937 research outputs found

    Topological superconductivity in bilayer Rashba system

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    We theoretically study a possible topological superconductivity in the interacting two layers of Rashba systems, which can be fabricated by the hetero-structures of semiconductors and oxides. The hybridization, which induces the gap in the single particle dispersion, and the electron-electron interaction between the two layers leads to the novel phase diagram of the superconductivity. It is found that the topological superconductivity {\it without breaking time-reversal symmetry} is realized when (i) the Fermi energy is within the hybridization gap, and (ii) the inter-layer interaction is repulsive, both of which can be satisfied in realistic systems. Edge channels are studied in a tight-binding model numerically, and the several predictions on experiments are also given.Comment: 5 page

    Holographic Lattices, Dimers, and Glasses

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    We holographically engineer a periodic lattice of localized fermionic impurities within a plasma medium by putting an array of probe D5-branes in the background produced by N D3-branes. Thermodynamic quantities are computed in the large N limit via the holographic dictionary. We then dope the lattice by replacing some of the D5-branes by anti-D5-branes. In the large N limit, we determine the critical temperature below which the system dimerizes with bond ordering. Finally, we argue that for the special case of a square lattice our system is glassy at large but finite N, with the low temperature physics dominated by a huge collection of metastable dimerized configurations without long-range order, connected only through tunneling events.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures; v2: minor revisions mad

    Higgs Mass and Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment in Supersymmetric Models with Vector-Like Matters

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    We study the muon anomalous magnetic moment (muon g-2) and the Higgs boson mass in a simple extension of the minimal supersymmetric (SUSY) Standard Model with extra vector-like matters, in the frameworks of gauge mediated SUSY breaking (GMSB) models and gravity mediation (mSUGRA) models. It is shown that the deviation of the muon g-2 and a relatively heavy Higgs boson can be simultaneously explained in large tan-beta region. (i) In GMSB models, the Higgs mass can be more than 135 GeV (130 GeV) in the region where muon g-2 is consistent with the experimental value at the 2 sigma (1 sigma) level, while maintaining the perturbative coupling unification. (ii) In the case of mSUGRA models with universal soft masses, the Higgs mass can be as large as about 130 GeV when muon g-2 is consistent with the experimental value at the 2 sigma level. In both cases, the Higgs mass can be above 140 GeV if the g-2 constraint is not imposed.Comment: 26 pages; 7 figures; corrected typos; minor change

    Moments of a single entry of circular orthogonal ensembles and Weingarten calculus

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    Consider a symmetric unitary random matrix V=(vij)1≤i,j≤NV=(v_{ij})_{1 \le i,j \le N} from a circular orthogonal ensemble. In this paper, we study moments of a single entry vijv_{ij}. For a diagonal entry viiv_{ii} we give the explicit values of the moments, and for an off-diagonal entry vijv_{ij} we give leading and subleading terms in the asymptotic expansion with respect to a large matrix size NN. Our technique is to apply the Weingarten calculus for a Haar-distributed unitary matrix.Comment: 17 page

    Instanton Calculus of Lifshitz Tails

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    For noninteracting particles moving in a Gaussian random potential, there exists a disagreement in the literature on the asymptotic expression for the density of states in the tail of the band. We resolve this discrepancy. Further we illuminate the physical facet of instantons appearing in replica and supersymmetric derivations with another derivation employing a Lagrange multiplier field.Comment: 5 page

    Contracted Representation of Yang's Space-Time Algebra and Buniy-Hsu-Zee's Discrete Space-Time

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    Motivated by the recent proposition by Buniy, Hsu and Zee with respect to discrete space-time and finite spatial degrees of freedom of our physical world with a short- and a long-distance scales, lPl_P and L,L, we reconsider the Lorentz-covariant Yang's quantized space-time algebra (YSTA), which is intrinsically equipped with such two kinds of scale parameters, λ\lambda and RR. In accordance with their proposition, we find the so-called contracted representation of YSTA with finite spatial degrees of freedom associated with the ratio R/λR/\lambda, which gives a possibility of the divergence-free noncommutative field theory on YSTA. The canonical commutation relations familiar in the ordinary quantum mechanics appear as the cooperative Inonu-Wigner's contraction limit of YSTA, λ→0\lambda \to 0 and $R \to \infty.

    Lepton Flavor Violation and Cosmological Constraints on R-parity Violation

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    In supersymmetric standard models R-parity violating couplings are severely constrained, since otherwise they would erase the existing baryon asymmetry before the electroweak transition. It is often claimed that this cosmological constraint can be circumvented if the baryon number and one of the lepton flavor numbers are sufficiently conserved in these R-parity violating couplings, because B/3-L_i for each lepton flavor is separately conserved by the sphaleron process. We discuss the effect of lepton flavor violation on the B-L conservation, and show that even tiny slepton mixing angles \theta_{12} \gsim {\cal O}(10^{-4}) and \theta_{23}, \theta_{13}\gsim {\cal O}(10^{-5}) will spoil the separate B/3-L_i conservation. In particular, if lepton flavor violations are observed in experiments such as MEG and B-factories, it will imply that all the R-parity violating couplings must be suppressed to avoid the B-L erasure. We also discuss the implication for the decay of the lightest MSSM particle at the LHC.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures. v2: minor change

    Near-Infrared Extinction in The Coalsack Globule 2

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    We have conducted J, H, and Ks imaging observations for the Coalsack Globule 2 with the SIRIUS infrared camera on the IRSF 1.4 m telescope at SAAO, and determined the color excess ratio, E(J-H)/E(H-Ks). The ratio is determined in the same photometric system as our previous study for the rho Oph and Cha clouds without any color transformation; this enables us to directly compare the near-infrared extinction laws among these regions. The current ratio E(J-H)/E(H-Ks) = 1.91 +- 0.01 for the extinction range 0.5 < E(J-H) <1.8 is significantly larger than the ratios for the rho Oph and Cha clouds (E(J-H)/E(H-Ks) = 1.60-1.69). This ratio corresponds to a large negative index alpha = 2.34 +- 0.01 when the wavelength dependence of extinction is approximated by a power law which might indicate little growth of dust grains, or larger abundance of dielectric non-absorbing components such as silicates, or both in this cloud. We also confirm that the color excess ratio for the Coalsack Globule 2 has a trend of increasing with decreasing optical depth, which is the same trend as the rho Oph and Cha clouds have.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, and 2 tables, Ap
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