12 research outputs found

    Two distinct STLV-1 subtypes infecting Mandrillus sphinx follow the geographic distribution of their hosts

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    The mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx) has been shown to be infected with an STLV-1 closely related to HTLV-1. Two distinct STLV-1 subtypes (D and F) infect wild mandrills with high overall prevalence (27.0%) but are different with respect to their phylogenetic relationship and parallel to the mandrills' geographic range. The clustering of these new STLV-1mnd sequences with HTLV-1 subtype D and F suggests first, past simian-tohuman transmissions in Central Africa and second, that species barriers are easier to cross over than geographic barriers

    Conference Highlights of the 16th International Conference on Human Retrovirology: HTLV and Related Retroviruses, 26–30 June 2013, Montreal, Canada

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    On a Continuous-Time Game with Incomplete Information

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    Immunovirological Analyses of Chronically Simian Immunodeficiency Virus SIVmnd-1- and SIVmnd-2-Infected Mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx)â–¿

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    Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection in African nonhuman primate (NHP) natural hosts is usually nonpathogenic, despite high levels of virus replication. We have previously shown that chronic SIV infection in sooty mangabeys (SMs) and African green monkeys (AGMs) is associated with low levels of immune activation and bystander T cell apoptosis. To compare these features with those observed in another natural host, the mandrill (MND), we conducted a cross-sectional survey of the 23 SIV-infected and 25 uninfected MNDs from the only semifree colony of mandrills available worldwide. Viral loads (VLs) were determined and phenotypic and functional analysis of peripheral blood- and lymph node-derived lymphocytes was performed. We found that mandrills chronically infected with SIVmnd-1 or SIVmnd-2 have similar levels of viral replication, and we observed a trend toward lower CD4+ T cell counts in chronically SIVmnd-2-infected MNDs than SIVmnd-1-infected MNDs. No correlation between CD4+ T cell counts and VLs in SIV-infected MNDs could be established. Of note, the levels of T cell activation, proliferation, and apoptosis were comparable between SIVmnd-1- and SIVmnd-2-infected MNDs and to those observed in uninfected animals, with the only exception being an increase in tumor necrosis factor alpha-producing CD8+ T cells in SIVmnd-2-infected MNDs. Overall, these findings recapitulate previous observations in SIV-infected SMs and AGMs and lend further evidence to the hypothesis that low levels of immune activation protect natural SIV hosts from disease progression