472 research outputs found

    Fermions from photons: Bosonization of QED in 2+1 dimensions

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    We perform the complete bosonization of 2+1 dimensional QED with one fermionic flavor in the Hamiltonian formalism. The Fermi operators are explicitly constructed in terms of the vector potential and the electric field. We carefully specify the regularization procedure involved in the definition of these operators, and calculate the fermionic bilinears and the energy - momentum tensor. The algebra of bilinears exhibits the Schwinger terms which also appear in perturbation theory. The bosonic Hamiltonian is a local, polynomial functional of AiA_i and EiE_i, and we check explicitly the Lorentz invariance of the resulting bosonic theory. Our construction is conceptually very similar to Mandelstam's construction in 1+1 dimensions, and is dissimilar from the recent bosonization attempts in 2+1 dimensions, which hinge crucially on the presence of a Chern - Simons term.Comment: 30 pages, LA - UR - 93 - 200

    From bubbles to foam: dilute to dense evolution of hadronic wave function at high energy

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    We derive the evolution of a hadronic light cone wave function with energy at weak coupling. Our derivation is valid both in the high and the low partonic density limit, and thus encompasses both the JIMWLK and the KLWMIJ evolution. The hadronic wave function is shown to evolve by the action of the Bogoliubov-type operator, which diagonalizes on the soft gluon sector the light-cone hamiltonian in the presence of an arbitrary valence charge density. We find explicitly the action of this operator on the soft as well as the valence degrees of freedom of the theory.Comment: 30 page

    Vortices and bags in 2+1 dimension

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    We consider the effect of the (heavy) fundamental quarks on the low energy effective Lagrangian description of nonabelian gauge theories in 2+1 dimensions. We show that in the presence of the fundamental charges, the magnetic ZNZ_N symmetry becomes local. We construct the effective Lagrangian representing this local symmetry in terms of magnetic vortex fields, and discuss its physical consequences. We show that the finite energy states described by this Lagrangian have distinct bag-like structure. The point-like quarks are confined to the region of space where the value of the vortex field is much smaller than in the surrounding vacuum.Comment: 26 pages, laTe

    The chicken or the egg; or Who ordered the chiral phase transition?

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    We draw an analogy between the deconfining transition in the 2+1 dimensional Georgi-Glashow model and the chiral phase transition in 3+1 dimensional QCD. Based on the detailed analysis of the former (hep-th/0010201) we suggest that the chiral symmetry restoration in QCD at high temperature is driven by the thermal ensemble of baryons and anti-baryons. The chiral symmetry is restored when roughly half of the volume is occupied by the baryons. Surprisingly enough, even though baryons are rather heavy, a crude estimate for the critical temperature gives Tc=180T_c=180 Mev. In this scenario the binding of the instantons is not the cause but rather a consequence of the chiral symmetry restoration.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, comments about chiral symmetry at finite nuclear density are adde

    Critical Exponents of the Superconducting Phase Transition

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    We study the critical exponents of the superconducting phase transition in the context of renormalization group theory starting from a dual formulation of the Ginzburg-Landau theory. The dual formulation describes a loop gas of Abrikosov flux tubes which proliferate when the critical temperature is approached from below. In contrast to the Ginzburg-Landau theory, it has a spontaneously broken global symmetry and possesses an infrared stable fixed point. The exponents coincide with those of a superfluid with reversed temperature axis.Comment: Postscript file. For related work see www adress http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/kleiner_re.html in our homepage http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/kleinert.htm

    U_A(1) Anomaly at high temperature: the scalar-pseudoscalar splitting in QCD

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    We estimate the splitting between the spatial correlation lengths in the scalar and pseudoscalar channels in QCD at high temperature. The splitting is due to the contribution of the instanton/anti-instanton chains in the thermal ensemble, even though instanton contributions to thermodynamic quantities are suppressed. The splitting vanishes at asymptotically high temperatures as ΔM/M(ΛQCD/T)b\Delta M/M\propto (\Lambda_{QCD}/T)^b, where bb is the beta function coefficient.Comment: 5 p

    An analytic study towards instabilities of the glasma

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    Strong longitudinal color flux fields will be created in the initial stage of high-energy nuclear collisions. We investigate analytically time evolution of such boost-invariant color fields from Abelian-like initial conditions, and next examine stability of the boost-invariant configurations against rapidity dependent fluctuations. We find that the magnetic background field has an instability induced by the lowest Landau level whose amplitude grows exponentially. For the electric background field there is no apparent instability although pair creations due to the Schwinger mechanism should be involved.Comment: 4p, 3figs; poster contribution to QM200

    Compact QED3_3 - a simple example of a variational calculation in a gauge theory

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    We apply a simple mean field like variational calculation to compact QED in 2+1 dimensions. Our variational ansatz explicitly preserves compact gauge invariance of the theory. We reproduce in this framework all the known results, including dynamical mass generation, Polyakov scaling and the nonzero string tension. It is hoped that this simple example can be a useful reference point for applying similar approximation techniques to nonabelian gauge theories.Comment: 18 pages, OUTP- 94-23 P, TPI-MINN-94/37-

    Relativistic Winds from Compact Gamma-Ray Sources: II. Pair Loading and Radiative Acceleration in Gamma-ray Bursts

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    We consider the effects of rapid pair creation by an intense pulse of gamma-rays propagating ahead of a relativistic shock. Side-scattered photons colliding with the main gamma-ray beam amplify the density of scattering charges. The acceleration rate of the pair-loaded medium is calculated, and its limiting bulk Lorentz factor related to the spectrum and compactness of the photon source. One obtains, as a result, a definite prediction for the relative inertia in baryons and pairs. The deceleration of a relativistic shock in the moving medium, and the resulting synchrotron emissivity, are compared with existing calculations for a static medium. The radiative efficiency is increased dramatically by pair loading. When the initial ambient density exceeds a critical value, the scattering depth traversed by the main gamma-ray pulse rises above unity, and the pulse is broadened. These considerations place significant constraints on burst progenitors: a pre-burst mass loss rate exceeding 10^{-5} M_\odot per year is difficult to reconcile with individual pulses narrower than 10 s, unless the radiative efficiency is low. An anisotropic gamma-ray flux (on an angular scale \Gamma^{-1} or larger) drives a large velocity shear that greatly increases the energy in the seed magnetic field forward of the propagating shock.Comment: 19 pp., LaTeX (aaspp4.sty), revised 12/23/99, Ap. J. in press; summary section added and several minor improvements in presentatio

    Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on the lattice

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    Recent development in numerical simulations of supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) theories on the lattice is reviewed.Comment: 37 pages, 10 figure