1,542 research outputs found

    Fecundity compensation and tolerance to a sterilizing pathogen in <em>Daphnia</em>

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    Hosts are armed with several lines of defence in the battle against parasites: they may prevent the establishment of infection, reduce parasite growth once infected or persevere through mechanisms that reduce the damage caused by infection, called tolerance. Studies on tolerance in animals have focused on mortality, and sterility tolerance has not been investigated experimentally. Here, we tested for genetic variation in the multiple steps of defence when the invertebrate Daphnia magna is infected with the sterilizing bacterial pathogen Pasteuria ramosa: anti-infection resistance, anti-growth resistance and the ability to tolerate sterilization once infected. When exposed to nine doses of a genetically diverse pathogen inoculum, six host genotypes varied in their average susceptibility to infection and in their parasite loads once infected. How host fecundity changed with increasing parasite loads did not vary between genotypes, indicating that there was no genetic variation for this measure of fecundity tolerance. However, genotypes differed in their level of fecundity compensation under infection, and we discuss how, by increasing host fitness without targeting parasite densities, fecundity compensation is consistent with the functional definition of tolerance. Such infection-induced life-history shifts are not traditionally considered to be part of the immune response, but may crucially reduce harm (in terms of fitness loss) caused by disease, and are a distinct source of selection on pathogens

    The effect of Mexidol on magnesium-calcium balance and endothelial dysfunction in operational stress

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    <p>The aim of the study: to study the effect of mexidol content of ionized calcium and magnesium in erythrocytes and the number of circulating endothelial cells in patients undergoing surgery in the maxillofacial area. Material and methods. The intracellular concentration of calcium and magnesium was measured before the operation, in one, three and five days after the surgery with the help of cytochemical method. Mexidol (100mg) was administered intravenously as a single addition to the standard premedication. Results. After surgery, the intracellular calcium and magnesium content increased. After 24 hours, the magnesium level began to decline, and the calcium content in erythrocytes continued to grow. On day 5, the magnesium concentration in erythrocytes decreased below the initial level, and calcium levels remained significantly elevated. Number of endothelial cells in the blood increased immediately after surgery and magnesium-calcium balance and limits endothelial dysfunction. Mexidol continued growing, reaching a peak on day 5 after surgery. When using mexidol decreased levels of calcium and magnesium levels help prevent falls on the 5th day after surgery, decreased the number of circulating endothelial cells. Conclusion. Mexidol prevents postoperative magnesium violation.</p

    Mott insulators in strong electric fields

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    Recent experiments on ultracold atomic gases in an optical lattice potential have produced a Mott insulating state of Rb atoms. This state is stable to a small applied potential gradient (an `electric' field), but a resonant response was observed when the potential energy drop per lattice spacing (E), was close to the repulsive interaction energy (U) between two atoms in the same lattice potential well. We identify all states which are resonantly coupled to the Mott insulator for E close to U via an infinitesimal tunneling amplitude between neighboring potential wells. The strong correlation between these states is described by an effective Hamiltonian for the resonant subspace. This Hamiltonian exhibits quantum phase transitions associated with an Ising density wave order, and with the appearance of superfluidity in the directions transverse to the electric field. We suggest that the observed resonant response is related to these transitions, and propose experiments to directly detect the order parameters. The generalizations to electric fields applied in different directions, and to a variety of lattices, should allow study of numerous other correlated quantum phases.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures; (v2) minor additions and new reference

    Avoided Critical Behavior in a Uniformly Frustrated System

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    We study the effects of weak long-ranged antiferromagnetic interactions of strength QQ on a spin model with predominant short-ranged ferromagnetic interactions. In three dimensions, this model exhibits an avoided critical point in the sense that the critical temperature Tc(Q=0)T_c(Q=0) is strictly greater than limQ0Tc(Q)\lim_{Q\to 0} T_c(Q). The behavior of this system at temperatures less than Tc(Q=0)T_c(Q=0) is controlled by the proximity to the avoided critical point. We also quantize the model in a novel way to study the interplay between charge-density wave and superconducting order.Comment: 32 page Latex file, figures available from authors by reques

    Jacobi Fields on Statistical Manifolds of Negative Curvature

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    Two entropic dynamical models are considered. The geometric structure of the statistical manifolds underlying these models is studied. It is found that in both cases, the resulting metric manifolds are negatively curved. Moreover, the geodesics on each manifold are described by hyperbolic trajectories. A detailed analysis based on the Jacobi equation for geodesic spread is used to show that the hyperbolicity of the manifolds leads to chaotic exponential instability. A comparison between the two models leads to a relation among statistical curvature, stability of geodesics and relative entropy-like quantities. Finally, the Jacobi vector field intensity and the entropy-like quantity are suggested as possible indicators of chaoticity in the ED models due to their similarity to the conventional chaos indicators based on the Riemannian geometric approach and the Zurek-Paz criterion of linear entropy growth, respectively.Comment: 22 page

    Dual Vortex Theory of Strongly Interacting Electrons: Non-Fermi Liquid to the (Hard) Core

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    As discovered in the quantum Hall effect, a very effective way for strongly-repulsive electrons to minimize their potential energy is to aquire non-zero relative angular momentum. We pursue this mechanism for interacting two-dimensional electrons in zero magnetic field, by employing a representation of the electrons as composite bosons interacting with a Chern-Simons gauge field. This enables us to construct a dual description in which the fundamental constituents are vortices in the auxiliary boson fields. The resulting formalism embraces a cornucopia of possible phases. Remarkably, superconductivity is a generic feature, while the Fermi liquid is not -- prompting us to conjecture that such a state may not be possible when the interactions are sufficiently strong. Many aspects of our earlier discussions of the nodal liquid and spin-charge separation find surprising incarnations in this new framework.Comment: Modified dicussion of the hard-core model, correcting several mistake

    Interstitials, Vacancies and Dislocations in Flux-Line Lattices: A Theory of Vortex Crystals, Supersolids and Liquids

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    We study a three dimensional Abrikosov vortex lattice in the presence of an equilibrium concentration of vacancy, interstitial and dislocation loops. Vacancies and interstitials renormalize the long-wavelength bulk and tilt elastic moduli. Dislocation loops lead to the vanishing of the long-wavelength shear modulus. The coupling to vacancies and interstitials - which are always present in the liquid state - allows dislocations to relax stresses by climbing out of their glide plane. Surprisingly, this mechanism does not yield any further independent renormalization of the tilt and compressional moduli at long wavelengths. The long wavelength properties of the resulting state are formally identical to that of the ``flux-line hexatic'' that is a candidate ``normal'' hexatically ordered vortex liquid state.Comment: 21 RevTeX pgs, 7 eps figures uuencoded; corrected typos, published versio

    25th-order high-temperature expansion results for three-dimensional Ising-like systems on the simple cubic lattice

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    25th-order high-temperature series are computed for a general nearest-neighbor three-dimensional Ising model with arbitrary potential on the simple cubic lattice. In particular, we consider three improved potentials characterized by suppressed leading scaling corrections. Critical exponents are extracted from high-temperature series specialized to improved potentials, obtaining γ=1.2373(2)\gamma=1.2373(2), ν=0.63012(16)\nu=0.63012(16), α=0.1096(5)\alpha=0.1096(5), η=0.03639(15)\eta=0.03639(15), β=0.32653(10)\beta=0.32653(10), δ=4.7893(8)\delta=4.7893(8). Moreover, biased analyses of the 25th-order series of the standard Ising model provide the estimate Δ=0.52(3)\Delta=0.52(3) for the exponent associated with the leading scaling corrections. By the same technique, we study the small-magnetization expansion of the Helmholtz free energy. The results are then applied to the construction of parametric representations of the critical equation of state, using a systematic approach based on a global stationarity condition. Accurate estimates of several universal amplitude ratios are also presented.Comment: 40 pages, 15 figure

    Effectiveness of CFD simulation for the performance prediction of phase change building boards in the thermal environment control of indoor spaces

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    This is the post-print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2013 ElsevierThis paper reports on a validation study of CFD models used to predict the effect of PCM clay boards on the control of indoor environments, in ventilated and non-ventilated situations. Unlike multi-zonal models, CFD is important in situations where localised properties are essential such as in buildings with complex and large geometries. The employed phase change model considers temperature/enthalpy hysteresis and varying enthalpy-temperature characteristics to more accurately simulate the phase change behaviour of the PCM boards compared to the standard default modelling approach in the commercial CFD codes. Successful validation was obtained with a mean error of 1.0 K relative to experimental data, and the results show that in addition to providing satisfactory quantitative results, CFD also provides qualitative results which are useful in the effective design of indoor thermal environment control systems utilising PCM. These results include: i) temperature and air flow distribution within the space resulting from the use of PCM boards and different night ventilation rates; ii) the fraction of PCM experiencing phase change and is effective in the control of the indoor thermal environment, enabling optimisation of the location of the boards; and iii) the energy impact of PCM boards and adequate ventilation configurations for effective night charging.This work was funded through sponsorship from the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Grant No: EP/H004181/1

    Fate of Zero-Temperature Ising Ferromagnets

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    We investigate the relaxation of homogeneous Ising ferromagnets on finite lattices with zero-temperature spin-flip dynamics. On the square lattice, a frozen two-stripe state is apparently reached approximately 1/4 of the time, while the ground state is reached otherwise. The asymptotic relaxation is characterized by two distinct time scales, with the longer stemming from the influence of a long-lived diagonal stripe ``defect''. In greater than two dimensions, the probability to reach the ground state rapidly vanishes as the size increases and the system typically ends up wandering forever within an iso-energy set of stochastically ``blinking'' metastable states.Comment: 4 pages in column format, 6 figure