15 research outputs found

    In situ nutrient assays of periphyton growth in a lowland Costa Rican stream

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    Nutrient limitation of primary production was experimentally assessed using an in situ bioassay technique in the Quebrada Salto, a third-order tropical stream draining the northern foothills of the Cordillera Central in Costa Rica. Bioassays employed artificial substrata enriched with nutrients that slowly diffuse through an agar-sand matrix (Pringle & Bowers, 1984). Multiple comparisons of regression coefficients, describing chlorophyll- a accrual through time for different nutrient treatments, revealed positive micronutrient effect(s). Micronutrient treatment combinations (Fe, B, Mn, Zn, Co, Mo, EDTA), supplemented with and without nitrate and phosphate, exhibited significantly greater chlorophyll- a accrual over all other treatments (P < 0.05), supporting over three times that of the control after 14-d of substratum colonization. Neither of the major nutrients (N or P) produced a significant stimulation, although the N treatment displayed ≃50% more chlorophyll- a than the control after 14-d. Similarly, Si, EDTA, and Si + N + P treatments did not exhibit chlorophyll- a response curves that were significantly different from the control. During the experiment, mean NH 4 -N and (NO 2 + NO 3 )-N concentrations in the Salto were 2.0 µM (28.6 µg · l −1 ) and 7.2 µM (100.2 µg · l −1 ), respectively. High concentrations of PO 4 -P ( = 2.0 µM; 60.9 µg · l −1 ) and TP ( = 3.0 µM; 94.0 µg · l −1 ) were also found, and consequently low molar N:P ratios = 4.7). Despite the potential for N limitation in the system, both N and P appear to be at growth saturating levels. This may be due to micronutrient limitation and/or light limitation of periphyton growth in densely shaded upstream portions of the stream.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42872/1/10750_2004_Article_BF00008489.pd

    Effects of thermodynamical processes on radiocesium behavior in lake tapeliai / Termodinaminių procesų įtaka radiocezio elgsenai tapelių ežere

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    The article presents the results of the integrated study of radiocesium behavior in Lake Tapeliai using not only conventional data on radiocesium activity concentrations in lake water and sediments but also a complex data set on seasonal variations and vertical profiles of standard water variables. Radiocesium activity concentrations in lake water as well as the vertical structure of the water column considerably depend on the inflows of the colored waters from the swampy watershed of the lake enriched in radiocesium. The global fallouts are mainly responsible for radiocesium inventory in lake sediments, which reaches maximum in the upper part of the water column above the ~5.4-m depth. The maximum values of radiocesium inventories in lake sediments are consistent with the respective densities of its deposits in the nearest forest soils. The main process of sediment activation is the direct sorption of radiocesium onto the sediment surface. Sedimentation rates in the lake vary mainly in the range of 3.5–5 mm·a–1. Lake bottom feeding sources located mainly on the southern terrace as well as their related near-bottom flows reduce respective sedimentation and radiocesium inventories in the sediments. Santrauka Straipsnyje nagrinėjama radiocezio elgsena Tapelių ežere, naudojant ne tik radiocezio savitojo ir tūrinio aktyvumų duomenis, bet ir standartinius vertikaliuosius parametrus, tokius kaip temperatūra, elektros laidumai ir oksiduoto sluoksnio storis. Radiocezio aktyvumas ežero vandenyje priklauso nuo spalvoto pelkinio vandens, kuriame yra radiocezio, patekimo į ežerą. Radiocezio apkrova dugno nuosėdose yra didžiausia viršutinėje ežero dalyje, t. y. iki 5,4 m gylio. Sedimentacijos greitis svyruoja 3,5–5 mm·m–1. Ežero priedugniniai vandens šaltiniai daugiausia išsidėstę pietinėje ežero terasoje, jų srovės sumažina sedimentaciją ir radiocezio apkrovą dugno nuosėdose. Raktiniai žodžiai: dugno nuosėdos, ežeras, radiocezis, radiocezio apkrov

    Caspase-mediated inhibition of sphingomyelin synthesis is involved in FasL-triggered cell death.

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    International audienceCeramide can be converted into sphingomyelin by sphingomyelin synthases (SMS) 1 and 2. In this study, we show that in human leukemia Jurkat cells, which express mainly SMS1, Fas ligand (FasL) treatment inhibited SMS activity in a dose- and time-dependent manner before nuclear fragmentation. The SMS inhibition elicited by FasL (1) was abrogated by benzyloxycarbonyl valyl-alanyl-aspartyl-(O-methyl)-fluoromethylketone (zVAD-fmk), a broad-spectrum caspase inhibitor; (2) did not occur in caspase-8-deficient cells and (3) was not affected in caspase-9-deficient cells. Western blot experiments showed SMS1 cleavage in a caspase-dependent manner upon FasL treatment. In a cell-free system, caspase-2, -7, -8 and -9, but not caspase-3 and -10, cleaved SMS1. In HeLa cells, SMS1 was Golgi localized and relocated throughout the cytoplasm in cells exhibiting an early apoptotic phenotype on FasL treatment. zVAD-fmk prevented FasL-induced SMS1 relocation. Thus, FasL-mediated SMS1 inhibition and relocation depend on caspase activation and likely represent proximal events in Fas signaling. FasL-induced ceramide production and cell death were enhanced in cells stably expressing an siRNA against SMS1. Conversely, in cells stably overexpressing SMS1, FasL neither increased ceramide generation nor efficiently induced cell death. Altogether, our data show that SMS1 is a novel caspase target that is functionally involved in the regulation of FasL-induced apoptosis

    Sleep duration and disorders in pregnancy: implications for glucose metabolism and pregnancy outcomes

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    Humans have an innate requirement for sleep that is intrinsically governed by circadian and endocrine systems. More recently, reduced sleep duration has gained significant attention for its possible contribution to metabolic dysfunction. Significant evidence suggests that reduced sleep duration may elevate the risk for impaired glucose functioning, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. However, to date, few studies have determined the implications of reduced sleep duration with regard to glucose control during pregnancy. With the high prevalence of overweight and obesity in women of reproductive age, the occurrence of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is increasing. GDM results in elevated risk of maternal and fetal complications, as well as increased risk of type 2 diabetes postpartum. Infants born to women with GDM also carry a life-long risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. The impact of reduced sleep on glucose management during pregnancy has not yet been fully assessed and a paucity of literature currently exits. Herein, we review the association between reduced sleep and impaired carbohydrate metabolism and propose how reduced sleep during pregnancy may result in further dysfunction of the carbohydrate axis. A particular focus will be given to sleep-disordered breathing, as well as GDM-complicated pregnancies. Putative mechanisms of action by which reduced sleep may adversely affect maternal and infant outcomes are also discussed. Finally, we will outline important research questions that need to be addressed