15 research outputs found

    Randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effect of foot trimming before and after first calving on subsequent lameness episodes and productivity in dairy heifers

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    The objective of this study was to assess both independent and combined effects of routine foot trimming of heifers at 3 weeks pre-calving and 100 days post calving on the first lactation lameness and lactation productivity. A total of 419 pre-calving dairy heifers were recruited from one heifer rearing operation over a 10-month period. Heifers were randomly allocated into one of four foot trimming regimens; pre-calving foot trim and post-calving lameness score (Group TL), pre-calving lameness score and post-calving foot trim (Group LT), pre-calving foot trim and post-calving foot trim (Group TT), and pre-calving lameness score and post-calving lameness score (Group LL, control group). All heifers were scored for lameness at 24 biweekly time points for 1 year following calving, and first lactation milk production data were collected. Following calving, 172/419 (41.1%) of heifers became lame during the study (period prevalence), with lameness prevalence at each time-point following calving ranging from 48/392 (12.2%) at 29–42 days post-calving to 4/379 (1.1%) between 295 and 383 days after calving. The effects of the four treatment groups were not significantly different from each other for overall lameness period prevalence, biweekly lameness point prevalence, time to first lameness event, type of foot lesion identified at dry off claw trimming, or the 4% fat corrected 305-day milk yield. However, increased odds lameness was significantly associated with a pre-calving trim alone (P = 0.044) compared to the reference group LL. The odds of heifer lameness were highest between 0 and 6 weeks post-partum, and heifer farm destination was significantly associated with lameness (OR 2.24), suggesting that even at high standard facilities, environment and management systems have more effect on heifer foot health than trimming

    Locally administered TLR7 agonists drive systemic antitumor immune responses that are enhanced by anti-CD40 immunotherapy

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    Topical application of tumors with the TLR7 agonist imiquimod is an effective adjunct treatment for a range of primary dermatological cancers. However, for therapy to be effective against a broad range of solid tumor types, it must promote a strong systemic antitumor response that targets metastases in addition to primary tumor. We therefore investigated the potential of locally delivered imiquimod to stimulate an effective systemic antitumor response in a murine model of malignant mesothelioma (AB1-HA) with primary and distal tumors (dual tumor). Persistent delivery of imiquimod into primary tumor significantly retarded tumor growth in all treated mice compared with vehicle control. This local antitumor immune response required both CD8 T cells and NK cells, but not CD4 T cells, and was reliant on type I IFN induction. In vivo CTL studies and Ly6A/E staining of lymphocytes suggested that local imiquimod treatment had indeed induced a systemic, Ag-specific CD8 response. However, notably this response was not sufficient to retard the growth of an untreated distal tumor. Because local imiquimod treatment did not induce significant CD4 T cell responses, we investigated the efficacy of combining imiquimod with agonistic CD40 Ab (as a surrogate for CD4 T cell help). Combination of locally delivered imiquimod with systemic anti-CD40 immunotherapy not only significantly enhanced the local antitumor response, with 30% complete resolution, but it was also effective at significantly retarding growth of distal tumor. These results demonstrate that antitumor responses induced by locally delivered TLR7 agonists can be harnessed systemically for treating distal tumor

    Attitudes towards psychiatry amongst medical and nursing students in Singapore

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    10.1186/s12909-019-1518-xBMC Medical Education1919

    Effect of dietary counseling on a comprehensive metabolic profile from childhood to adulthood

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    Abstract Objectives: To study the effects of repeated, infancy-onset dietary counseling on a detailed metabolic profile. Effects of dietary saturated fat replacement on circulating concentrations of metabolic biomarkers still remain unknown. Study design: The Special Turku Coronary Risk Factor Intervention Project (STRIP) study is a longitudinal, randomized atherosclerosis prevention trial in which repeated dietary counseling aimed at reducing the proportion of saturated fat intake. Nuclear magnetic resonance metabolomics quantified circulating metabolites from serum samples assessed at age 9 (n = 554), 11 (n = 553), 13 (n = 508), 15 (n = 517), 17 (n = 457), and 19 (n = 417) years. Results: The intervention reduced dietary intake of saturated fat (mean difference in daily percentage of total energy intake: −2.1 [95% CI −1.9 to −2.3]) and increased intake of polyunsaturated fat (0.6 [0.5–0.7]). The dietary counseling intervention led to greater serum proportions of polyunsaturated fatty acids (P < .001), with greater proportions of both circulating omega-3 (P = .02) and omega-6 (P < .001) fatty acids. The proportion of saturated fatty acids in serum was lower for both boys and girls in the intervention group (P < .001), whereas the serum proportion of monounsaturated fat was lower for boys in the intervention group only (P < .001). The intervention also reduced circulating intermediate-density lipoprotein and low-density lipoprotein lipid concentrations (P < .01). Dietary intervention effects on nonlipid biomarkers were minor except from greater concentrations of glutamine in the intervention group. Conclusions: Repeated dietary counseling from infancy to early adulthood yielded favorable effects on multiple circulating fatty acids and lipoprotein subclass lipids, particularly in boys. These molecular effects substantiate the beneficial role of saturated fat replacement on the metabolic risk profile