29 research outputs found

    Applications of scalar attractor solutions to Cosmology

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    We develop a framework to study the phase space of a system consisting of a scalar field rolling down an arbitrary potential with varying slope and a background fluid, in a cosmological setting. We give analytical approximate solutions of the field evolution and discuss applications of its features to the issues of quintessence, moduli stabilisation and quintessential inflation.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in PR

    Asymptotic behavior of w in general quintom model

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    For the quintom models with arbitrary potential V=V(ϕ,σ)V=V(\phi,\sigma), the asymptotic value of equation of state parameter w is obtained by a new method. In this method, w of stable attractors are calculated by using the ratio (d ln V)/(d ln a) in asymptotic region. All the known results, have been obtained by other methods, are reproduced by this method as specific examples.Comment: 8 pages, one example is added, accepted for publication in Gen. Rel. Gra

    Renormalization Group Approach to Generalized Cosmological models

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    We revisit here the problem of generalized cosmology using renormalization group approach. A complete analysis of these cosmologies, where specific models appear as asymptotic fixed-points, is given here along with their linearized stability analysis.Comment: 10 pages, to appear in the International Journal of Theoretical Physic

    Cosmological evolution of general scalar fields in a brane-world cosmology

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    We study the cosmology of a general scalar field and barotropic fluid during the early stage of a brane-world where the Friedmann constraint is dominated by the square of the energy density. Assuming both the scalar field and fluid are confined to the brane, we find a range of behaviour depending on the form of the potential. Generalising an approach developed for a standard Friedmann cosmology, in \cite{delaMacorra:1999ff}, we show that the potential dependence V(ϕ)V(\phi) can be described through a parameter Î»â‰Ąâˆ’2m53/2Vâ€Č/(HV)\lambda \equiv -\sqrt{2} m_5^{3/2} V'/(\sqrt{H}V), where m5m_5 is the 5-dimensional Planck mass, HH is the Hubble parameter and Vâ€Č≡dVdϕV' \equiv \frac{dV}{d\phi}. For the case where λ\lambda asymptotes to zero, we show that the solution exhibits stable inflationary behaviour. On the other hand if it approaches a finite constant, then V(ϕ)∝1ϕ2V(\phi) \propto \frac{1}{\phi^2}. For λ→∞\lambda \to \infty asymptotically, we find examples where it does so both with and without oscillating. In the latter case, the barotropic fluid dominates the scalar filed asymptotically. Finally we point out an interesting duality which leads to identical evolution equations in the high energy ρ2\rho^2 dominated regime and the low energy ρ\rho dominated regime.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure