14 research outputs found

    Estimating groundwater inputs from Sankarabarani River Basin, South India to the Bay of Bengal evaluated by Radium (226Ra) and nutrient fluxes

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    Sankarabarani river basin gains significance due to presence of major industrial, agricultural, urban development and tourist related activities has influenced the water quality in the estuarine environment.  Investigations about river water quality has been attempted but not more studies focus about the evaluation of groundwater discharge a significant process that connects groundwater and the coastal seawater have been attempted.  For the present study, radium (226Ra) a naturally occurring isotope was measured at three locations and used as effective tracers for estimating the groundwater discharge along with nutrient inputs to the Bay. Groundwater samples representing north east monsoon (December, 2017) has been collected during tidal variation in three locations (Location A- away from the coast towards inland, Location B-intermediate between Location A and the coast and Location C-at the estuary). 226Ra mass balance calculated groundwater fluxes irrespective of tidal variations were 2.27×108 m3/d, 2.19×108 m3/d and 5.22×107m3/d for A, B and C locations respectively. The nutrients like Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), Dissolved inorganic Phosphate (DIP) and Dissolved Silica (DSi) were found to be influencing the coastal groundwater by contributing fluxes to the sea of about 679.33 T mol/day. The study suggests increasing radium and nutrient fluxes to the Bay altering the coastal ecosystems would result in surplus algal blooms creating hypoxia

    Clustering Technique for Mobile Edge Computing To Detect Clumps in Transportation-Related Problems

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    The daily functioning of civilization depends heavily on transportation. In most cities, a sizable section of the working class consistently attends both employment and education. There are many different things you can do when commuting, such as unwinding, eating out, and other things. The most popular means of transportation in North Cyprus, particularly in developing cities, is island transportation, which includes the usage of both private cars and commercial vehicles. The advent of edge computing, which offers the opportunity to connect potent processing servers next to the mobile device, is a significant step toward improving user experience and reducing resource use. Mobile Edge Computing is the next trustworthy approach for how mobile devices consume communications and computing. Offloading computation is a key component developing mobile edge computing, which enables devices to get around clustering techniques' limitations and get around computing, storage, and energy constraints. However, computation offloading is not always the best strategy to use; making choosing unloading is a critical step that requires consideration of numerous factors. For instance, shifting the high-resource node to an edge server and granting similar capabilities to the low-resource nodes would delegate heavy duties to the external unit inside the network. The evaluations' results were noteworthy and substantial. Problems involving the vehicles of institutions and organizations can be resolved using the suggested solution to the school bus routing issue. We also test the impact of network latency on the delivery of a particular result using an Edge Computing simulator

    Contrasting response of rainfall extremes to increase in surface air and dewpoint temperatures at urban locations in India

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    Rainfall extremes are projected to increase under the warming climate. The Clausius-Clapeyron (C-C) relationship provides a physical basis to understand the sensitivity of rainfall extremes in response to warming, however, relationships between rainfall extremes and air temperature over tropical regions remain uncertain. Here, using station based observations and remotely sensed rainfall, we show that at a majority of urban locations, rainfall extremes show a negative scaling relationship against surface air temperature (SAT) in India. The negative relationship between rainfall extremes and SAT in India can be attributed to cooling (SAT) due to the monsoon season rain events in India, suggesting that SAT alone is not a good predictor of rainfall extremes in India. In contrast, a strong (higher than C-C rate) positive relationship between rainfall extremes and dew point (DPT) and tropospheric temperature (T850) is shown for most of the stations, which was previously unexplored. Subsequently, DPT and T850 were used as covariates for non-stationary daily design storms. Higher magnitude design storms were obtained under the assumption of a non-stationary climate. The contrasting relationship between rainfall extremes with SAT and DPT has implications for understanding the changes in rainfall extremes in India under the projected climate.by Haider Ali and Vimal Mishr