717 research outputs found

    Quantum-dot-spin single-photon interface

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    Using background-free detection of spin-state-dependent resonance fluorescence from a single-electron charged quantum dot with an efficiency of 0:1%, we realize a single spin-photon interface where the detection of a scattered photon with 300 picosecond time resolution projects the quantum dot spin to a definite spin eigenstate with fidelity exceeding 99%. The bunching of resonantly scattered photons reveals information about electron spin dynamics. High-fidelity fast spin-state initialization heralded by a single photon enables the realization of quantum information processing tasks such as non-deterministic distant spin entanglement. Given that we could suppress the measurement back-action to well below the natural spin-flip rate, realization of a quantum non-demolition measurement of a single spin could be achieved by increasing the fluorescence collection efficiency by a factor exceeding 20 using a photonic nanostructure

    Caracterización integral de las propiedades fisicoquímicas, térmicas, composicionales y sensoriales del aceite de semilla de rosa mosqueta prensado en frío

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    In this study, cold-pressed rosehip seed oil was fully characterized. Acidity and oxidation levels were near the limit values or slightly exceeded them and improvement in the storage conditions was suggested. The oil started to crystallize at -45.25 °C, and melt at -25.56 °C. Linoleic acid (51.1%), β-sitosterol (84.6%), γ-tocopherol (773.76 µg/g) and rosmarinic acid (31.38 µg/g) were determined as major fatty acid, sterol, tocopherol and phenolic compound, respectively. For the first time, aromatic volatile compounds and sensory descriptive terms were determined for cold-pressed rosehip seed oil. Sixty-seven volatile compounds were detected and L-limonene was found to be a major volatile compound. According to the sensory analysis, timber/kindling and raw vegetable tastes/aromas were found to be relatively dominant. Consequently, it is thought that rosehip seeds can be used as a raw material for edible and nutritionally-rich cold-pressed oil production and/or as source oil for functional food preparations.En este estudio se caracterizó completamente el aceite de semilla de rosa mosqueta prensado en frío. Los niveles de acidez y oxidación estaban cerca de los valores límite o los excedían ligeramente y se sugirió mejorar las condiciones de almacenamiento. El aceite comenzó a cristalizar a -45,25°C y a fundirse a -25,56°C. Se determinó el ácido linoleico (51,1%), β-sitosterol (84,6%), γ-tocoferol (773,76 µg/g) y ácido rosmarínico (31,38 µg/g) como principal ácido graso, esterol, tocoferol y compuesto fenólico, respectivamente. Por primera vez, se determinaron compuestos aromáticos volátiles y términos descriptivos sensoriales para el aceite de semilla de rosa mosqueta prensado en frío. Se detectaron sesenta y siete compuestos volátiles y se descubrió que el L-limoneno era un compuesto volátil importante. Según el análisis sensorial, se encontró que los sabores/aromas de madera/astillas y vegetales crudos eran relativamente dominantes. En consecuencia, se cree que las semillas de rosa mosqueta pueden usarse como materia prima para la producción de aceite prensado en frío comestible y nutritivo y/o como aceite fuente para preparaciones de alimentos funcionales

    Aplicación de EOMs y arcillas naturales para la eliminación de MCPD y EG de aceites comestibles

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the removal of 3-monochloropropane-1,2-diol (3-MCPD) and glycidyl esters (GEs) from edible oils by using Metal Organic Frameworks (MOF) and natural clays. First, the model oil was treated with adsorbents and titanium (IV) butoxide-terephthalate MOF (Ti-MOF) and kaolin were selected as the best performing MOF along with natural clay, respectively, for the removal of 3-MCPD and GEs. The effects of treatment conditions were also investigated, 6.0% adsorbent level, 120 min treatment time and 95 ºC temperature were determined to be the best treatment parameters. Finally, palm oil samples were treated with Ti-MOF and kaolin under the selected conditions and removal of 3-MCPD and GEs was obtained at up to 27% and 58%, respectively. In conclusion, MOFs and natural clays showed good potential for the removal of 3-MCPD and GEs, and the efficiency of the treatment can be improved by modifying the adsorbents.El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar la eliminación de 3-monocloropropano-1,2-diol (3-MCPD) y ésteres de glicidilo (EG) de aceites comestibles mediante el uso de estructuras orgánicas metálicas (EOMs) y arcillas naturales. El aceite modelo se trató en primer lugar con adsorbentes, se seleccionaron titanium (IV) tereftalato de butóxido (Ti-EOM) y caolín como EOM y arcilla natural, respectivamente, para el mejor rendimiento en la eliminación de 3-MCPD y EG. También se investigaron los efectos de las condiciones de tratamiento y se seleccionaron como los mejores parámetros un nivel de adsorbente de 6,0%, un tiempo de tratamiento de 120 min y temperatura de tratamiento de 95ºC. Finalmente, las muestras de aceite de palma se trataron con Ti-EOM y caolín en las condiciones seleccionadas y se obtuvo una eliminación de 3-MCPD y EG de hasta 27% y 58%, respectivamente. En conclusión, los EOMs y las arcillas naturales mostraron un buen potencial para la eliminación de 3-MCPD y EG, y la eficiencia del tratamiento se puede mejorar modificando los adsorbentes

    Laparoscopically-assisted vaginal hysterectomy for enlarged uterus: operative outcomes and the learning curve

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to compare the effects of uterine size and surgeon experience on the surgical out­comes of laparoscopically-assisted vaginal hysterectomy (LAVH) for benign gynecological conditions. Material and methods: This was a retrospective analysis of 184 LAVH cases. All hysterectomies were performed by the same surgeon and divided into two groups, with uterine weight of < 280 g (group 1) and uterine weight of > 280 g (group 2). The groups were compared in terms of the effects of the uterine size and surgeon experience vs. the operative outcomes (operative time, change in hemoglobin levels, hospital stay, and perioperative complications). Results: No significant differences in mean age, parity, history of chronic systemic diseases and previous surgery history were observed between the two groups. However, operative time was significantly greater in group 2 as compared to group 1 (132.1 ± 42.7 minutes vs. 111.5 ± 30.4 minutes, p < 0.05). There were no differences in the hospital stay and perioperative complications between the two groups. One case of bladder injury occurred in each group and one patient underwent a second laparoscopic surgery for postoperative bleeding in group 2. Greater surgeon experience was demonstrated to be associated with decreased operative bleeding and, consequently, smaller differences between preoperative and postop­erative hemoglobin levels. Operative time was also reduced as the surgeon was getting more experienced but the effect did not reach statistical significance. Conclusions: Our study supports the thesis that LAVH is a safe and effective procedure for managing benign gynecologi­cal conditions. Despite increased operative time, LAVH can be safely performed for enlarged uterus in conjunction with increased surgeon experience

    Examination of inclinations of the spine at childhood and adolescence

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    Background: Spine is a column that consists of consecutively lined up vertebras. It includes medulla spinalis. It contributes the motions of head, neck and body. Spine is not a straight column. There is a convexity towards the front of the spine (lordosis) at cervical and lumbar areas in adults and a convexity towards the back of the spine (kyphosis) at thoracic and sacral spine areas.  Materials and methods: In this study, lateral magnetic resonance images of 731 children between 1 and 16 years of age were examined and their cervical lordosis, thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis angles were measured with Cobb method using ImageJ programme for every age group.  Results: The mean calculated cervical lordosis angles in 1–16-year-old children were found to be 20.51o ± 6.11o (minimum 17.96o ± 6.29o, maximum 23.50o ± ± 4.14o). It has been observed that cervical angle values decrease with age. The mean thoracic kyphosis angle measured was 28.71o ± 6.99o (minimum 24.55o ± ± 5.65o, maximum 30.44o ± 4.68o). Lumbar lordosis angle was 28.08o ± 7.39o (minimum 20.36o ± 6.59o, maximum 32.68o ± 6.03o). Thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis angle values increased with age. In our study, a statistical differ- ence was found in increasing thoracic kyphosis angle between 1-year-old group and 14-year-old group. Statistical difference was also found in decreasing cervical lordosis angle value between 1-year-old group and 16-year-old group. When we compare our study results with literature values, cervical lordosis values were similar, but lumbar lordosis values were lower.  Conclusions: In summary, we think that knowing sagittal plane inclinations of the spine developing in childhood and adolescence will contribute to earlier de- termination of pathologies. We also hope that it will contribute to clinical stages and other studies in this field.

    Spectroscopic and Photometric Study of the Contact Binary BO CVn

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    We present the results of the study of the contact binary system BO CVn. We have obtained physical parameters of the components based on combined analysis of new, multi-color light curves and spectroscopic mass ratio. This is the first time the latter has been determined for this object. We derived the contact configuration for the system with a very high filling factor of about 88 percent. We were able to reproduce the observed light curve, namely the flat bottom of the secondary minimum, only if a third light has been added into the list of free parameters. The resulting third light contribution is significant, about 20-24 percent, while the absolute parameters of components are: M1=1.16, M2=0.39, R1=1.62 and R2=1.00 (in solar units). The O-C diagram shows an upward parabola which, under the conservative mass transfer assumption, would correspond to a mass transfer rate of dM/dt = 6.3 \times 10-8M\odot/yr, matter being transferred from the less massive component to the more massive one. No cyclic, short-period variations have been found in the O-C diagram (but longer-term variations remain a possibility)Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication by New Astronom

    Defect-mediated ferromagnetism in ZnO:Mn nanorods

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    In this work, the structural, chemical and magnetic properties of ZnO:Mn nanorods were investigated. Firstly, well-aligned ZnO nanorods with their long axis parallel to the crystalline c-axis were successfully grown by the vapor phase transport technique on Si substrates coated with a ZnO buffer layer. Mn metal was then diffused into these nanorods at different temperatures in vacuum. From SEM results, ZnO:Mn nanorods were observed to have diameters of ~100 nm and lengths of 4 µm. XPS analysis showed that the Mn dopant substituted into the ZnO matrix with a valence state of +2. Magnetic measurements performed at room temperature revealed that undoped ZnO nanorods exhibit ferromagnetic behavior which may be related to oxygen vacancy defect-mediated d0 ferromagnetism. ZnO:Mn samples were seen to show an excess room temperature ferromagnetism that is attributed to the presence of oxygen vacancy defects forming bound magnetic polarons involving Mn

    Examination of modern and traditional applications in hazelnut production

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    Hazelnut production in Turkey, which is carried out in a land area of approximately 700 thousand ha and yields ~600 thousand t year-1 of in shell nuts, makes up about 70% of the world’s hazelnut production. Turkey is followed by Italy, Georgia, USA, Azerbaijan, China, Iran, Spain, respectively, in terms of major hazelnut producing countries. Italy is the second largest hazelnut producing country with a production area of 70 thousand ha. Its share of world production is approximately 10%. Spain is one other main hazelnut producing country with 14 thousand t year-1. A new European ERASMUS + Project “Examination of modern and traditional applications in hazelnut production” was prepared highlighting a “Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices”. Four partners from Turkey (Ordu Commercial Exchange, Ordu University, Ordu Governor and Altınordu Chamber of Agriculture), one from Italy (Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Viterbo), and one from Spain (IRTA-Mas de Bover, Tarragona) are involved in this EU project. The most fundamental problem in hazelnut is low quality and low yield according to the World trade union. Accordingly, teaching new methods to the farmers by sharing the best practices with vocational training in Turkey, Italy and Spain, which enjoy the highest shares in hazelnut culture, would make great contributions to this issue. At the same time, this would also provide policy makers with new ideas. Farmers learning appropriate agricultural methods and implementing them would increase the hazelnut production and improve fruit quality. The expected goals of the project are to develop cooperation between the institutions, increase hazelnut quality and productivity, learn and adopt new farming methods, plant a pilot orchard, draft a hazelnut booklet, increase the communication between farmers, and share the best practices among three countries. At the end of the project, the outputs obtained will be disseminated to all hazelnut sectors.s

    The Mediterranean Island Wetlands (MedIsWet) inventory: strengths and shortfalls of the currently available floristic data

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    MedIsWet (Conservation of the island wetlands of the Mediterranean Basin) is a MAVA funded project which aims at investigating all seasonal or permanent island wetlands both natural and artificial, with a minimum extent of 0.1 hectares. More than 16,000 wetlands from almost all the Mediterranean, including islands from France, Italy, Malta, Croatia, Cyprus, Tunisia, Turkey, Greece and Spain were mapped. Over 2,500 of them were inventoried in the field and more than 500 scientific contributions catalogued. In total, more than 35,000 plant occurrences were uploaded, in a standardised and comparable way, on the national open-source web portals. These can be related to the recorded threats, uses and other spatially retrievable information. Here, we show strengths and shortfalls of the already available information about the floristic records. Although further improvements are needed, we discuss how these data can be used for research and policy actions and to develop conservation projects

    Palaeozoic-Recent geological development and uplift of the Amanos Mountains (S Turkey) in the critically located northwesternmost corner of the Arabian continent

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    <p>We have carried out a several-year-long study of the Amanos Mountains, on the basis of which we present new sedimentary and structural evidence, which we combine with existing data, to produce the first comprehensive synthesis in the regional geological setting. The ca. N-S-trending Amanos Mountains are located at the northwesternmost edge of the Arabian plate, near the intersection of the African and Eurasian plates. Mixed siliciclastic-carbonate sediments accumulated on the north-Gondwana margin during the Palaeozoic. Triassic rift-related sedimentation was followed by platform carbonate deposition during Jurassic-Cretaceous. Late Cretaceous was characterised by platform collapse and southward emplacement of melanges and a supra-subduction zone ophiolite. Latest Cretaceous transgressive shallow-water carbonates gave way to deeper-water deposits during Palaeocene-Eocene. Eocene southward compression, reflecting initial collision, resulted in open folding, reverse faulting and duplexing. Fluvial, lagoonal and shallow-marine carbonates accumulated during Late Oligocene(?)-Early Miocene, associated with basaltic magmatism. Intensifying collision during Mid-Miocene initiated a foreland basin that then infilled with deep-water siliciclastic gravity flows. Late Miocene-Early Pliocene compression created mountain-sized folds and thrusts, verging E in the north but SE in the south. The resulting surface uplift triggered deposition of huge alluvial outwash fans in the west. Smaller alluvial fans formed along both mountain flanks during the Pleistocene after major surface uplift ended. Pliocene-Pleistocene alluvium was tilted towards the mountain front in the west. Strike-slip/transtension along the East Anatolian Transform Fault and localised sub-horizontal Quaternary basaltic volcanism in the region reflect regional transtension during Late Pliocene-Pleistocene (<4 Ma).</p