3,548 research outputs found

    Effects of the topology of social networks on information transmission

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    Social behaviours cannot be fully understood without considering the network structures that underlie them. Developments in network theory provide us with relevant modelling tools. The topology of social networks may be due to selection for information transmission. To investigate this, we generated network topologies with varying proportions of random connections and degrees of preferential attachment. We simulated two social tasks on these networks: a spreading innovation model and a simple market. Results indicated that non-zero levels of random connections and low levels of preferential attachment led to more efficient information transmission. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed

    Estimating urban flood risk - uncertainty in design criteria

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    The design of urban stormwater infrastructure is generally performed assuming that climate is static. For engineering practitioners, stormwater infrastructure is designed using a peak flow method, such as the Rational Method as outlined in the Australian Rainfall and Runoff (AR&R) guidelines and estimates of design rainfall intensities. Changes to Australian rainfall intensity design criteria have been made through updated releases of the AR&R77, AR&R87 and the recent 2013 AR&R Intensity Frequency Distributions (IFDs). The primary focus of this study is to compare the three IFD sets from 51 locations Australia wide. Since the release of the AR&R77 IFDs, the duration and number of locations for rainfall data has increased and techniques for data analysis have changed. Updated terminology coinciding with the 2013 IFD release has also resulted in a practical change to the design rainfall. For example, infrastructure that is designed for a 1: 5 year ARI correlates with an 18.13 % AEP, however for practical purposes, hydraulic guidelines have been updated with the more intuitive 20 % AEP. The evaluation of design rainfall variation across Australia has indicated that the changes are dependent upon location, recurrence interval and rainfall duration. The changes to design rainfall IFDs are due to the application of differing data analysis techniques, the length and number of data sets and the change in terminology from ARI to AEP. Such changes mean that developed infrastructure has been designed to a range of different design criteria indicating the likely inadequacy of earlier developments to the current estimates of flood risk. In many cases, the under-design of infrastructure is greater than the expected impact of increased rainfall intensity under climate change scenarios

    Spatial and temporal patterns of land surface fluxes from remotely sensed surface temperatures within an

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    International audienceCharacterising the development of evapotranspiration through time is a difficult task, particularly when utilising remote sensing data, because retrieved information is often spatially dense, but temporally sparse. Techniques to expand these essentially instantaneous measures are not only limited, they are restricted by the general paucity of information describing the spatial distribution and temporal evolution of evaporative patterns. In a novel approach, temporal changes in land surface temperatures, derived from NOAA-AVHRR imagery and a generalised split-window algorithm, are used as a calibration variable in a simple land surface scheme (TOPUP) and combined within the Generalised Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) methodology, to provide estimates of areal evapotranspiration at the pixel scale. Such an approach offers an innovative means of transcending the patch or landscape scale of SVAT type models, to spatially distributed estimates of model output. The resulting spatial and temporal patterns of land surface fluxes and surface resistance are used to more fully understand the hydro-ecological trends observed across a study catchment in eastern Australia. The modelling approach is assessed by comparing predicted cumulative evapotranspiration values with surface fluxes determined from Bowen ratio systems and using auxiliary information such as in-situ soil moisture measurements and depth to groundwater to corroborate observed responses

    Spatial and temporal patterns of land surface fluxes from remotely sensed surface temperatures within an uncertainty modelling framework

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    Characterising the development of evapotranspiration through time is a difficult task, particularly when utilising remote sensing data, because retrieved information is often spatially dense, but temporally sparse. Techniques to expand these essentially instantaneous measures are not only limited, they are restricted by the general paucity of information describing the spatial distribution and temporal evolution of evaporative patterns. In a novel approach, temporal changes in land surface temperatures, derived from NOAA-AVHRR imagery and a generalised split-window algorithm, are used as a calibration variable in a simple land surface scheme (TOPUP) and combined within the Generalised Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) methodology to provide estimates of areal evapotranspiration at the pixel scale. Such an approach offers an innovative means of transcending the patch or landscape scale of SVAT type models, to spatially distributed estimates of model output. The resulting spatial and temporal patterns of land surface fluxes and surface resistance are used to more fully understand the hydro-ecological trends observed across a study catchment in eastern Australia. The modelling approach is assessed by comparing predicted cumulative evapotranspiration values with surface fluxes determined from Bowen ratio systems and using auxiliary information such as in-situ soil moisture measurements and depth to groundwater to corroborate observed responses

    Endohelminths of a Snake Mackerel, Gempylus serpens (Trichiuroidea: Gempylidae), from the Gulf of Mexico

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    Endohelminths are reported from a female snake mackerel, Gempylus serpens (Trichiuroidea: Gempylidae), captured from a depth of 61 m in the Gulf of Mexico 140 km south of the mouth of Mobile Bay, AL, in August 1998. A diverse endohelminth parasite fauna was found: 29 plerocercoid type I tetraphyllideans from the lower intestine; 4 didymozoid metacercariae allocated to the collective group Monilicaecum and one didymozoid metacercaria of the collective group Torticaecum from the pyloric cecum; one juvenile Gonocerca phycidis from the stomach; and 5 larvae (L3 stage) comprising 3 species of Anisakis from the pyloric cecum. These nematodes were identified as species of Anisakis due to the presence of an oblong ventriculus lacking an appendix, no intestinal cecum or interlabia, 3 lips with dentigerous ridges, and an excretory pore located between the lateroventral lips. Differences in overall size and in the lengths of the ventriculus and esophagus in relation to total body length were used to distinguish the 3 species of Anisakis collected. Seven specimens of a possibly unnamed species of parasitic copepod representing Bomolochus infected the gill chamber. Stomach contents included 6 early-juvenile flatfish (Pleuronectiformes). All of the helminths are measured and illustrated, and for some of the parasites recovered, we are unaware of any reports from this host species

    Diel Vertical Movements of a Scalloped Hammerhead, \u3ci\u3eSphyrna lewini\u3c/i\u3e, in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

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    Despite the circumglobal distribution of scalloped hammerheads, Sphyrna lewini (Griffith and Smith, 1834), little information is available regarding fine-scale movement and habitat use patterns for this species. Over a 27-d period, data were collected on diel habitat use and environmental preferences of a 240 cm (total length) female S. lewini. The shark exhibited a consistent and repeated diel vertical movement pattern, making more than 76 deep nighttime dives; the maximum depth reached was 964 m, where the temperature was 5.8 degrees C. The purpose of the nightly oscillatory deep diving pattern is unknown but could possibly represent feeding behavior. These findings represent the first detailed account of S. lewini diel vertical behavior and habitat utilization in the western North Atlantic Ocean

    Spectral Signatures of the Diffusional Anomaly in Water

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    Analysis of power spectrum profiles for various tagged particle quantities in bulk SPC/E water is used to demonstrate that variations in mobility associated with the diffusional anomaly are mirrored in the exponent of the \onebyf\ region. Monitoring of \onebyf behaviour is shown to be a simple and direct method for linking phenomena on three distinctive length and time scales: the local molecular environment, hydrogen bond network reorganisations and the diffusivity. The results indicate that experimental studies of supercooled water to probe the density dependence of 1/fα1/f^\alpha spectral features, or equivalent stretched exponential behaviour in time-correlation functions, will be of interest.Comment: 5 Pages, 4 Figure

    Extremism propagation in social networks with hubs

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    One aspect of opinion change that has been of academic interest is the impact of people with extreme opinions (extremists) on opinion dynamics. An agent-based model has been used to study the role of small-world social network topologies on general opinion change in the presence of extremists. It has been found that opinion convergence to a single extreme occurs only when the average number of network connections for each individual is extremely high. Here, we extend the model to examine the effect of positively skewed degree distributions, in addition to small-world structures, on the types of opinion convergence that occur in the presence of extremists. We also examine what happens when extremist opinions are located on the well-connected nodes (hubs) created by the positively skewed distribution. We find that a positively skewed network topology encourages opinion convergence on a single extreme under a wider range of conditions than topologies whose degree distributions were not skewed. The importance of social position for social influence is highlighted by the result that, when positive extremists are placed on hubs, all population convergence is to the positive extreme even when there are twice as many negative extremists. Thus, our results have shown the importance of considering a positively skewed degree distribution, and in particular network hubs and social position, when examining extremist transmission

    On two-dimensional surface attractors and repellers on 3-manifolds

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    We show that if f:M3→M3f: M^3\to M^3 is an AA-diffeomorphism with a surface two-dimensional attractor or repeller B\mathcal B and MB2 M^2_ \mathcal B is a supporting surface for B \mathcal B, then B=MB2\mathcal B = M^2_{\mathcal B} and there is k≥1k\geq 1 such that: 1) MB2M^2_{\mathcal B} is a union M12∪...∪Mk2M^2_1\cup...\cup M^2_k of disjoint tame surfaces such that every Mi2M^2_i is homeomorphic to the 2-torus T2T^2. 2) the restriction of fkf^k to Mi2M^2_i (i∈{1,...,k})(i\in\{1,...,k\}) is conjugate to Anosov automorphism of T2T^2
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