117 research outputs found

    Strange Messages: Chemical and Thermal Freeze-out in Nuclear Collisions

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    Thermal models are commonly used to interpret heavy-ion data on particle yields and spectra and to extract the conditions of chemical and thermal freeze-out in heavy-ion collisions. I discuss the usefulness and limitations of such thermal model analyses and review the experimental and theoretical evidence for thermalization in nuclear collisions. The crucial role of correlating strangeness production data with single particle spectra and two-particle correlation measurements is pointed out. A consistent dynamical picture for the heavy-ion data from the CERN SPS involves an initial prehadronic stage with deconfined color and with an appreciable isotropic pressure component. This requires an early onset of thermalization.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, talk given at Strange Quark Matter '98, Padova, Italy, 20-24 July 1998, to be published in J. Phys. G 25; final version with updated reference

    Entropy production by resonance decays

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    We investigate entropy production for an expanding system of particles and resonances with isospin symmetry -- in our case pions and ρ\rho mesons -- within the framework of relativistic kinetic theory. A cascade code to simulate the kinetic equations is developed and results for entropy production and particle spectra are presented.Comment: 17 pages, 10 ps-figures included, only change: preprint number adde

    Measures of Charge Fluctuations in Nuclear Collisions

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    The properties of two measures of charge fluctuations D and Delta Phi_q are discussed within several toy models of nuclear collisions. In particular their dependence on mean particle multiplicity, multiplicity fluctuations and net electric charge are studied. It is shown that the measure Delta Phi_q is less sensitive to these trivial biasing effects than the originally proposed measure D. Furthermore the influence of resonance decay kinematics is analysed and it is shown that it is likely to shadow a possible reduction of fluctuations due to QGP creation.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Strangeness Conservation in Hot Nuclear Fireballs

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    A constraint between thermal fireball parameters arises from the requirement that the balance of strangeness in a fireball is (nearly) zero. We study the impact of this constraint on (multi-)strange (anti-)baryon multiplicities and compare the hadron gas and quark-gluon plasma predictions. We explore the relation between the entropy content and particle multiplicities and show that the data are compatible with the quark-gluon plasma hypothesis, but appear to be inconsistent with the picture of an equilibrated hadron gas fireball. We consider the implications of the results on the dynamics of evolution and decay of the particle source.Comment: 35 pages, 11 postscript figures, report PAR/LPTHE/92--2

    Chemical equilibration of strangeness

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    Thermal models are very useful in the understanding of particle production in general and especially in the case of strangeness. We summarize the assumptions which go into a thermal model calculation and which differ in the application of various groups. We compare the different results to each other. Using our own calculation we discuss the validity of the thermal model and the amount of strangeness equilibration at CERN-SPS energies. Finally the implications of the thermal analysis on the reaction dynamics are discussed.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX (figures included); Talk given at the Int. Symposium on Strangeness in Quark Matter 1997, Santorini (Greece), April 199

    Thermal analysis of hadron multiplicities from relativistic quantum molecular dynamics

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    Some questions arising in the application of the thermal model to hadron production in heavy ion collisions are studied. We do so by applying the thermal model of hadron production to particle yields calculated by the microscopic transport model RQMD(v2.3). We study the bias of incomplete information about the final hadronic state on the extraction of thermal parameters.It is found that the subset of particles measured typically in the experiments looks more thermal than the complete set of stable particles. The hadrons which show the largest deviations from thermal behaviour in RQMD(v2.3) are the multistrange baryons and antibaryons. We also looked at the influence of rapidity cuts on the extraction of thermal parameters and found that they lead to different thermal parameters and larger disagreement between the RQMD yields and the thermal model.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, uses REVTEX, only misprint and stylistic corrections, to appear in Physical Review

    Anomalous Multiplicity Fluctuations from Phase Transitions in Heavy Ion Collisions

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    Event-by-event fluctuations and correlations between particles produced in relativistic nuclear collisions are studied. The fluctuations in positive, negative, total and net charge are closely related through correlations. In the event of a phase transitions to a quark-gluon plasma, fluctuations in total and net charge can be enhanced and reduced respectively which, however, is very sensitive to the acceptance and centrality. If the colliding system experiences strong density fluctuations due, e.g., to droplet formation in a first-order phase transition, all fluctuations can be enhanced substantially. The importance of fluctuations and correlations is exemplified by event-by-event measurement of the multiplicities of J/ΨJ/\Psi's and charged particles since these observables should anti-correlate in the presence of co-mover or anomalous absorption.Comment: revised version to appear in Phys. Rev. C, 5 page

    Particle Number Fluctuations in Canonical Ensemble

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    Fluctuations of charged particle number are studied in the canonical ensemble. In the infinite volume limit the fluctuations in the canonical ensemble are different from the fluctuations in the grand canonical one. Thus, the well-known equivalence of both ensembles for the average quantities does not extend for the fluctuations. In view of a possible relevance of the results for the analysis of fluctuations in nuclear collisions at high energies, a role of the limited kinematical acceptance is studied.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, LaTe

    HBT search for new states of matter in A+A collisions

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    A method allowing studies of the hadronic matter at the early evolution stage in A+A collisions is developed. It is based on an interferometry analysis of approximately conserved values such as the averaged phase-space density (APSD) and the specific entropy of thermal pions. The plateau found in the APSD behavior vs collision energy at SPS is associated, apparently, with the deconfinement phase transition at low SPS energies; a saturation of this quantity at the RHIC energies indicates the limiting Hagedorn temperature for hadronic matter. It is shown that if the cubic power of effective temperature of pion transverse spectra grows with energy similarly to the rapidity density (that is roughly consistent with experimental data), then the interferometry volume is inverse proportional to the pion APSD that is about a constant because of limiting Hagedorn temperature. This sheds light on the HBT puzzle.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, minor correction

    Hydrodynamical assessment of 200 AGeV collisions

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    We are analyzing the hydrodynamics of 200 A GeV S+S collisions using a new approach which tries to quantify the uncertainties arising from the specific implementation of the hydrodynamical model. Based on a previous phenomenological analysis we use the global hydrodynamics model to show that the amount of initial flow, or initial energy density, cannot be determined from the hadronic momentum spectra. We additionally find that almost always a sizeable transverse flow deve- lops, which causes the system to freeze out, thereby limiting the flow velocity in itself. This freeze-out dominance in turn makes a distinction between a plasma and a hadron resonance gas equation of state very difficult, whereas a pure pion gas can easily be ruled out from present data. To complete the picture we also analyze particle multiplicity data, which suggest that chemical equilibrium is not reached with respect to the strange particles. However, the over- population of pions seems to be at most moderate, with a pion chemical potential far away from the Bose divergence.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figs in separate uuencoded file, for LateX, epsf.tex, dvips, TPR-94-5 and BNL-(no number yet