342 research outputs found

    Tenojoen vesistöalueen kalastus- ja saalistilastot 2014–2016 : Katsaus tilastolliseen vuosiseurantaan

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    Vuonna 2016 lunastettujen kalastuslupien mÀÀrĂ€n perusteella paikkakuntalaisten lohenkalastuspaine Teno-Inarijoen pÀÀuomassa vĂ€heni hieman. Suomen puolella lunastettiin yhteensĂ€ noin 700 kausilupaa. Kausilupien hinta oli hyvin edullinen (5 €), joten niitĂ€ lunastettiin usein myös ”varalta”, jos kalastus sattuisi hetkellisesti kiinnostamaan. Lohen verkko- tai patokalastukseen lunastettiin 335 lupaa, mutta arviolta vain noin 150 kalastajaa kĂ€ytti verkkokalastusoikeuttaan. Vapa- ja viehekalastukseen, enimmĂ€kseen lohensoutuun, paikkakuntalaiset lunastivat noin 380 lupaa. Norjan puolella paikkakuntalaiset kalastajat ovat viime vuosina lunastaneet noin 230 verkkopyynteihin oikeuttavaa kausilupaa ja 1 230 vapalupaa. Kalastuskaudella 2016 Tenojoella, Suomen puolella kĂ€vi noin 7 300 aikuisen kalastusmatkailijan lisĂ€ksi 850 kalastusta harrastavaa nuorta. Kalastusvuorokausien ja -matkailijoiden mÀÀrĂ€ vĂ€heni 6–7 % edellisvuodesta. Kalastusmatkailupaine jakautui Tenon eri lohkokuntiin melko tasaisesti. Joinakin vuosina Outakosken lohkokunnan ranta-alueet ja etenkin Inarijoen alajuoksun kalastuspaikat ovat houkutelleet runsaasti perhokalastuksen harrastajia. Inarin kunnan puolella, Inarijoen ylĂ€juoksulla kalastusmatkailijoita on hyvin vĂ€hĂ€n. Kalastuskaudella 2016 Tenon rajajokialueella, Norjassa lunastettiin vain 730 vapakalastusvuorokautta, jotka kohdistuivat pÀÀosin rantakalastukseen. Tenojoen sivujokialueilla, Utsjoen pÀÀuomassa, Kevojoessa, Tsarsjoessa ja Vetsikkojoessa kalasti kalastuskaudella 2016 useita erityyppisiĂ€ kalastajaryhmiĂ€. Paikkakuntalaiset ja ulkopaikkakuntalaiset osakaskalastajat saattoivat kalastaa kiinteistökohtaisella kalastusoikeudella (vapa- ja verkkopyynti) edellĂ€ mainittujen jokien yksityisvesialueilla. LisĂ€ksi osakaskuntien kalastuslupia oli mahdollista luovuttaa muille lohenkalastuksen harrastajille. Kalastuskaudella 2016 Utsjoen osakaskunnasta lunastettiin noin 400 ja Vetsikon osakaskunnasta noin 70 osakaslupaa. Tilastointiin saatujen luovutusasiakirjojen mukaan osakkaat luovuttivat Utsjoen osakaskunnan vesialueille noin 390 lupaa (1 260 kalastusvuorokautta) ja Vetsikon osakaskunnan vesialueille noin 40 lupaa (60 kalastusvuorokautta). Kalastuskaudella 2016 MetsĂ€hallituksen sivuvesialueilla (Utsjoki, Vetsikkojoki) kalastus oli sallittu vain Utsjoella vakituisesti asuville henkilöille. Tenojoen lohisaalis kalastuskaudella 2016 oli 85 tonnia, josta 48 tonnia (56 %) saatiin Suomen puolella. Suomen puolelta tilastoitu saalis oli 11 % pienempi kuin edeltĂ€neiden 40 vuoden keskisaalis. Vastaavalla tilastointiajanjaksolla Norjan puolelta tilastoitu saalis on pienentynyt 47 %. Viimeisten 15 vuoden aikana ei lohisaaliissa ole havaittu luonnollista, jaksottaista kannanvaihtelua. Lohisaalis jakautuu Suomessa ja Norjassa toisistaan poikkeavasti eri pyyntitavoille, mikĂ€ johtuu pÀÀosin siitĂ€, ettĂ€ Suomen puolella kalastusmatkailu lisÀÀ vapapyynnin saalisosuutta ja Norjassa, etenkin Tenojoen alajuoksulla, paikkakuntalaiset pyytĂ€vĂ€t lohta tehokkaasti ajoverkoilla (kulkuttamalla) ja lohipadoilla. Vuonna 2016 Tenojoen vesistön kokonaislohisaaliista saatiin verkkopyyntitavoilla 16 % ja vapapyynnillĂ€ 40 % Suomen puolelta ja vastaavasti verkkopyydyksillĂ€ 30 % ja vapapyynnillĂ€ 13 % Norjan puolelta. Perinteisten lohipatojen kĂ€yttö on vĂ€hentynyt molemmissa maissa, kalastajat ovat ikÀÀntyneet ja tieto-taito on katoamassa. Kulkutuspyyntiin ovat sitĂ€ vastoin osallistuneet nuoremmatkin kalastajat. Kalastuskaudelle 2017 Tenojoen ja sen sivujokien lohenkalastukseen tuli voimaan uusia sÀÀdöksiĂ€, jotka koskevat lupakiintiöitĂ€, saaliskiintiöitĂ€, saaliiden ilmoitusvelvollisuutta ja luvanmyyntikĂ€ytĂ€ntöjĂ€, joten myös kalastuksen mÀÀrĂ€ sekĂ€ kalastuksen ja saaliiden tilastointi tulee muuttumaan.201

    Efficacy and safety of IVIG in CIDP : Combined data of the PRIMA and PATH studies

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    Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) is a potential therapy for chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). To investigate the efficacy and safety of the IVIG IgPro10 (Privigen) for treatment of CIDP, results from Privigen Impact on Mobility and Autonomy (PRIMA), a prospective, open-label, single-arm study of IVIG in immunoglobulin (Ig)-naive or IVIG pre-treated subjects (NCT01184846, n = 28) and Polyneuropathy And Treatment with Hizentra (PATH), a double-blind, randomized study including an open-label, single-arm IVIG phase in IVIG pre-treated subjects (NCT01545076, IVIG restabilization phase n = 207) were analyzed separately and together (n = 235). Efficacy assessments included change in adjusted inflammatory neuropathy cause and treatment (INCAT) score, grip strength and Medical Research Council (MRC) sum score. Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and ADRs/infusion were recorded. Adjusted INCAT response rate was 60.7% in all PRIMA subjects at Week 25 (76.9% in IVIG pre-treated subjects) and 72.9% in PATH. In the pooled cohort (n = 235), INCAT response rate was 71.5%; median time to INCAT improvement was 4.3 weeks. No clear demographic differences were noticed between early (responding before Week 7, n = 148) and late responders (n = 21). In the pooled cohort, median change from baseline to last observation was -1.0 (interquartile range -2.0; 0.0) point for INCAT score; +8.0 (0.0; 20.0) kPa for maximum grip strength; +3.0 (1.0; 7.0) points for MRC sum score. In the pooled cohort, 271 ADRs were reported in 105 subjects (44.7%), a rate of 0.144 ADRs per infusion. This analysis confirms the efficacy and safety of IgPro10, a recently FDA-approved IVIG for CIDP, in a population of mainly pre-treated subjects with CIDP [Correction added on 14 March 2019 after first online publication: the INCAT response rate has been corrected.].Peer reviewe

    Assessment of 1183 screen-detected, category 3B, circumscribed masses by cytology and core biopsy with long-term follow up data

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    Discrete masses are commonly detected during mammographic screening and most such lesions are benign. For lesions without pathognomonically benign imaging features that are still regarded likely to be non-malignant (Tabar grade 3) reliable biopsy results would be a clinically useful alternative to mammographic surveillance. Appropriate institutional guidelines for ethical research were followed. Between Jan 1996–Dec 2005 grade 3B discrete masses detected in the setting of a large, population based, breast cancer screening programme are included. Patient demographics, fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB), core and surgical biopsy results are tabulated. The final pathology of excised lesions was obtained. Information regarding interval cancers was obtained from the State Cancer Registry records and also through long term follow-up of clients in subsequent rounds of screening. A total of 1183 lesions, mean diameter of 13.3 mm (±8.3 mm) and mean client age of 55.1 years (±8.8 years) are included. After diagnostic work up, 98 lesions (8.3%) were malignant, 1083 were non-malignant and a final histologic diagnosis was not established in two lesions. In the 27 months after assessment, no interval cancers were attributable to these lesions and during a mean follow up of 54.5 months, available in 84.9% of eligible women, only one cancer has developed in the same quadrant as the original lesion, although the two processes are believed to be unrelated. FNAB performed in 1149 cases was definitive in 80.5% cases (882 benign, 43 malignant) with a negative predictive value (NPV) of 99.8% (880 of 882) and a positive predictive value (PPV) of 95.2% (40 of 42, both intraductal papillomas). Core biopsy was performed in 178 lesions, mostly for indefinite cytology. Core biopsy was definitive in 79.8% cases (57% benign 22% malignant) with a PPV of 100% and NPV of 99.0%. In experienced hands FNAB is an accurate first line diagnostic modality for the assessment of 3B screen-detected discrete masses, providing definitive results in 80.5% of cases. When used as a second line modality, core biopsy had a similarly high rate of definitive diagnosis at 79.8%. The stepwise approach to the use of FNAB and core biopsy would reduce substantially the proportion of cases requiring surgical diagnostic biopsy. Given the low probability of malignancy and the imperative to limit the morbidity associated with cancer screening, the demonstration of the reliability of FNAB as a minimally invasive but highly accurate test for this particular subset of screen-detected lesions has significant clinical utility

    Single nucleotide polymorphisms to discriminate different classes of hybrid between wild Atlantic salmon and aquaculture escapees

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    Many wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations are threatened by introgressive hybridization from domesticated fish that have escaped from aquaculture facilities. A detailed understanding of the hybridization dynamics between wild salmon and aquaculture escapees requires discrimination of different hybrid classes; however, markers currently available to discriminate the two types of parental genome have limited power to do this. Using a high-density Atlantic salmon single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array, in combination with pooled-sample allelotyping and an F-st outlier approach, we identified 200 SNPs that differentiated an important Atlantic salmon stock from the escapees potentially hybridizing with it. By simulating multiple generations of wild-escapee hybridization, involving wild populations in two major phylogeographic lineages and a genetically diverse set of escapees, we showed that both the complete set of SNPs and smaller subsets could reliably assign individuals to different hybrid classes up to the third hybrid (F3) generation. This set of markers will be a useful tool for investigating the genetic interactions between native wild fish and aquaculture escapees in many Atlantic salmon populations

    Long-term safety and efficacy of subcutaneous immunoglobulin IgPro20 in CIDP PATH extension study

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    PATH study group.[Objective] To investigate the long-term safety and efficacy of weekly subcutaneous IgPro20 (Hizentra, CSL Behring) in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP).[Methods] In a 48-week open-label prospective extension study to the PATH study, patients were initially started on 0.2 g/kg or on 0.4 g/kg weekly and—if clinically stable—switched to 0.2 g/kg weekly after 24 weeks. Upon CIDP relapse on the 0.2 g/kg dose, 0.4 g/kg was (re)initiated. CIDP relapse was defined as a deterioration by at least 1 point in the total adjusted Inflammatory Neuropathy Cause and Treatment score.[Results] Eighty-two patients were enrolled. Sixty-two patients initially received 0.4 g/kg, 20 patients 0.2 g/kg weekly. Seventy-two received both doses during the study. Sixty-six patients (81%) completed the 48-week study duration. Overall relapse rates were 10% in 0.4 g/kg–treated patients and 48% in 0.2 g/kg–treated patients. After dose reduction from 0.4 to 0.2 g/kg, 51% (27/53) of patients relapsed, of whom 92% (24 of 26) improved after reinitiation of the 0.4 g/kg dose. Two-thirds of patients (19/28) who completed the PATH study without relapse remained relapse-free on the 0.2 g/kg dose after dose reduction in the extension study. Sixty-two patients had adverse events (AEs) (76%), of which most were mild or moderate with no related serious AEs.[Conclusions] Subcutaneous treatment with IgPro20 provided long-term benefit at both 0.4 and 0.2 g/kg weekly doses with lower relapse rates on the higher dose. Long-term dosing should be individualized to find the most appropriate dose in a given patient. Classification of evidence This study provides Class IV evidence that for patients with CIDP, long-term treatment with SCIG beyond 24 weeks is safe and efficacious.This study was supported by CSL Behring
