10 research outputs found

    Comparison of the effectiveness of solid nutrient medium in the in vitro cultivation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolates

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    Background. Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a facultatively anaerobic microorganism which is extremely demanding to the composition of a nutrient media and cultivation conditions. In a situation of the increasing shortage and cost of foreign components for the preparation of solid nutrient media, it is important to study the possibility of growing hard-to-cultivate microorganisms on domestically produced nutrient media.The aim of the study. To evaluate the growth of gonococcus colonies on two types of solid nutrient media – chocolate agar with growth and selective additives prepared using imported reagents and chocolate agar with growth additives manufactured by “Gem LTD” (Moscow, Russian Federation).Materials and methods. А reference strain of N. gonorrhoeae NCTC 12700/ ATCC 49226 and two types of chocolate agar (the first one – prepared in the State Scientific Center of Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology using imported components and the other one – from the domestic manufacturer “Gem LTD”) were used in the research.Results. The equivalence of the growth properties of both studied types of nutrient media when cultivating pure gonococcus was revealed.Conclusions. Ready-to-use chocolate agar with growth additives produced by “Gem LTD” can be successfully used in the laboratory for the cultivation of N. gonorrhoeae pure culture. Primary isolation of N. gonorrhoeae strains from clinical material is more appropriate to carry out on a medium that suppresses the growth of foreign microflora due to the inclusion of antibiotic additive. The organization of production of domestic bacteriological media for microorganisms with high nutrient requirements reduces the dependence of domestic microbiology on import and ensures their rapid delivery to laboratories

    Anatomy of the terminal branches of the superior rectal artery during selective doppler controlled dearterialization of the hemorrhoidal nodes (HAL-RAR)

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    Background: To date, there is no single standard for conducting HAL-RAR operations. The constant discussion raises the question of the number of terminal branches of the superior rectal artery, which must be ligated in the submucosal layer of the rectum in order to provide the adequate dearterialization of hemorrhoids. Aim: To study the anatomy of the branches of the superior rectal artery and to develop recommendations for the optimal ligation of the terminal branches of the superior rectal artery. Methods: 150 protocols of the previous operations have been studied. In order to further objectify our results, the results of radiation diagnostics (CT and MRI) were revised for 100 patients without pathological changes of the rectum and anal canal to study the variant anatomy of the superior rectal artery and its terminal branches in the rectal wall. Results: In 148 patients, 6 terminal branches were identified, in 2 (1.333%) patients, 5 branches were found. 100 cases without pathological changes were also analyzed (60 MRI and 40 CT scans). In all the cases, 6 terminal branches of the superior rectal artery were determined, located at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 o'clock positions of the conventional dial. At the same time, a large number of identified anatomical options for the branching of the VPA and the method for reaching the rectal wall should be noted, which we used as a basis to propose a classification. Conclusion: In the vast majority of cases, there are 6 terminal branches of the superior rectal artery, located in the lower ampulla of the rectum at approximately 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 hours of the conventional dial. A number of variants of the vascular anatomy of the proximal branches are possible, but 6 distal branches are involved in the direct blood supply of the hemorrhoids. When performing selective Doppler-controlled dearterialization of hemorrhoids, it is expedient to ligate 6 arterial vessels

    Мониторинг потребительского отношения населения к лекарственным средствам

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    Objective. Comparative analysis and monitoring of the population’s attitude to medicines through an assessment of their consumer qualities by visitors of pharmacies.Materials and Methods. Conducted two sociological survey thru the original questionnaires in 2002 and 2015 among pharmacy customers. Each survey included 380 respondents living in the cities of Central Russia. During the interviews, respondents were asked, among other things evaluate the 13 influencing their choice of consumer qualities of medicines. Six of these qualities characterize the pharmaceutical features and merchandising options are seven parameters of medicines. Statistical analysis used a set of indicators of variation statistics, ranking, rank correlation.Results. Ratings of consumer qualities of medicines are obtained for the studied years and changes in the whole period of monitoring. We have identified the priority characteristics of medicines which are essential for consumers, in particular: efficiency, clear information on the package, low cost, minor side effects, convenient way to receive.Conclusion. The revealed features of consumer attitudes to medicines should be taken into account pharmaceutical workers in information and consultative dealing with pharmacies visitors.Цель исследования – сравнительный анализ и мониторинг отношения населения к лекарственным средствам на основе оценки их потребительских качеств посетителями аптек.Материалы и методы. Проведены два социологических опроса по оригинальным анкетам в 2002 и 2015 гг. среди посетителей аптек. В каждом опросе приняли участие по 380 респондентов, проживающих в городах Центральной России. В ходе опросов респондентам предлагалось среди прочего оценить 13 влияющих на их выбор потребительских качеств лекарственных средств. Шесть этих качеств характеризуют фармацевтические особенности и семь – являются товароведческими параметрами лекарственных средств. Для статистической обработки использован комплекс показателей вариационной статистики, ранжирование, ранговая корреляция.Результаты. Получены рейтинги потребительских качеств лекарственных средств за исследуемые годы и их изменения в целом за период мониторинга. Определены приоритетные характеристики лекарственных средств, имеющие существенное значение для потребителей, в частности: эффективность, понятная информация на упаковке, низкая стоимость, незначительные побочные действия, удобный способ приема.Заключение. Выявленные особенности потребительского отношения к лекарственным средствам должны учитываться фармацевтическими работниками в информационно-консультативном общении с посетителями аптек

    Гендерные особенности в отношениях населения к лекарственным средствам

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    Objective. The study of gender features of attitudes visitors of pharmacies to medicines.Materials and Methods. Conducted sociological survey thru the original questionnaires in 2015 among pharmacy customers. The survey included 380 respondents (190 men and 190 women) living in the cities of Central Russia. During the interview, respondents were asked, among other things evaluate the 13 influencing their choice when buying of consumer qualities of medicines. For statistical analysis used the methods of variation statistics, ranking, grouping, correlation analysis.Results. We have identified the priority qualities of medicines which are essential for consumers, in particular: efficiency, minor side effects, low cost, clear information on the package, convenient medicinal form of production. We have not detected significant gender differences in the assessment of consumer qualities of medicines that led to the conclusion of equivalence of consumer attitudes of men and women to them.Цель исследования — изучение гендерных особенностей отношения посетителей аптек к лекарственным средствам.Материалы и методы. Проведен социологический опрос по оригинальной анкете в 2015 г. среди посетителей аптек. В опросе приняли участие 380 респондентов (190 мужчин и 190 женщин), проживающих в городах Центральной России. В ходе опроса респондентам предлагалось среди прочего оценить 13 влияющих на их выбор при покупке потребительских качеств лекарственных средств. Для статистической обработки использованы методы вариационной статистики, ранжирования, группировки, корреляционного анализа.Результаты. Определены приоритетные качества лекарственных средств, имеющие существенное значение для потребителей, в частности: эффективность, незначительные побочные действия, низкая стоимость, понятная информация на упаковке, удобная лекарственная форма. Не установлены существенные гендерные различия в оценке потребительских качеств лекарственных средств, что позволило сделать заключение о равнозначности потребительского отношения мужчин и женщин к ним

    Dynamics of the sensitivity of N. gonorrhoeae strains found in the territory of the Russian Federation in 2010-2013 to antimicrobial drugs used for the treatment of gonococcal infection

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    Goal of the study. To study the sensitivity of N. gonorrhoeae strains found in the territory of the Russian Federation in 2010- 2013 to antimicrobial drugs. Materials and methods. During the monitoring of antibiotic resistance of N. gonorrhoeae in 2010-2013, phenotypic properties of N. gonorrhoeae strains to antimicrobial drugs (penicillin, tetracycline, ciprofloxacin, spectinomycin, azithromycin and ceftriaxone) were examined by the agar serial dilution technique. As many as 1,305 viable N. gonorrhoeae strains from different regions of the russian Federation were examined. The results were evaluated according to the criteria such as CLSI (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institution) and EUCAST (European Committee for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing). The results were processed by using the WHONET software, version 5.4. Results. According to the results of a study of N. gonorrhoeae antibiotic resistance, N. gonorrhoeae is highly resistant to penicillin (in 2010 - 72.4%, in 2011 - 50.6%, in 2012 - 51.2%, in 2013 - 49.3%), to tetracycline (in 2010 - 68.5%, in 2011 - 55%, in 2012 - 61.9%, in 2013 - 49.3%) and ciprofloxacin (in 2010 - 56.2%, in 2011 - 37.1%, in 2012 - 35%, in 2013 - 24.6%) for the entire observation period without any substantial trend towards its reduction. During studies of the resistance of the gonococcal infection pathogen to spectinomycin, the share of non-sensitive strains to the antibiotic reduced from 16.7% in 2010 to 0.7% in 2013. A slight reduction in the share of non-sensitive N. gonorrhoeae strains to azithromycin was also observed (in 2010 - 15.3%, in 2011 - 25.3%, in 2012 - 17.5%, in 2013 - 9.9%) yet these data substantially exceed the level recommended by the WHO for prescribing an antimicrobial therapy. A high level of N. gonorrhoeae sensitivity to ceftriaxone (100%) was revealed in 2010-2013. Conclusions. According to the analysis of resistance of N. gonorrhoeae strains to antimicrobial drugs found in the territory of the russian Federation in 2010-2013, there is a trend towards the reduction in the number of non-sensitive N. gonorrhoeae strains to penicillin, tetracycline, ciprofloxacin, spectinomycin and azithromycin, which can confirm the efficacy of the Neisseria gonorrhoeae antibiotic resistance monitoring measures taken by State research Center of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology since 2002


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    Objective. The study of gender features of attitudes visitors of pharmacies to medicines.Materials and Methods. Conducted sociological survey thru the original questionnaires in 2015 among pharmacy customers. The survey included 380 respondents (190 men and 190 women) living in the cities of Central Russia. During the interview, respondents were asked, among other things evaluate the 13 influencing their choice when buying of consumer qualities of medicines. For statistical analysis used the methods of variation statistics, ranking, grouping, correlation analysis.Results. We have identified the priority qualities of medicines which are essential for consumers, in particular: efficiency, minor side effects, low cost, clear information on the package, convenient medicinal form of production. We have not detected significant gender differences in the assessment of consumer qualities of medicines that led to the conclusion of equivalence of consumer attitudes of men and women to them


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    Objective. Comparative analysis and monitoring of the population’s attitude to medicines through an assessment of their consumer qualities by visitors of pharmacies.Materials and Methods. Conducted two sociological survey thru the original questionnaires in 2002 and 2015 among pharmacy customers. Each survey included 380 respondents living in the cities of Central Russia. During the interviews, respondents were asked, among other things evaluate the 13 influencing their choice of consumer qualities of medicines. Six of these qualities characterize the pharmaceutical features and merchandising options are seven parameters of medicines. Statistical analysis used a set of indicators of variation statistics, ranking, rank correlation.Results. Ratings of consumer qualities of medicines are obtained for the studied years and changes in the whole period of monitoring. We have identified the priority characteristics of medicines which are essential for consumers, in particular: efficiency, clear information on the package, low cost, minor side effects, convenient way to receive.Conclusion. The revealed features of consumer attitudes to medicines should be taken into account pharmaceutical workers in information and consultative dealing with pharmacies visitors


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    Aim. Characteristics of contemporary strains of N. gonorrhoeae using NG-MAST genotyping (.Neisseria gonorrhoeae multi-antigen sequence typing), isolation of dominating variants and analysis of their territorial distribution. Materials and methods. 440 strains of N. gonorrhoeae isolated in 2012 - 2015 in 19 subjects of the Russian Federation were used in the study. Genotyping was carried out based on sequencing of variable regions of porB and tbpB genes. Identification of alleles and sequence-types was carried out according to http://www.ng-mast.net. Results. 172 NG-MAST genotypes were identified, 100 of which -were described for the first time. 807,1152, 1544,5714 and 5941 were predominating sequence-types, typical for several subjects of the Russian Federation and some neighboring countries, as well as sequence-types 8583 and 9476 described for the first time, that were exclusively distributed in the regions of their emergence. Sequence-types 225, 1407 and 2992, that are epidemically significant in distant countries, were represented by single isolates in this study. Conclusion. A peculiar and significant genetic diversity of N. gonorrhoeae strains, circulating in the Russian Federation, with characteristic bond of several NG-MAST genotypes to one or several regions, was shown


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    The article describes peculiarities of operation of the draw-bridge for combined traffic, the results of technical evaluation and tightness tests of the suspended cables of the drawbridge with vertically lifted span structure.Приводятся особенности работы разводного моста под совмещенную езду, результаты оценки технического состояния и испытаний натяжения подвесных канатов разводного моста с вертикально-подъемным пролетным строением.Наводено особливості роботи розвідного моста під сумісну їзду, результати оцінки технічного стану і випробувань натягнення підвісних канатів розвідного моста з вертикально-підйомною прогоновою будовою

    Analysis of the dynamics of <i>Neisseria gonorrhоeaе</i> resistance to antimicrobial drugs in the Russian Federation for the period 2005–2021

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    Background. Neisseria gonorrhoeae can rapidly develop resistance to antimicrobial agents due to innate mechanisms for the acquisition of antimicrobial resistance genes. Because of the rapid formation of resistance mechanisms of N. gonorrhoeae to the antimicrobial agents used in gonococcal therapy, the risk of incurable forms of the disease is high. The purpose of the study is to to summarize the results of RU-GASP over a 16-year period and assess the trends of N. gonorrhoeae resistance to antimicrobials used in the regimens of antibiotic therapy of gonococcal infection in Russia. Materials and methods. Study Objective. The study included 5356 isolates of N. gonorrhoeae received from January 2005 to December 2021 in State Scientific Center of Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology, Moscow of the Ministry of Health of Russia under the RU-GASP program from specialized medical organizations of dermatovenerological profile of 37 subjects of the Russian Federation. Primary identification of N. gonorrhoeae was performed using bacterioscopic and bacteriological methods. The cultures identified as N. gonorrhoeae were frozen in a cryogenic medium and transported to SSCDC. Received cultures were verified by biochemical criteria on a VITEK 2 Compact analyzer. For cultures identified as N. gonorrhoeae with less than 99% probability, a time-of-flight ionization mass spectrometer MALDI Microflex (Bruker Daltonics GmbH, Germany) was used for mass spectrometric analysis. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Sensitivity testing of N. gonorrhoeae to six antimicrobials penicillin, spectinomycin, ceftriaxone, tetracycline, azithromycin and ciprofloxacin was performed by serial dilution in agar with determination of minimum suppressive concentrations (MSC, mg/L). N. gonorrhoeae sensitivity to antibacterial agents was evaluated according to EUCAST criteria (The European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing, 2022, http://www.eucast.org). Results. The study showed the absence of significant changes in the ratio of sensitive and resistant to the action of antimicrobial drugs strains of N. gonorrhoeae that is a consequence of the effectiveness of the RU-GASP program, which allowed to exclude in time from therapeutic use the drugs for which a high proportion of the identified resistant strains was observed. Conclusion. Analysis of RU-GASP results over a 16-year period confirms the use of third-generation cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone, Cefixime) as the drugs of choice for therapy of gonococcal infection, and the aminocyclic antibiotic spectinomycin as an alternative drug. The continued evolution of the molecular mechanisms of antibiotic resistance of N. gonorrhoeae dictates the need to continue the RU-GASP program