142 research outputs found

    Death domain assembly mechanism revealed by crystal structure of the oligomeric PIDDosome core complex

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    Proteins of the death domain (DD) superfamily mediate assembly of oligomeric signaling complexes for the activation of caspases and kinases via unknown mechanisms. Here we report the crystal structure of the PIDD DD and RAIDD DD complex, which forms the core of the caspase-2-activating complex PIDDosome. Although RAIDD DD and PIDD DD are monomers, they assemble into a complex that comprises seven RAIDD DDs and five PIDD DDs. Despite the use of an asymmetric assembly mechanism, all DDs in the complex are in quasi-equivalent environments. The structure provided eight unique asymmetric interfaces, which can be classified into three types. These three types of interactions together cover a majority of the DD surface. Mutagenesis on almost all interfaces leads to disruption of the assembly, resulting in defective caspase-2 activation. The three types of interactions may represent most, if not all, modes of interactions in the DD superfamily for assembling complexes of different stoichiometry

    The Role of Cdc42 and Gic1 in the Regulation of Septin Filament Formation and Dissociation

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    Septins are guanine nucleotide-binding proteins that polymerize into filamentous and higher-order structures. Cdc42 and its effector Gic1 are involved in septin recruitment, ring formation and dissociation. The regulatory mechanisms behind these processes are not well understood. Here, we have used electron microscopy and cryo electron tomography to elucidate the structural basis of the Gic1-septin and Gic1-Cdc42-septin interaction. We show that Gic1 acts as a scaffolding protein for septin filaments forming long and flexible filament cables. Cdc42 in its GTP-form binds to Gic1, which ultimately leads to the dissociation of Gic1 from the filament cables. Surprisingly, Cdc42-GDP is not inactive, but in the absence of Gic1 directly interacts with septin filaments resulting in their disassembly. We suggest that this unanticipated dual function of Cdc42 is crucial for the cell cycle. Based on our results we propose a novel regulatory mechanism for septin filament formation and dissociation. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.01085.00

    Методичні вказівки до практичного заняття №2 з дисципліни «Матеріали для зварювання плавленням, наплавлення і напилення» на тему: «Розрахунок і вибір параметрів режиму зварювання і геометричних розмірів шва при зварюванні плавким електродом у вуглекислому газі»

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    Методичні вказівки розроблено відповідно з навчального плану підготовки фахівців освітньо-кваліфікаційного рівня “ бакалавр”, спеціальності 6.050504 “Зварювання”, а також робочої програми з дисципліни “Матеріали для зварювання плавленням, наплавлення і напилення

    Cryo-EM Revolutionizes the Structure Determination of Biomolecules

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    The molecular basis of Alzheimer’s plaques

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    Single particle cryo-EM-an optimal tool to study cytoskeletal proteins

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    Big insights from tiny crystals

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    The complex simplicity of the bacterial cytoskeleton

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