1,584 research outputs found

    Differential genetic advantages in youth and in aging, or how to die healthy

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    Human society ages at a steady rate, that is, the proportion of adult and elderly individuals increases constantly because of improved living conditions and the advances in medical care. This means that very soon the tradeoff between the advantages in old age conferred by alleles disadvantageous or neutral in young age would begin to show, providing the fascinating opportunity of studying the interplay between genetic factors and environment outside the framework of reproductive capacity and in the unique milieu of the aging cell. Being healthy and/or health-conscious in youth does not guarantee for successful aging or even that the person would live up to the average life expectancy of the population. Therefore, successful aging and longevity are related to a healthy-conscious attitude to a degree only. The present paper reviews the basic genetic and evolutionary mechanisms which have operated during human history so as to ensure survival of humankind and the possible factors preventing or contributing to successful aging

    Radiative feedback and cosmic molecular gas: the role of different radiative sources

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    We present results from multifrequency radiative hydrodynamical chemistry simulations addressing primordial star formation and related stellar feedback from various populations of stars, stellar energy distributions (SEDs) and initial mass functions. Spectra for massive stars, intermediate-mass stars and regular solar-like stars are adopted over a grid of 150 frequency bins and consistently coupled with hydrodynamics, heavy-element pollution and non-equilibrium species calculations. Powerful massive population III stars are found to be able to largely ionize H and, subsequently, He and He+^+, causing an inversion of the equation of state and a boost of the Jeans masses in the early intergalactic medium. Radiative effects on star formation rates are between a factor of a few and 1 dex, depending on the SED. Radiative processes are responsible for gas heating and photoevaporation, although emission from soft SEDs has minor impacts. These findings have implications for cosmic gas preheating, primordial direct-collapse black holes, the build-up of "cosmic fossils" such as low-mass dwarf galaxies, the role of AGNi during reionization, the early formation of extended disks and angular-momentum catastrophe.Comment: 19 pages on MNRA


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    The boundary states and correlation functions of the tricritical Ising model from the Coulomb-gas formalism

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    We consider the minimal conformal model describing the tricritical Ising model on the disk and on the upper half plane. Using the coulomb-gas formalism we determine its consistents boundary states as well as its 1-point and 2-point correlation functions.Comment: 20 pages, no figure. Version 2:A paragraph for the calculation of the 2-point correlators was added. Some typos and garammatical errors were corrected.Version 3: Equations 24 are modified. Version 4 : new introduction and minor correction

    The Boundary Conformal Field Theories of the 2D Ising critical points

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    We present a new method to identify the Boundary Conformal Field Theories (BCFTs) describing the critical points of the Ising model on the strip. It consists in measuring the low-lying excitation energies spectra of its quantum spin chain for different boundary conditions and then to compare them with those of the different boundary conformal field theories of the (A2,A3)(A_2,A_3) minimal model.Comment: 7 pages, no figures. Talk given at the XXth International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries (ISQS-20). Prague, June 201

    Expression of sialyltransferases from the St3gal, St6gal and St6galnac families in mouse skeletal muscle and mouse C2C12 myotubes

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    In skeletal muscles, the sialic acids have a great significance for their functional maintenance and proper structural organization. Our work described the expressions of St3gal, St6gal and St6galnac sialyltransferases specific for glycoproteins in mouse skeletal muscles and murine C2C12 myotubes. Lectin histochemistry, cytochemistry and lectin blot were used to demonstrate the membrane localization and the electrophoretic profiles of α-2,3- and α-2,6-sialylated glycoproteins. The expression levels of sialyltransferases were analysed by real time RT-PCR and western blot. The enzymes St6gal2 and St6galnac1 were not expressed in skeletal muscle tissue and C2C12 myotubes. In both experimental groups, mRNAs of the St3gal family prevailed over the mRNA expressions of the St6gal and St6galnac families. The profiles of sialyltransferase expressions showed differences between the two experimental groups, illustrated by the absence of expressions of the mRNA for the St3gal6 and St6galnac3 genes in the C2C12 cell samples and by the different shares of the enzymes St3gal3 and St3gal4 in both experimental groups. The different patterns of enzyme expressions in both experimental groups corresponded with differences between their α-2,3- and α-2,6-sialylated glycoprotein profiles. These results could be a useful addendum to the knowledge concerning the glycosylation of the skeletal muscle tissue

    The Virtue of Defects in 4D Gauge Theories and 2D CFTs

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    We advance a correspondence between the topological defect operators in Liouville and Toda conformal field theories - which we construct - and loop operators and domain wall operators in four dimensional N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories on S^4. Our computation of the correlation functions in Liouville/Toda theory in the presence of topological defect operators, which are supported on curves on the Riemann surface, yields the exact answer for the partition function of four dimensional gauge theories in the presence of various walls and loop operators; results which we can quantitatively substantiate with an independent gauge theory analysis. As an interesting outcome of this work for two dimensional conformal field theories, we prove that topological defect operators and the Verlinde loop operators are different descriptions of the same operators.Comment: 59 pages, latex; v2 corrections to some formula

    Biosorption of heavy metals by marine algae Ulva rigida, Cystoseira barbata and C. crinita

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    Вивчали адсорбційні властивості трьох морських водоростей (Ulva rigida (зелені), Cystoseira barbata (бурі) та Cystoseira crinita (бурі)), вплив pH і маси водорості на сорбцію важких металів. Оцінювали здатність водоростей зв’язувати мідь (II), цинк (II), свинець (II), нікель (II) і кадмій (II). Максимальна визначена біосорбція становила 2,84 мг-екв. Ni2+/г для Cystoseira crinita і 2,28 мг-екв. Cu2+/г для C. barbata при pH = 5 ± 0,5. Десорбція з використанням 0,05 М HNO3 показала, що регенерація біомаси та багаторазові цикли “біосорбції – десорбції” кадмію цілком можливі.Вивчали адсорбційні властивості трьох морських водоростей (Ulva rigida (зелені), Cystoseira barbata (бурі) та Cystoseira crinita (бурі)), вплив pH і маси водорості на сорбцію важких металів. Оцінювали здатність водоростей зв’язувати мідь (II), цинк (II), свинець (II), нікель (II) і кадмій (II). Максимальна визначена біосорбція становила 2,84 мг-екв. Ni2+/г для Cystoseira crinita і 2,28 мг-екв. Cu2+/г для C. barbata при pH = 5 ± 0,5. Десорбція з використанням 0,05 М HNO3 показала, що регенерація біомаси та багаторазові цикли “біосорбції – десорбції” кадмію цілком можливі.Adsorption properties of three different marine algae (Ulva rigida (green algae); Cystoseira barbata (brown algae) and Cystoseira crinita (brown algae)) were investigated. They were collected from the Black Sea coastal area in Varna region, Bulgaria. Kinetics were studied to evaluate the ability of the three algae to sequester Cu (II), Zn (II), Pb (II), Ni (II), Cd (II) from aqueous solution. The maximum biosorption capacity obtained was 2.84 mgeq Ni2+/g for Cystoseira crinita and 2.28 mgeq Cu2+/g for Cystoseira barbata at a solution pH of 5 ± 0.5. The influence of pH of the solution and algae mass on the heavy metal sorption was investigated either. Desorption using 0.05 M HNO3 was carried out and was determined that regeneration of biomass for use in multiple cycles of Cd (II) biosorption –desorption should be feasible.

    Charges of Exceptionally Twisted Branes

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    The charges of the exceptionally twisted (D4 with triality and E6 with charge conjugation) D-branes of WZW models are determined from the microscopic/CFT point of view. The branes are labeled by twisted representations of the affine algebra, and their charge is determined to be the ground state multiplicity of the twisted representation. It is explicitly shown using Lie theory that the charge groups of these twisted branes are the same as those of the untwisted ones, confirming the macroscopic K-theoretic calculation. A key ingredient in our proof is that, surprisingly, the G2 and F4 Weyl dimensions see the simple currents of A2 and D4, respectively.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures, LaTex2e, complete proofs of all statements, updated bibliograph