectancy theory
Bittner E.
Black D.J.
+31 more
Buerger M.E.
Campbell J.P.
Christina Dejong
Coleman J.S.
Fogelson R.M.
Goldstein H.
Guyot D.
Maguire E.
Mastrofski S.D.
Mastrofski S.D.
Mastrofski S.D.
Mitchell T.R.
Muir W.K.
Reiss A.J.
Reiss A.J.
Reuss-Ianni E.
Roger B. Parks
Rubinstein J.
Sherman L.W.
Skolnick J.H.
Skolnick J.H.
Sparrow M.K.
Stephen D. Mastrofski
Trojanowicz R.
Van Maanen J.
Van Maanen J.
Walker S.
Whyte W.F.
Wilson J.Q.
Wilson J.Q.
Wilson J.Q.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Policing: The patrol sergeants’ perspective
C.P. McDowell
E.M. Scrivner
+8 more
H. Goldstein
J. Fink
N. Brewer
P.M. Walters
R. Aragon
R. Trojanowicz
Rick Bradstreet
S.D. Mastrofski
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Suspect disrespect toward the police
Alpert G.P.
Anderson E.
+34 more
Bittner E.
Black D.J.
Brown M.K.
Bruce M.A.
Bryk A.S.
Bursik R.J.
Felson R.B.
Gates H.L.
John D. McCluskey
Klockars C.
Kornhauser R.R.
Kurbin C.E.
Mastrofski S.D.
Mastrofski S.D.
Michael D. Reisig
Muir W.K.
Piquero A.
Reisig M.D.
Reiss A.J.
Rubenstein J.
Sampson R.J.
Sampson R.J.
Shaw C.R.
Simon H.A.
Skogan W.G.
Skogan W.G.
Skolnick J.H.
Stephen D. Mastrofski
Sykes R.E.
Terrill W.
Van Maanen J.
Westley W.A.
William Terrill
Wolfgang M.E.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Barton A.H.
Chambliss W., Seidman, R.
+10 more
Drabek T.E.
Greenberg S.W., Rohe, W.M.
Greene J.R., Klockars, C.B.
Klockars C.B.
Lane R.
Lundman R.J.
Mastrofski S.D.
Miami Herald
Parks E.L.
Silver A.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The Interaction between a Neighbourhood's Racial Composition and Officer Race in Community Policing: A Case Study from the Residential Area Policing Programme (RAPP), Cleveland, Ohio
Alex N.
Alpert G.
+11 more
Balkin J.
Kessler D.
Mastrofski S.D.
Miller S.
President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice
Schenul S.L.
Skogan W.C.
Smith D.A.
Smith D.A.
Trojanowicz R.C.
Tronjanowicz R.
Publication venue
'Vathek Publishing'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Police training and the effects of organization on drunk driving enforcement
Burns M.
Fogelson R.F.
+27 more
Gusfield J.
Horton R.L.
Jaccard J.
Jacobs J.B.
Manning P.K.
Manning P.K.
Mastrofski S.D.
McCampbell M.S.
Meyer J.W.
Meyers A.
R. Richard Ritti
Ross H.L.
Rubinstein J.
Saunders D.N.
Schwartz M.D.
Scott W.R.
Scott W.R.
Selznick P.
Stephen D. Mastrofski
Van Berkom L.
VanMaanen J.
Vingilis E.
Voas R.
Walker S.
Webster W.H.
Weiss A.
Wilson J.Q.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Situating Policing in a Late Modern Society: The Ontology of Police Identity
Banton M.
Bayley D.H.
+18 more
Brogden M.
Bryett K.
Bryett K.
Celeste Lawson
Clampitt P.G.
Daniels T.
Dillon M.
Fairclough N.
Foucault M.
Giddens A.
Manning P. K.
Mastrofski S.D.
Merton R.K.
Michels R.
Reiner R.
Sargent M.
Skolnick J.
Watson T.J.
Publication venue
'Vathek Publishing'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Police Activities to Counter Terrorism: What We Know and What We Need to Know
A Spencer
AG Arnold
+35 more
B Jongman
BC Welsh
C Lum
C McCauley
C Norris
C.C Fair
D Weisburd
D Weisburd
F.S Taxman
FS Taxman
HJ Davies
J Cauley
J-P Brodeur
J.E Eck
J.F Donnermeyer
JK Riley
LM Davis
LW Sherman
M Innes
M Norell
MR Haberfeld
P Chalk
P Wilkinson
R.D Crelinsten
R.V.G Clarke
R.V.G Clarke
R.V.G Clarke
R.V.G Clarke
S Telhami
S.A Loyka
S.D Mastrofski
SD Mastrofski
T.R Tyler
W Enders
W Enders
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Structural change in large municipal police organizations during the community policing era
Bayley D.H.
Bayley D.H.
+66 more
Bayley D.H.
Beyer J.M.
Black D.
Blau P.M.
Brown J.M.
Burns T.
Community Policing Consortium
Cordner G.
Cordner G.
Crank J.P.
Eck J.E.
Edward R. Maguire
Fogelson R.M.
Friedman W.
Goldstein H.
Goldstein H.
Goldstein H.
Greene J.R.
Greene J.R.
Guyot D.
Heisel W.D.
Hunter R.D.
Kelling G.
King W.R.
Kriesburg L.
Langworthy R.H.
Langworthy R.H.
Lipsky M.
Lutz C.
Manning P.K.
Manning P.K.
Manning P.K.
Manning P.K.
Manning P.K.
Mastrofski S.D.
Mastrofski S.D.
Mastrofski S.D.
McCoy C.
Miller W.R.
Mintzberg H.
Monkkonen E.H.
Moore M.H.
President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice
Reaves B.
Reaves B.
Reaves B.
Reiss A.J.
Rosenbaum D.
Scheingold S.A.
Scott W.R.
Skogan W.
Skolnick J.H.
Skolnick J.H.
Sparrow M.
Tafoya W.L.
Terrien F.W.
Thompson J.D.
Trojanowicz R.
Walker S.
Williams F.P.
Wilson J.Q.
Woods G.
Woodward J.
Wycoff M.A.
Yeh S.
Zhao J.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text