4 research outputs found

    Interrelation of irritable bowel syndrome and bacterial overgrowth: is there any?

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    The aim of review. To estimate possible interrelation between bacterial overgrowth syndromes in the small intestine (BOS) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).Key points. BOS and IBS are extremely common syndromes, that contributes to their casual coexistence within same patient from epidemiological point of view. Clinical symptoms of BOS and IBS include meteorism, abdominal pain and disorders of defecation, that are difficult, at first sight, for differential diagnostics. From positions of pathophysiology it is possible to believe, that the IBS causes background for development of BOS, on the contrary, BOS increases risk of IBS development. Unfortunately, despite of huge quantity of studies, there is lack of convincing evidence to this for the present time. The evidential base is generated according to the studies showing high frequency of pathological breath tests in patients with IBS in comparison to healthy patients, however at IBS the rapid intestinal transit can promote false-positive results of breath tests. Other portion of evidential data is based on empirical application of nonabsorbable antibiotics that results in reduc tion of IBS symptoms. Failure to cure IBS by enteroantiseptic drugs requires necessity of search for new ways of treatment, including agents with enterosorptive action, capable to reduce BOS, velocity of intestinal transit and manifestations of IBS

    Diagnosis of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders and Choice of Treatment Regimen in Constipation Patients

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    Aim. A practical review of functional gastrointestinal disorder diagnosis in constipation patients and the rationale for opting treatment.Key points. Functional constipation commonly afflicts different ages and negatively impacts the quality of life. The current diagnostic algorithm in chronic constipation includes the disease identification according to Rome Criteria IV, red-flag symptom detection and instrumental laboratory examination. Functional constipation is notably often associated with anorectal abnormalities that bear a diagnostic value to elaborate an apt treatment strategy. Anorectal manometry, rectal sensation and balloon expulsion tests are the well-studied and significant probing techniques for objective anorectal zone sensorimotor function assessment in patients with functional constipation. The article reviews modern diagnostic methods in functional defecation disorders.Conclusion. The examination and treatment algorithms presented will help improve diagnosis and apply the most suitable management in a constipation-associated functional digestive pathology

    Применение статорных лопаток во вспомогательных трактах герметичных насосов

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    Centrifugal pumps are the most extensive class of dynamic hydraulic machines, which are commonly used. So-called hermetic pumps, which possess a number of calculation and design features, stand apart among these machines. Rather complicated task is to calculate internal tracts of the hermetic pump, which are used to cool and lubricate its units. The article is concerned with this calculation, namely, the study of the hollow flow. In designing the hermetic pump, when simulating the flow through the accessory tracts, a so-called “lock” effect was detected between the rotor end and the side cover. This effect is caused by a macro-vortex formed in the hollow, which resulted in a significant pressure drop at the inlet of the shaft opening. Such a pressure drop leads to reducing fluid flow through the accessory tracts, which can cause overheating and failure of the engine and bearing units. In view of the large width of the hollow under consideration, to describe theoretically its flow is difficult. Therefore, a numerical simulation is the most accurate way to determine the impact degree of the macro-vortex on the flow process. The article shows a mathematical model used in computer modeling. Presents the images of a flowing part of the accessory tracts and the computation mesh. Also, gives the models to construct a mesh and the boundary conditions desirable to provide hydrodynamic calculation. Then, describes the possible ways to eliminate the “block” effect, i.e. to set an additional impeller, completely change the configuration of a flowing part of the internal tracts, as well as to add the stator blades to the side cover. The latter option was chosen, as the most optimal in terms of labor intensity and manufacturability. Further, to compare the nature of the flow with the blades and without them the article shows pressure distribution fields, vectors of velocity, and turbulent kinetic energy values. All the results obtained, including experimental ones, with errors are presented in the summary table.Центробежные насосы являются самым обширным классом динамических гидромашин, применяемых повсеместно. Среди этих машин выделяются так называемые герметичные насосы, которые обладают целым рядом особенностей расчета и конструкционного исполнения. Достаточно сложную задачу представляет собой расчет внутренних трактов герметичного насоса, служащих для охлаждения и смазывания его узлов. Данная статья посвящена этому расчету, а именно исследованию течения в пазухах. В ходе процесса проектирования герметичного насоса, при моделировании течения во вспомогательных трактах был обнаружен так называемый эффект запирания между торцом ротора и боковой крышкой. Связан этот эффект с образованием макровихря в пазухе, следствием чего явилось значительное падение давления на входе в отверстие вала. Такое падение давления приводит к уменьшению расхода жидкости через вспомогательные тракты, что может вызвать перегрев и выход из строя двигателя и подшипниковых узлов. Ввиду большой ширины рассматриваемой пазухи, теоретическое описание течения в ней затруднено, поэтому численное моделирование является наиболее точным способом определения степени влияния макровихря на процесс течения. В тексте статьи приведена используемая в ходе компьютерного моделирования математическая модель. Показаны изображения проточной части вспомогательных трактов и расчетной сетки. Также указаны модели построения сетки, граничные условия, необходимые для гидродинамического расчета. Далее приведены возможные способы устранения эффекта запирания, к которым относятся: установка дополнительного рабочего колеса, полное изменение конфигурации проточной части внутренних трактов, а также добавление статорных лопаток на боковую крышку. Последний вариант был выбран, как наиболее оптимальный с точки зрения трудоемкости и технологичности. Далее для сравнения характера течения с лопатками и без приведены поля распределения давления, вектора скорости и величины турбулентной кинетической энергии. Все полученные результаты, включая экспериментальные, представлены в сводной таблице с указанием погрешностей

    The Role of Motility Impairment in the Pathogenesis of Functional Disorders of the Gastrointestinal Tract and Modern Possibilities for Their Treatment (Resolution of an Expert Council and Literature Review)

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    Aim. To present the materials of an Expert Council, which was held on September 23, 2019 in Istanbul (Turkey) under the auspices of a World Gastroenterology Organisation congress and the support of the Abbott company.General provisions. During the work of the Expert Council, the role of motility disorders of the stomach and duodenum, intestines, gall bladder and the sphincter of Oddi in the development of functional diseases of the digestive system, such as functional dyspepsia (FD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), biliary dyskinesia (BD) was discussed, and the effectiveness of antispasmodics and prokinetics in their treatment was shown. At the same time, the advantages of the mebeverin antispasmodic drug, as well as the high efficiency and safety of the itopride hydrochloride prokinetic drug were noted. It is emphasized that, at the stage of a diagnostic search in the absence of “alarm symptoms” in patients with suspected FD, IBS, and BD, these drugs can be prescribed empirically.Conclusions. When selecting pharmacotherapy for patients with motor impairment, it is extremely important to consider the nature of these disorders. The use of modern medical preparations, which are characterized by a high level of safety and the targeted action towards a specific motility disorder, allows optimal therapy results to be achieved with minimal risks for the patient