95 research outputs found

    Analisi basata sugli sforzi locali della resistenza a fatica di giunzioni incollate di materiali compositi

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    Il lavoro prende spunto dai risultati di un’analisi sperimentale del comportamento a fatica di giunzioni incollate di materiali compositi laminati di elevato spessore formati da strati di unidirezionale e di tessuto di fibra di carbonio. I giunti sono stati realizzati in modo tale da saggiare l’influenza della lunghezza di sovrapposizione (da 25,4 mm a 110,8 mm), della forma del giunto (con e senza rastremazione), e della composizione degli aderendi (sostituzione di uno degli aderendi in composito con uno in acciaio). Mediante analisi 2D elastiche con il metodo degli elementi finiti sono state ricavate le distribuzioni degli sforzi all’interno dello strato di adesivo, al fine di individuare un parametro utile alla descrizione del comportamento a fatica in termini di sforzi locali - numero di cicli a rottura. Il ruolo della fase di propagazione viene discusso alla luce di osservazioni dell’avanzamento della frattura, condotta su alcuni dei giunti testati

    Exploitation of rubbery electrospun nanofibrous mat for fracture toughness improvement of structural epoxy adhesive bonded joints

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    The improvement of the fracture toughness of adhesive joints is a key factor in many structural applications. The ability of nylon electrospun nanofibrous mat to act as an adhesive carrier and reinforcing web in adhesive bonding has been demonstrated by the Authors in previous works. It has been shown that the impregnation method developed and refined during the previous studies allow generating high-quality pre-preg nanomats out of a 2k unfilled epoxy resin. By applying this methodology, in the present work, rubbery nanofibrous mats have been adopted for the first time to reinforce and increase the fracture toughness of adhesive joints. Rubbery nanofibers were produced by electrospinning of nitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) and poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL). The addition of the semi-crystalline polymer (PCL) is exploited to maintain the nanofibrous morphology, which the rubber alone (NBR) would not be able to ensure due to its low glass transition temperature (Tg). The nanofibers thus obtained have been integrated into a two-component high strength epoxy resin for structural applications. S235 steel adherends for Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) tests have been manufactured and sandblasted to improve adhesion. An optimization of the sandblasting parameters (distance, pressure, angle and time) has been carried out evaluating the shear strength and the fracture surfaces on S235 steel Single Lap Joints (SLJ). Finally, DCB tests have been performed to compare the mode I fracture toughness with and without the rubbery electrospun nanomats

    COPD Exacerbations Before and During COVID-19 in France, Germany, Italy, the UK and the US

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    Fernando J Martinez,1 Alberto Papi,2 Tobias Welte3,4 ,† Dave Singh,5 Dmitry V Galkin,6 Alessandro Guasconi,7 Stefania Pirondi,7 George Georges,7 Joseph Imperato,8 Ruben Hermans9 1Weill Cornell Medicine, New York–Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY, USA; 2Research Center on Asthma and COPD, Department of Medical Sciences, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy; 3Pneumonology and Infectiology, Member of the German Center of Lung Research, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany; 4Biomedical Research in End Stage and Obstructive Lung Disease, German Center for Lung Research, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany; 5Medicines Evaluations Unit, University of Manchester, Manchester University Foundation Hospitals Trust, Manchester, UK; 6Global Clinical Development, Chiesi USA, Cary, NC, USA; 7Global Clinical Development, Chiesi Farmaceutici, S.p.A, Parma, Italy; 8Medical Affairs, IQVIA Inc, New York, NY, USA; 9Medical Affairs, IQVIA Inc, London, UK†Prof. Tobias We 50% in 2020 compared with 2019. The proportions of patients with an exacerbation increased in most countries in 2021. Across each country, seasonal exacerbation increases seen during autumn and winter in pre-pandemic years were absent during the first year of the pandemic. The percentage of patients filling COPD prescriptions across each country increased by 4.53– 22.13% in 2019 to 9.94– 34.17% in 2021.Conclusion: Early, steep declines in exacerbation rates occurred in 2020 versus 2019 across all five countries and were accompanied by a loss of the seasonal pattern of exacerbation.Keywords: COPD exacerbation, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COVID-19, electronic health records, real-world stud

    Temporal-spatial profiling of pedunculopontine galanin-cholinergic neurons in the lactacystin rat model of Parkinson’s disease

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is conventionally seen as resulting from single-system neurodegeneration affecting nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons. However, accumulating evidence indicates a multi-system degeneration and neurotransmitter deficiencies, including cholinergic neurons which degenerate in a brainstem nucleus, the pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN), resulting in motor- and cognitive impairments. The neuropeptide galanin can inhibit cholinergic transmission, whilst being upregulated in degenerating brain regions associated with cognitive decline. Here we determined the temporal-spatial profile of progressive expression of endogenous galanin within degenerating cholinergic neurons, across the rostro-caudal axis of the PPN, by utilising the lactacystin-induced rat model of PD. First, we show progressive neuronal death affecting nigral dopaminergic and PPN cholinergic neurons, reflecting that seen in PD patients, to facilitate use of this model for assessing the therapeutic potential of bioactive peptides. Next, stereological analyses of the lesioned brain hemisphere found that the number of PPN cholinergic neurons expressing galanin increased by 11%, compared to sham-lesioned controls, increasing by a further 5% as the neurodegenerative process evolved. Galanin upregulation within cholinergic PPN neurons was most prevalent closest to the intra-nigral lesion site, suggesting that galanin upregulation in such neurons adapt intrinsically to neurodegeneration, to possibly neuroprotect. This is the first report on the extent and pattern of galanin expression in cholinergic neurons across distinct PPN subregions in both the intact rat CNS and lactacystin lesioned rats. The findings pave the way for future work to target galanin signaling in the PPN, to determine the extent to which upregulated galanin expression could offer a viable treatment strategy for ameliorating PD symptoms associated with cholinergic degeneration

    Galanin Receptor 1 Deletion Exacerbates Hippocampal Neuronal Loss after Systemic Kainate Administration in Mice

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    Galanin is a neuropeptide with a wide distribution in the central and peripheral nervous systems and whose physiological effects are mediated through three G protein-coupled receptor subtypes, GalR1, GalR2, and GalR3. Several lines of evidence indicate that galanin, as well as activation of the GalR1 receptor, is a potent and effective modulator of neuronal excitability in the hippocampus.In order to test more formally the potential influence of GalR1 on seizure-induced excitotoxic cell death, we conducted functional complementation tests in which transgenic mice that exhibit decreased expression of the GalR1 candidate mRNA underwent kainate-induced status epilepticus to determine if the quantitative trait of susceptibility to seizure-induced cell death is determined by the activity of GalR1. In the present study, we report that reduction of GalR1 mRNA via null mutation or injection of the GalR1 antagonist, galantide, prior to kainate-induced status epilepticus induces hippocampal damage in a mouse strain known to be highly resistant to kainate-induced neuronal injury. Wild-type and GalR1 knockout mice were subjected to systemic kainate administration. Seven days later, Nissl and NeuN immune- staining demonstrated that hippocampal cell death was significantly increased in GalR1 knockout strains and in animals injected with the GalR1 antagonist. Compared to GalR1-expressing mice, GalR1-deficient mice had significantly larger hippocampal lesions after status epilepticus.Our results suggest that a reduction of GalR1 expression in the C57BL/6J mouse strain renders them susceptible to excitotoxic injury following systemic kainate administration. From these results, GalR1 protein emerges as a new molecular target that may have a potential therapeutic value in modulating seizure-induced cell death

    Evaluation of XD 10 Polyamide Electrospun Nanofibers to Improve Mode I Fracture Toughness for Epoxy Adhesive Film Bonded Joints

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    The demand for ever-lighter structures raises the interest in bonding as a joining method, especially for materials that are difficult to join with traditional welding and bolting techniques. Structural adhesives, however, are susceptible to defects, but can be toughened in several ways: by changing their chemical composition or by adding fillers, even of nanometric size. Nanomaterials have a high surface area and limited structural defects, which can enhance the mechanical properties of adhesives depending on their nature, quantity, size, and interfacial adhesion. This work analyzes the Mode I fracture toughness of joints bonded with METLBOND® 1515-4M epoxy film and XantuLayr electrospun XD 10 polyamide nanofibers. Two joint configurations were studied, which differed according to the position of the nanomat within the adhesive layer: one had the nanofibers at the substrate/adhesive interfaces, and the other had the nanofibers in the center of the adhesive layer. Double cantilever beam joints were manufactured to evaluate the Mode I fracture toughness of the bonding with and without nano-reinforcement. The nanofibers applied at the substrate/adhesive interface improved the Mode-I fracture toughness by 32%, reaching the value of 0.55 N/mm. SEM images confirm the positive contribution of the nanofibers, which appear stretched and pulled out from the matrix. No fracture toughness variation was detected in the joints with the nanofibers placed in the middle of the adhesive layer
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