433 research outputs found

    Mapping monoclonal anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody repertoires against diverse coronavirus antigens

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    Variants of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) have emerged continuously, challenging the effectiveness of vaccines, diagnostics, and treatments. Moreover, the possibility of the appearance of a new betacoronavirus with high transmissibility and high fatality is reason for concern. In this study, we used a natively paired yeast display technology, combined with next-generation sequencing (NGS) and massive bioinformatic analysis to perform a comprehensive study of subdomain specificity of natural human antibodies from two convalescent donors. Using this screening technology, we mapped the cross-reactive responses of antibodies generated by the two donors against SARS-CoV-2 variants and other betacoronaviruses. We tested the neutralization potency of a set of the cross-reactive antibodies generated in this study and observed that most of the antibodies produced by these patients were non-neutralizing. We performed a comparison of the specific and non-specific antibodies by somatic hypermutation in a repertoire-scale for the two individuals and observed that the degree of somatic hypermutation was unique for each patient. The data from this study provide functional insights into cross-reactive antibodies that can assist in the development of strategies against emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants and divergent betacoronaviruses

    The Clinical Promise of Biomarkers of Synapse Damage or Loss in Alzheimer’s Disease

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    BACKGROUND: Synapse damage and loss are fundamental to the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and lead to reduced cognitive function. The goal of this review is to address the challenges of forging new clinical development approaches for AD therapeutics that can demonstrate reduction of synapse damage or loss. The key points of this review include the following: Synapse loss is a downstream effect of amyloidosis, tauopathy, inflammation, and other mechanisms occurring in AD.Synapse loss correlates most strongly with cognitive decline in AD because synaptic function underlies cognitive performance.Compounds that halt or reduce synapse damage or loss have a strong rationale as treatments of AD.Biomarkers that measure synapse degeneration or loss in patients will facilitate clinical development of such drugs.The ability of methods to sensitively measure synapse density in the brain of a living patient through synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2A (SV2A) positron emission tomography (PET) imaging, concentrations of synaptic proteins (e.g., neurogranin or synaptotagmin) in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), or functional imaging techniques such as quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) provides a compelling case to use these types of measurements as biomarkers that quantify synapse damage or loss in clinical trials in AD. CONCLUSION: A number of emerging biomarkers are able to measure synapse injury and loss in the brain and may correlate with cognitive function in AD. These biomarkers hold promise both for use in diagnostics and in the measurement of therapeutic successes

    A Workshop on Cognitive Aging and Impairment in the 9/11-Exposed Population

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    The terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 potentially exposed more than 400,000 responders, workers, and residents to psychological and physical stressors, and numerous hazardous pollutants. In 2011, the World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP) was mandated to monitor and treat persons with 9/11-related adverse health conditions and conduct research on physical and mental health conditions related to the attacks. Emerging evidence suggests that persons exposed to 9/11 may be at increased risk of developing mild cognitive impairment. To investigate further, the WTCHP convened a scientific workshop that examined the natural history of cognitive aging and impairment, biomarkers in the pathway of neurodegenerative diseases, the neuropathological changes associated with hazardous exposures, and the evidence of cognitive decline and impairment in the 9/11-exposed population. Invited participants included scientists actively involved in health-effects research of 9/11-exposed persons and other at-risk populations. Attendees shared relevant research results from their respective programs and discussed several options for enhancements to research and surveillance activities, including the development of a multi-institutional collaborative research network. The goal of this report is to outline the meeting’s agenda and provide an overview of the presentation materials and group discussion

    Preventing β-amyloid fibrillization and deposition: β-sheet breakers and pathological chaperone inhibitors

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    Central to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the conversion of normal, soluble β-amyloid (sAβ) to oligomeric, fibrillar Aβ. This process of conformational conversion can be influenced by interactions with other proteins that can stabilize the disease-associated state; these proteins have been termed 'pathological chaperones'. In a number of AD models, intervention that block soluble Aβ aggregation, including β-sheet breakers, and compounds that block interactions with pathological chaperones, have been shown to be highly effective. When combined with early pathology detection, these therapeutic strategies hold great promise as effective and relatively toxicity free methods of preventing AD related pathology

    Preclinical and clinical biomarker studies of CT1812:A novel approach to Alzheimer's disease modification

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    INTRODUCTION: Amyloid beta (Aβ) oligomers are one of the most toxic structural forms of the Aβ protein and are hypothesized to cause synaptotoxicity and memory failure as they build up in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients’ brain tissue. We previously demonstrated that antagonists of the sigma-2 receptor complex effectively block Aβ oligomer toxicity. CT1812 is an orally bioavailable, brain penetrant small molecule antagonist of the sigma-2 receptor complex that appears safe and well tolerated in healthy elderly volunteers. We tested CT1812’s effect on Aβ oligomer pathobiology in preclinical AD models and evaluated CT1812’s impact on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) protein biomarkers in mild to moderate AD patients in a clinical trial (ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02907567). METHODS: Experiments were performed to measure the impact of CT1812 versus vehicle on Aβ oligomer binding to synapses in vitro, to human AD patient post mortem brain tissue ex vivo, and in living APP(Swe)/PS1dE9 transgenic mice in vivo. Additional experiments were performed to measure the impact of CT1812 versus vehicle on Aβ oligomer-induced deficits in membrane trafficking rate, synapse number, and protein expression in mature hippocampal/cortical neurons in vitro. The impact of CT1812 on cognitive function was measured in transgenic Thy1 huAPP(Swe/Lnd+) and wild-type littermates. A multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel group trial was performed to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and impact on protein biomarker expression of CT1812 or placebo given once daily for 28 days to AD patients (Mini-Mental State Examination 18–26). CSF protein expression was measured by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in samples drawn prior to dosing (Day 0) and at end of dosing (Day 28) and compared within each patient and between pooled treated versus placebo-treated dosing groups. RESULTS: CT1812 significantly and dose-dependently displaced Aβ oligomers bound to synaptic receptors in three independent preclinical models of AD, facilitated oligomer clearance into the CSF, increased synaptic number and protein expression in neurons, and improved cognitive performance in transgenic mice. CT1812 significantly increased CSF concentrations of Aβ oligomers in AD patient CSF, reduced concentrations of synaptic proteins and phosphorylated tau fragments, and reversed expression of many AD-related proteins dysregulated in CSF. DISCUSSION: These preclinical studies demonstrate the novel disease-modifying mechanism of action of CT1812 against AD and Aβ oligomers. The clinical results are consistent with preclinical data and provide evidence of target engagement and impact on fundamental disease-related signaling pathways in AD patients, supporting further development of CT1812

    Studying synapses in human brain with array tomography and electron microscopy

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    Postmortem studies of synapses in human brain are problematic due to the axial resolution limit of light microscopy and the difficulty preserving and analyzing ultrastructure with electron microscopy. Array tomography overcomes these problems by embedding autopsy tissue in resin and cutting ribbons of ultrathin serial sections. Ribbons are imaged with immunofluorescence, allowing high-throughput imaging of tens of thousands of synapses to assess synapse density and protein composition. The protocol takes approximately 3 days per case, excluding image analysis, which is done at the end of the study. Parallel processing for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) using a protocol modified to preserve structure in human samples allows complimentary ultrastructural studies. Incorporation of array tomography and TEM into brain banking is a potent way of phenotyping synapses in well-characterized clinical cohorts to develop clinico-pathological correlations at the synapse level. This will be important for research in neurodegenerative disease, developmental diseases, and psychiatric illness

    Ginkgo Biloba Extract Ameliorates Oxidative Phosphorylation Performance and Rescues Aβ-Induced Failure

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    Energy deficiency and mitochondrial failure have been recognized as a prominent, early event in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Recently, we demonstrated that chronic exposure to amyloid-beta (Abeta) in human neuroblastoma cells over-expressing human wild-type amyloid precursor protein (APP) resulted in (i) activity changes of complexes III and IV of the oxidative phosphorylation system (OXPHOS) and in (ii) a drop of ATP levels which may finally instigate loss of synapses and neuronal cell death in AD. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate whether standardized Ginkgo biloba extract LI 1370 (GBE) is able to rescue Abeta-induced defects in energy metabolism

    iTRAQ Analysis of Complex Proteome Alterations in 3xTgAD Alzheimer's Mice: Understanding the Interface between Physiology and Disease

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by progressive cognitive impairment associated with accumulation of amyloid β-peptide, synaptic degeneration and the death of neurons in the hippocampus, and temporal, parietal and frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex. Analysis of postmortem brain tissue from AD patients can provide information on molecular alterations present at the end of the disease process, but cannot discriminate between changes that are specifically involved in AD versus those that are simply a consequence of neuronal degeneration. Animal models of AD provide the opportunity to elucidate the molecular changes that occur in brain cells as the disease process is initiated and progresses. To this end, we used the 3xTgAD mouse model of AD to gain insight into the complex alterations in proteins that occur in the hippocampus and cortex in AD. The 3xTgAD mice express mutant presenilin-1, amyloid precursor protein and tau, and exhibit AD-like amyloid and tau pathology in the hippocampus and cortex, and associated cognitive impairment. Using the iTRAQ stable-isotope-based quantitative proteomic technique, we performed an in-depth proteomic analysis of hippocampal and cortical tissue from 16 month old 3xTgAD and non-transgenic control mice. We found that the most important groups of significantly altered proteins included those involved in synaptic plasticity, neurite outgrowth and microtubule dynamics. Our findings have elucidated some of the complex proteome changes that occur in a mouse model of AD, which could potentially illuminate novel therapeutic avenues for the treatment of AD and other neurodegenerative disorders

    Early detection of cryptic memory and glucose uptake deficits in pre-pathological APP mice

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    Earlier diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer's disease would greatly benefit from the identification of biomarkers at the prodromal stage. Using a prominent animal model of aspects of the disease, we here show using clinically relevant methodologies that very young, pre-pathological PDAPP mice, which overexpress mutant human amyloid precursor protein in the brain, exhibit two cryptic deficits that are normally undetected using standard methods of assessment. Despite learning a spatial memory task normally and displaying normal brain glucose uptake, they display faster forgetting after a long delay following performance to a criterion, together with a strong impairment of brain glucose uptake at the time of attempted memory retrieval. Preliminary observations suggest that these deficits, likely caused by an impairment in systems consolidation, could be rescued by immunotherapy with an anti-β-amyloid antibody. Our data suggest a biomarker strategy for the early detection of β-amyloid-related abnormalities
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