303 research outputs found

    Upconversion assisted self-pulsing in a high-concentration erbium doped fiber laser

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    We report results on experimental and theoretical characterisation of self-pulsing in high concentration erbium doped fibre laser which is free from erbium clusters. Unlike previous models of self-pulsing accounting for pair-induced quenching (PIQ) on the clustered erbium ions, new model has been developed with accounting for statistical nature of the excitation migration and upconversion and resonance-like pumpto-signal intensity noise transfer. The obtained results are in a good agreement with the experimental data

    Theory of highly loaded coal-water slurries

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    There has been analyzed the existing schemes of strapping of circulated system of drilling set during drilling with well washing by the foam and argued the necessity of its efficient raising; there has been chosen the scheme of strapping of circulated system during drilling with well washing by the foam for the possibility of the most rational usage of existing foamgenerating equipment.В статті проаналізовані існуючі схеми обв'язки циркуляційної системи бурової установки при бурінні з промиванням свердловини піною та обґрунтована необхідність підвищення їх ефективності; для можливості найбільш раціонального використання існуючого піногенеруючого устаткування передбачена схема обв'язки циркуляційної системи при бурінні з промиванням свердловини піною

    Slow deterministic vector rogue waves

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    For an erbium-doped fiber laser mode-locked by carbon nanotubes, we demonstrate experimentally and theoretically a new type of the vector rogue waves emerging as a result of the chaotic evolution of the trajectories between two orthogonal states of polarization on the Poincare sphere. In terms of fluctuation induced phenomena, by tuning polarization controller for the pump wave and in-cavity polarization controller, we are able to control the Kramers time, i.e. the residence time of the trajectory in vicinity of each orthogonal state of polarization, and so can cause the rare events satisfying rogue wave criteria and having the form of transitions from the state with the long residence time to the state with a short residence time

    Changes in normalized permutation entropy during non-coherent pulsepulse interaction in the laser cavity

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    Summary form only given. Statistically extreme events, that is to say, the events which have L-shaped probability distribution function (PDF, or in other words L-statistics) and, in particular, the rogue wave (RW) events, constitute a special family of natural phenomena. Curiously, this kind of events is more common than it is believed. It was observed that the behavior of the systems which obey L-shaped statistics is clustered. Periods of high predictability and low volatility are followed by periods of drastic changes and high volatility, for example, RWs [1], earthquakes, epileptic seizures etc. Permutation entropy (PE) is an indicator of dynamical predictability of the system [2, 3] which allows quantization of the predictability or volatility. We report an investigation of using it to characterize the uncertainty period which was observed during pulse-pulse interaction in a long ring laser resonator without a saturable absorber. These resonators, in particular, the resonator built using Er3+ doped fiber (Fig.1), have polarization dependent instability near the lasing threshold [4] which leads to the generation of pulses propagating with different speed, either randomly or regularly. Using this property, an investigator can observe the mechanism of the pulse-pulse interaction in detai

    Fast and slow optical rogue waves in the fiber laser

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    We reported an experimental study on fast and slow temporal scaling of rogue waves’ emergence in a long (615 m) ring cavity erbium-doped fiber laser. The criterion for distinguishing between the fast and slow rogue waves is a comparison of the event lifetime with the system’s main characteristic time estimated from the decay of an autocorrelation function (AF). Thus, compared with the AF characteristic time, fast optical rogue wave (FORW) events have lifetime duration shorter than the AF decay time, and they appeared due to the mechanism of the pulse-to-pulse interaction and nonlinear pulse dynamics. In contrast, a slow optical rogue wave (SORW) has lifetime duration much longer than the decay time of the AF, which results from the hopping between different attractors. Switching between regimes can be managed by adjusting the in-cavity birefringence

    Researches of air and fuel rate influence on oxygen level in emissions of new type medium power coal boiler

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    The article deals with sustained fire coal boilers requirements engineering from a creating energy saving and ecological compatibility point of view. The article gives experimental data obtained on boilers which was made by LLP "Карплаз", Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan

    Time delays in PG1115+080: new estimates

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    We report new estimates of the time delays in the quadruple gravitationally lensed quasar PG1115+080, obtained from the monitoring data in filter R with the 1.5-m telescope at the Maidanak Mountain (Uzbekistan, Central Asia) in 2004-2006. The time delays are 16.4 days between images C and B, and 12 days between C and A1+A2, with image C being leading for both pairs. The only known estimates of the time delays in PG1115 are those based on observations by Schechter et al. (1997) -- 23.7 and 9.4 days between images C and B, C and A1+A2, respectively, as calculated by Schechter et al., and 25 and 13.3 days as revised by Barkana (1997) for the same image components with the use of another method. The new values of time delays in PG 1115+080 may be expected to provide larger estimates of the Hubble constant thus decreasing a diversity between the H_0 estimates taken from gravitationally lensed quasars and with other methods.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    Time delay between images of the lensed quasar UM673

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    We study brightness variations in the double lensed quasar UM673 (Q0142-100) with the aim of measuring the time delay between its two images. In the paper we combine our previously published observational data of UM673 obtained during the 2003 - 2005 seasons at the Maidanak Observatory with archival and recently observed Maidanak and CTIO UM673 data. We analyze the V, R and I-band light curves of the A and B images of UM673, which cover ten observational seasons from August 2001 to November 2010. We also analyze the time evolution of the difference in magnitudes between images A and B of UM673 over more than ten years. We find that the quasar exhibits both short-term (with amplitude of \sim 0.1 mag in the R band) and high-amplitude (\sim 0.3 mag) long-term variability on timescales of about several months and several years, respectively. These brightness variations are used to constrain the time delay between the images of UM673. From cross-correlation analysis of the A and B quasar light curves and error analysis we measure the mean time delay and its error of 89 \pm11 days. Given the input time delay of 88 days, the most probable value of the delay that can be recovered from light curves with the same statistical properties as the observed R-band light curves of UM673 is 95{+5/-16}{+14/-29} days (68 and 95 % confidence intervals). Analysis of the V - I color variations and V, R and I-band magnitude differences of the quasar images does not show clear evidence of the microlensing variations between 1998 and 2010.Comment: Submitted to A&A, 11 pages, 9 figure

    High-frequency vector harmonic mode locking driven by acoustic resonances

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    A controllable passive harmonic mode locking (HML) in an erbium-doped fiber laser with a soliton pulse shaping using a single-wall carbon nanotube has been experimentally demonstrated. By increasing the pump power and adjusting the in-cavity polarization controller, we reached the 51st-order harmonic (902 MHz) having the output power of 37 mW. We attribute the observed high-frequency HML to the electrostriction effect caused by periodic pulses and leading to excitation of the radial and torsional-radial acoustic modes in the transverse section of the laser. The exited acoustic modes play the role of the bandpass filter, which stabilizes the high-frequency HML regime