139 research outputs found

    Нормативне забезпечення особистої безпеки працівників Національної поліції України

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    The level of normative provision of personal safety of the employees of the National Police of Ukraine has been clarified. The normative base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the National Police of Ukraine in regard to ensuring the personal safety of a police officer has been analyzed. It has been established that the normative level stipulates a norm on ensuring the personal safety of police officers in the performance of their official duties, but the legislator does not provide an explanation of the essence of the concept of personal safety. The lack of the definition of this concept in regulatory acts gives rise to a number of discussions among scholars in various fields of research. The most successful definitions of the concepts of security and personal safety of law enforcement officers have been consistently studied. In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police” and in order to ensure the personal safety of police officers and to prevent the death, injury and trauma of them and others during the handling of weapons, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine approved the Instruction on security measures when handling weapons, which is only a part of the official activities of police agencies (institutions, organizations) and does not reveal the essence of the content of personal safety. It has been offered to regulate the high level of performance of police duties by police officers, i.e. to supplement the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police” or the relevant bylaws with the definition of “personal safety of police officers”, which can help to address theoretical and practical issues on developing concrete measures to increase the personal safety of police officers and to stop discussions on understanding this concept.З’ясовано рівень нормативного забезпечення особистої безпеки працівників Національної поліції України. Проаналізовано нормативну базу, яка стосується діяльності Національної поліції України. Установлено, що на нормативному рівні закріплено норму щодо забезпечення особистої безпеки поліцейських під час виконання ними службових обов’язків, але роз’яснення сутті поняття особистої безпеки законодавець нормативно не закріпив. В умовах реформування системи Міністерства внутрішніх справ України та діяльності Національної поліції України для забезпечення високого рівня виконання працівниками поліції своїх службових обов’язків потрібне нормативне регулювання змісту їх особистої безпеки, що припинить марні дискусії науковців у сфері висунення гіпотез щодо розуміння поняття «особиста безпека поліцейського»


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    Introduction. Chronic tonsillitis (CT) occupies a leading place in the structure of general Oto-rhino-laryngology (ORL) pathology which is characterized by a tendency to an increase in the number of patients with recurrent course, the development of complications and the diversity of etiopathogenetic mechanisms of onset. It has been established that the most acceptable tactic for the prevention of exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis is the use of various groups of drugs that enhance the humoral immunity of the mucous membranes. The drug Ismigen is an immunostimulant based on a bacterial lysate, which increases the body's resistance to infections due to an increase in serum and secretory antibodies, activation of cellular and humoral factors of nonspecific immunity. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of Ismigen in the complex treatment of patients with chronic decompensated tonsillitis by studying the dynamics of microbiological indicators. Materials and methods. To achieve this goal, 31 patients with chronic decompensated tonsillitis (CDT) were examined. Patients were divided into 2 groups depending on the proposed treatment regimen: Group A: patients with chronic decompensated tonsillitis who underwent laser tonsillotomy - 15 patients; Group B: patients with chronic decompensated tonsillitis who underwent laser tonsillotomy with further immunostimulation with the drug Ismigen - 16 patients. The control group (CG) consisted of 17 practically healthy individual. Patient in group B had sublingual Ismigen postoperatively: once daily for a period for a period of 10 days. Microbiological examination of the material from the mucous membranes of the tonsils or oropharynx was carried out in dynamics before the treatment, 7 days after the treatment and 1-2 months after the end of the course of treatment. A comprehensive assessment of the status of the oropharynx microbiocenosis was carried out in accordance with the criteria described earlier. According to these criteria, the status of the microbiocenosis of the oropharynx was divided into: eubiosis, dysbiosis of the 1st degree, dysbiosis of the 2nd degree and dysbiosis of the 3rd degree. Results and discussion. Before treatment, in the decompensated state of CT (59.7±2.8) % of the examined subjects was accompanied by dysbiotic manifestations and were classified to grade 3: 60.0% of patients in group A and in 62.5% of patients in group B. In no case pathology of the tonsils did not reveal the microbiological picture of eubiosis. Carrying out various types of therapeutic measures for patients with CDT positively affected the microbiocenosis status of the studied biotope in comparison with the initial data. Comparison of the results of microbiological examination of patients in groups A and B showed the advantages of using immunocorrection after laser tonsillotomy. Thus, in 81.3% of the examined group B microbiocenoses of the mucous membranes of preserved tonsils are represented by eubiosis, compared with 26.7% in group A (p<0.01). The rest of the patients (18.7%) of group B showed dysbiotic phenomena of 1st degree, against 53.3% of persons in group A (p<0.05). The study of the species composition of the oropharynx microbiota of patients with CDT before treatment and its comparison with bacterial antigens that are part of the preparation of Ismigen showed that practically every patient had persistent one or two respiratory pathogens, which are eliminated by bacterial lysates of Ismigen. Immediately after the treatment, there were no significant differences in the incidence of the above-mentioned bacteria between groups of patients. Respiratory pathogens were detected in 5 patients of group A and 3 patients of group B. The density of seeding of the biotope decreased significantly compared to baseline values and averaged lg (4.1±0.2) CFU/g (p <0.01). 1-2 months after the treatment in none of the patients who received the preparation of «Ismigen», the indicated bacteria were detected in the microbiocenosis of the mucous tonsils, against 66.7% of the group A patients who did not undergo sublingual immunization (p<0.01) . «Sanitizing», with respect to the microbial factor of CT, the effectiveness of performed tonsillotomy in a third of patients of group A was lost. The aforementioned respiratory pathogens are most often encountered in chronic inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract. Long-term persistence of microorganisms is accompanied by aggravation of immunological disorders and an increased risk of recurrence of the disease [14]. Our studies confirmed the above for patients in Group A, who underwent adequate pathogenetic organ-sparing treatment of the tonsils, but without subsequent immunocorrection. Conclusions. 1. Ismigen, administered to patients with chronic decompensated tonsillitis as part of complex treatment provided a more pronounced antimicrobial effect and promoted restoration of the normocoenosis of the oropharynx. 2. Laser tonsillotomy performed with further immunomodulation with the help of immunostimulant on the basis of bacterial lysates Ismigen, allows to achieve the indices of microbial communities of the mucous membranes of preserved tonsils, which did not differ statistically from the microbiota of the control group of practically healthy persons: in 81.3% of patients, eubiosis and in 18.7% of the dysbiosis of the 1st degree. In persons without pathology of the tonsils, these indicators were 88.2% and 11.8%, respectively. 3. Ismigen has a selective antimicrobial effect against the most common respiratory pathogens, which is objectively manifested by the restoration of the eubiotic colonization profile of the oropharynx in patients with CDT 1-2 months after treatment


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    В статье представлены результаты исследования взаимосвязи личностных особенностей с показателями по депрессии, тревоге и безнадежности у подростков с суицидальными мыслями. Цель исследования состояла в определении индивидуально-личностных характеристик, наиболее присущих подросткам с суицидальными мыслями, а также взаимосвязи данных характеристик с показателями тревоги, депрессии, безнадежности и суицидальных мыслей по шкалам Бека. Посредством корреляционного анализа было выявлено, что к суицидальным мыслям больше склонны подростки с высокими показателями по таким шкалам, как ригидность, индивидуализм и интроверсия. Исследование проводилось на базе Центра психотерапии С. Скляра путем опроса подростков, обратившихся в Центр с жалобами на наличие суицидальных мыслей. Индивидуально-личностные особенности определялись с помощью «Стандартизированного многофакторного метода исследования личности» (СМИЛ). В исследовании была выявлена взаимосвязь показателей шкал СМИЛа с показателями по шкалам тревоги, депрессии, безнадежности и суицидальных мыслей А. Бека. Ценность и значимость исследования заключается в том, что по его результатам возможно составление плана профилактических мероприятий по превенции суицидального поведения среди подростков, а также для определения мишеней индивидуальной психотерапии подростков, находящихся в группе риска. Ключевые слова: подростки, подростковый суицид, личностные особенности, шкалы А. Бека

    Микробиологические аспекты пробиотических препаратов

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    The main stages of the beginning and development of probiotic preparations, the general characteristics of modern probiotics, the scope of their use in medicine and veterinary are presented. The characteristics of microorganisms (bifidus bacteria, lactobacteria and Bacillus bacteria) used in the production of probiotics, the basic requirements that should be met by these organisms, as well as prospects for the development of probiotics are shown. Розглянуто основні етапи виникнення та розвитку пробіотичних препаратів, загальну характеристику сучасних пробіотиків, сфери їх використання в медицині та ветеринарії. Наведено характеристику мікроорганізмів (біфідобактерій, лактобактерій, бактерій роду Bacillus), які використовуються у виробництві пробіотиків, основні вимоги, яким повинні відповідати ці мікроорганізми, а також перспективи розвитку застосування пробіотиків.Рассмотрены основные этапы возникновения и развития пробиотических препаратов, общая характеристика современных пробиотиков, сферы их использования в медицине и ветеринарии. Дана характеристика микроорганизмов (бифидобактерий, лактобактерий, бактерий рода Bacillus), используемых в производстве пробиотиков, основные требования, которым должны отвечать эти микроорганизмы, а также перспективы развития применения пробиотиков.

    From Monitoring the Commitment to Inoculations among Healthcare Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic to Overcoming Communication Risks in the Process of Vaccination

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    Introduction: The epidemic process of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) can be managed only through vaccination. Yet, despite the availability of effective immunobiological preparations, health administrators often face a negative attitude of the population, including healthcare professionals, to vaccination. Objective: To establish commitment of workers of health facilities to vaccination against COVID–19 during different periods of the pandemic using modern online resources and to justify the need to develop effective practices of dealing with communicative risks in the course of vaccination. Materials and methods: The study was conducted in several successive stages corresponding to five waves of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Russian Federation by means of an online survey of 5,304 health workers using Google Forms. We applied sociological and statistical methods of research. Results: We observed that the attitude to vaccination against COVID-19 among the employees of health institutions was ambiguous and changed over time demonstrating a gradual increase in adherence to inoculations. The potential risk group with a negative attitude towards vaccination included female nurses and workers of non-medical specialties with less than five years of work experience. An insufficient level of commitment to coronavirus vaccination among the personnel of health facilities has been also noted in other countries, which is a serious problem on a global scale hindering the victory over this novel infection. Conclusion: We assessed commitment to inoculations against COVID-19 among medical workers using modern online resources and found its inadequate level necessitating effective interventions aimed at awareness raising and training in modern practices of effective communications. © 2023, Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology. All rights reserved

    Soluble cuticular wax composition and antimicrobial activity of the fruits of Chaenomeles species and an interspecific hybrid

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    Plants of the genus Chaenomeles Lindl. (Rosaceae) naturally grow in Southeast Asia and represent the richest resource of biologically active compounds with beneficial properties for humans. Plants of C. japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. and C. speciosa (Sweet) Nakai species, and interspecific hybrid C. × superba (Frahm) Rehder (C. japonica × C. speciosa, Superba group) have been successfully introduced in the steppe zone of Ukraine and bear fruits. In this study, we evaluated chemical composition of fruit cuticular waxes and antimicrobial activity of fruit extracts. The soluble waxes were characterized using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and 26–36 compounds, representing 91.7–96.6% of the total soluble cuticular waxes, were identified. Waxes of Chaenomeles fruits belonged to six classes, namely fatty acids, alcohols, aldehydes, esters, ethers and alkanes. Aldehydes 7-hexadecenal and heptacosanal, and alkanes hexatriacontane and tetrapentacontane were the main constituents in the soluble cuticular waxes of C. speciosa and C. × superba fruits, accounting for more than half of the total contents. However, alkane tetrapentacontane, alcohol 8,10-hexadecadien-1-ol and heptacosanal prevailed in C. japonica fruit waxes. Isopropanolic fruit extracts exhibited dose-dependent antimicrobial activity against four Gram-negative bacteria, five Gram-positive bacteria and one fungal strain in the disc diffusion assay. In general, extracts from the Chaenomeles fruits demonstrated higher activity against Gram+ bacteria than Gram- strains. The strongest inhibiting activity was shown against Staphylococcus epidermidis (by the fruit extracts of C. × superba and C. speciosa), Micrococcus lysodeikticus and Candida albicans (both by C. × superba fruit extract). Results of the study confirmed accumulation of the bioactive compounds in the fruit waxes of different Chaenomeles species and antimicrobial ability of Chaenomeles fruits as well. These findings revealed the bioactive compounds in fruit cuticular waxes and suggested health-promoting properties of introduced Chaenomeles species

    Фотодинамическая терапия в нейроонкологии

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    Literature review reflects the current status and development status of intraoperative photodynamic therapy in neurooncology and discusses the results of the most important studies on photodynamic  therapy (PDT). We searched the Pubmed, EMBASE, Cochrane Library and eLibrary data-bases for publications  published  between January 2000 and December 2022. Found 204 publications  in foreign sources and 59 publications  in domestic editions, dealing with the issues of photodynamic  therapy in neurooncology. An analysis of the literature has shown that intraoperative PDT in neurooncology is an important tool that contributes to increasing the radicality of the operation and local control. The basic rationale for the effectiveness of PDT lies in the study of the pathways leading to the complete devitalization of a malignant tumor, the study of the mechanisms of the local and systemic immune response. In addition, subcellular targets in PDT are determined by the properties of photosensitizers (PS). Second generation PSs have already been introduced into clinical practice. The effectiveness of PDT using photoditazine, 5-aminolevulinic acid has been demonstrated. The mechanisms of action and targets of these PS have been established. In Russia, a number of studies have repeatedly shown and proved the clinical effectiveness of PDT in groups of neurooncological patients with glial tumors and secondary metastatic tumors, but so far, the method has not been included in the clinical guidelines for the provision of high-tech neurosurgical care. There is certainly a need for further development of PTD techniques in neurooncology, especially in patients at high risk of recurrence and aggressive CNS tumors.Выполнен обзор литературы, отражающий современное состояние и степень разработанности  методики интраоперационной  фотодинамической терапии (ФДТ) в нейроонкологи. Представлены к обсуждению результаты наиболее значимых исследований, посвященных ФДТ в нейроонкологии. Проведен анализ научных публикаций по данной тематике в базах данных Pubmed, EMBASE, Cochrane Library и eLibrary, опубликованных в промежуток времени с января 2000 г. по декабрь 2022 г. Найдено 204 публикации в зарубежных источниках  и 59 публикаций в отечественных  изданиях, в которых рассматриваются  вопросы применения ФДТ в нейроонкологии. Анализ литературы показал, что в клинической практике интраоперационная  ФДТ в нейроонкологии  является важным инструментом, способствующим увеличению радикальности операции и локального контроля. Фундаментальное обоснование эффективности ФДТ заключается в изучении путей, ведущих к полной девитализации злокачественной  опухоли, изучении механизмов локального и системного  иммунного ответа. При этом субклеточные  мишени при ФДТ обусловлены свойствами  фотосенсибилизаторов (ФС). В многочисленных  исследованиях  показана противоопухолевая эффективность  использования  ФДТ с ФС на основе  хлорина  е6, 5-аминолевулиновой  кислоты, производных  порфиринов.  Установлены механизмы действия и мишени этих ФС. В России  в ряде исследований подтверждена клиническая эффективность  ФДТ у групп нейроонкологических пациентов с глиальным опухолями и вторичными метастатическими опухолями, однако до сих пор метод не включён в клинические рекомендации по оказанию высокотехнологичной  нейрохирургической помощи. Безусловно, необходима дальнейшая разработка методики ФДТ в нейроонкологии, особенно у пациентов с высоким риском рецидива и агрессивными опухолями ЦНС


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    Primorsky Kray has one of the highest tuberculosis incidence in Russia and one of the highest HIV incidence among the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District. Understanding of interfacing mechanisms of two epidemics is necessary for planning tuberculosis control activities in the regions with high speed of increase and high prevalence of HIV infection. Applying this integrated approach allows detecting presence of such correlations when they are manifested on the population level during epidemic development. This interfaced epidemiological analysis of tuberculosis and HIV incidences resulted in concluding that current epidemic of tuberculosis is assessed as emergency and HIV epidemic as unstable. It has been proved that dissemination of HIV infection promotes tuberculosis epidemic in Primorsky Kray and mechanism of formation of tuberculosis and HIV incidences is interdependent.Приморский край занимает лидирующие позиции как по заболеваемости туберкулезом в РФ, так и ВИЧ-инфекцией среди субъектов Дальневосточного федерального округа. Понимание механизмов взаимодействия двух эпидемий является необходимым для планирования мероприятий по борьбе с туберкулезом в регионах с высокими темпами роста и высокой распространенностью ВИЧ-инфекции. Применение интеграционного подхода позволяет выявить наличие таких взаимодействий по их проявлению на популяционном уровне эпидемического процесса. В результате сопряженного эпидемиологического анализа заболеваемости туберкулезом и ВИЧ-инфекцией установлено, что в современный период эпидемическая ситуация по туберкулезу расценивается как чрезвычайная, а по ВИЧ-инфекции - как неустойчивая. Показано, что распространение ВИЧ-инфекции оказывает влияние на интенсивность эпидемического процесса туберкулеза в Приморском крае, а механизм формирования заболеваемости туберкулезом и ВИЧ-инфекцией носит взаимообусловленный характер

    Emotional burnout of employees of medical organizations during the covid-19 pandemic: the state of the problem and solutions

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    Introduction. During the pandemic of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID‑19), medical workers became one of the most affected groups of the population, which requires research on their physical and mental health to develop preventive corrective measures. The aim of the study is to assess the degree of emotional burnout of medical personnel in the conditions of the COVID‑19 pandemic for the development of preventive and rehabilitation programs. Materials and methods. The study of emotional burnout of medical workers was carried out according to an anonymous online survey based on a specially developed author’s questionnaire, which included a questionnaire by K. Maslach and S. Jackson, adapted by N. E. Vodopyanova and supplemented with a mathematical model of the V. M. Bekhterev National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology. The questionnaire was compiled on the Google Forms. Participation in the online survey was voluntary. The number of respondents was 663 people. Results and discussion. In the course of the study, a high degree of emotional burnout of employees was established. When describing different aspects of emotional burnout, it was noted that awareness of one’s competence and professionalism suffered more, which indicated a significant reduction in professional competencies. There were also signs of emotional exhaustion, manifested in a feeling of fatigue and lack of emotional resources. The groups with the most unconstructive algorithms for responding to stressful factors in the conditions of the COVID‑19 pandemic, and, accordingly, with a high risk of emotional burnout, were employees of non‑medical specialties, female, with up to 5 years of work experience. Conclusion. According to the results of the conducted research, up‑to‑date data on the psycho‑emotional state of employees of medical organizations during the COVID‑19 pandemic were obtained, potential risk groups for the formation of emotional burnout syndrome were identified, requiring primarily specialized psychological assistance and support.Введение. В период пандемии коронавирусной инфекции 2019 г. (COVID‑19) медицинские работники стали одной из наиболее пострадавших категорий населения, что требует проведения исследований по изучению их физического и ментального здоровья для разработки превентивных коррекционных мероприятий. Цель исследования — оценить степень эмоционального выгорания сотрудников медицинских организаций в условиях пандемии COVID‑19 для разработки профилактических и реабилитационных программ. Материалы и методы. Изучение эмоционального выгорания медицинских работников проведено по данным анонимного онлайн‑опроса по специально разработанной авторской анкете, в которую встроен опросник К. Маслач и С. Джексон, адаптированный Н. Е. Водопьяновой и дополненный математической моделью Национального медицинского исследовательского центра психиатрии и неврологии имени В. М. Бехтерева. Анкета была составлена на платформе Google Forms. Участие в онлайн‑опросе — добровольное. Количество респондентов составило 663 человек. Результаты и обсуждение. В процессе исследования установлена высокая степень эмоционального выгорания сотрудников. При характеристике разных сторон эмоционального выгорания отмечено, что в большей степени страдало осознание своей компетентности и профессионализма, что свидетельствовало о значительной редукции профессиональных компетенций. Также имели место признаки эмоционального истощения, проявляющиеся в ощущении усталости и недостатка эмоциональных ресурсов. Группами с наиболее неконструктивными алгоритмами реагирования на стрессовые факторы в условиях пандемии COVID‑19 и, соответственно, с высоким риском эмоционального выгорания стали сотрудники: 1) немедицинских специальностей; 2) женского пола; 3) со стажем работы до 5 лет. Заключение. По итогам проведенного исследования получены актуальные данные о психоэмоциональном состоянии сотрудников медицинских организаций во время пандемии COVID‑19, определены потенциальные группы риска по формированию синдрома эмоционального выгорания, требующие в первую очередь специализированной психологической помощи и поддержки