6,569 research outputs found

    Normal mere exposure effect with impaired recognition in Alzheimer’s disease.

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    We investigated the mere exposure effect and the explicit memory in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients and elderly control subjects, using unfamiliar faces. During the exposure phase, the subjects estimated the age of briefly flashed faces. The mere exposure effect was examined by presenting pairs of faces (old and new) and asking participants to select the face they liked. The participants were then presented with a forced-choice explicit recognition task. Controls subjects exhibited above-chance preference and recognition scores for old faces. The AD patients also showed the mere exposure effect but no explicit recognition. These results suggest that the processes involved in the mere exposure effect are preserved in AD patients despite their impaired explicit recognition. The results are discussed in terms of Seamon et al.’s proposal (1995) that processes involved in the mere exposure effect are equivalent to those subserving perceptual priming. These processes would depend on extrastriate areas which are relatively preserved in AD patients

    On the reactivity of sleep monitoring with diaries

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    The declining costs of wearable sensors have made self-monitoring of sleep related behavior easier for personal use but also for sleep studies. Several monitor devices come with apps that make use of diary entries to provide people with an overview of their sleeping habits and give remotely advice. However, it could be that filling in a sleep diary impacts people's perception of their sleep or the very behavior that is being measured. A small-scale field study about the effects of sleep monitoring (keeping a sleep diary) on a cognitive and a behavioral level is discussed. The method was designed to be as open as possible in order to focus on the effects of sleep monitoring where participants are not given a goal, motivation or feedback. Some behavioral modifications were observed, for example, differences in total sleep time and bedtimes were found (compared to a non-monitoring week and a monitoring week). Nevertheless, what the causes are of these changes remains unclear, as it turned out that the two actigraph devices used in this study differed greatly. In addition, some participants became more aware of their sleeping routine, but changing a sleeping habit was found challenging because of other priorities. It is important to know what the effects may be of sleep monitoring as the outcomes may already have an effect on the participant behavior which could cause researchers to work with data that do not represent a real life situation. In addition, the self-monitoring may serve as an intervention for facilitating healthier sleeping habits.</p

    Dynamics of Human Walking

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    The problem of biped locomotion at steady speeds is discussed through a Lagrangian formulation developed for velocity-dependent, body driving forces. Human walking on a level surface is analyzed in terms of the data on the resultant ground-reaction force and the external work. It is shown that the trajectory of the center of mass is due to a superposition of its rectilinear motion with a given speed and a backward rotation along a shortened hypocycloid. A stiff-to-compliant crossover between walking gaits is described and the maximum speed for human walking, given by an instability of the trajectory, is predicted. Key words: locomotion, integrative biology, muscles, bipedalism, human walking, biomechanics.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Epithelial label-retaining cells are absent during tooth cycling in <i>Salmo salar</i> and <i>Polypterus senegalus</i>

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    The Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and African bichir (Polypterus senegalus) are both actinopterygian fish species that continuously replace their teeth without the involvement of a successional dental lamina. Instead, they share the presence of a middle dental epithelium: an epithelial tier enclosed by inner and outer dental epithelium. It has been hypothesized that this tier could functionally substitute for a successional dental lamina and might be a potential niche to house epithelial stem cells involved in tooth cycling. Therefore, in this study we performed a BrdU pulse chase experiment on both species to (1) determine the localization and extent of proliferating cells in the dental epithelial layers, (2) describe cell dynamics and (3) investigate if label-retaining cells are present, suggestive for the putative presence of stem cells. Cells proliferate in the middle dental epithelium, outer dental epithelium and cervical loop at the lingual side of the dental organ to form a new tooth germ. Using long chase times, both in S. salar (eight weeks) and P. senegalus (eight weeks and twelve weeks), we could not reveal the presence of label-retaining cells in the dental organ. Immunostaining of P. senegalus dental organs for the transcription factor Sox2, often used as a stem cell marker, labelled cells in the zone of outer dental epithelium which grades into the oral epithelium (ODE transition zone) and the inner dental epithelium of a successor only. The location of Sox2 distribution does not provide evidence for epithelial stem cells in the dental organ and, more specifically, in the middle dental epithelium. Comparison of S. salar and P. senegalus reveals shared traits in tooth cycling and thus advances our understanding of the developmental mechanism that ensures lifelong replacement

    Precise calibration of LIGO test mass actuators using photon radiation pressure

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    Precise calibration of kilometer-scale interferometric gravitational wave detectors is crucial for source localization and waveform reconstruction. A technique that uses the radiation pressure of a power-modulated auxiliary laser to induce calibrated displacements of one of the ~10 kg arm cavity mirrors, a so-called photon calibrator, has been demonstrated previously and has recently been implemented on the LIGO detectors. In this article, we discuss the inherent precision and accuracy of the LIGO photon calibrators and several improvements that have been developed to reduce the estimated voice coil actuator calibration uncertainties to less than 2 percent (1-sigma). These improvements include accounting for rotation-induced apparent length variations caused by interferometer and photon calibrator beam centering offsets, absolute laser power measurement using temperature-controlled InGaAs photodetectors mounted on integrating spheres and calibrated by NIST, minimizing errors induced by localized elastic deformation of the mirror surface by using a two-beam configuration with the photon calibrator beams symmetrically displaced about the center of the optic, and simultaneously actuating the test mass with voice coil actuators and the photon calibrator to minimize fluctuations caused by the changing interferometer response. The photon calibrator is able to operate in the most sensitive interferometer configuration, and is expected to become a primary calibration method for future gravitational wave searches.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, accepted by Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Precise calibration of LIGO test mass actuators using photon radiation pressure

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    Precise calibration of kilometer-scale interferometric gravitational wave detectors is crucial for source localization and waveform reconstruction. A technique that uses the radiation pressure of a power-modulated auxiliary laser to induce calibrated displacements of one of the ~10 kg arm cavity mirrors, a so-called photon calibrator, has been demonstrated previously and has recently been implemented on the LIGO detectors. In this article, we discuss the inherent precision and accuracy of the LIGO photon calibrators and several improvements that have been developed to reduce the estimated voice coil actuator calibration uncertainties to less than 2 percent (1-sigma). These improvements include accounting for rotation-induced apparent length variations caused by interferometer and photon calibrator beam centering offsets, absolute laser power measurement using temperature-controlled InGaAs photodetectors mounted on integrating spheres and calibrated by NIST, minimizing errors induced by localized elastic deformation of the mirror surface by using a two-beam configuration with the photon calibrator beams symmetrically displaced about the center of the optic, and simultaneously actuating the test mass with voice coil actuators and the photon calibrator to minimize fluctuations caused by the changing interferometer response. The photon calibrator is able to operate in the most sensitive interferometer configuration, and is expected to become a primary calibration method for future gravitational wave searches.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, accepted by Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Semiconductor few-electron quantum dot operated as a bipolar spin filter

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    We study the spin states of a few-electron quantum dot defined in a two-dimensional electron gas, by applying a large in-plane magnetic field. We observe the Zeeman splitting of the two-electron spin triplet states. Also, the one-electron Zeeman splitting is clearly resolved at both the zero-to-one and the one-to-two electron transition. Since the spin of the electrons transmitted through the dot is opposite at these two transitions, this device can be employed as an electrically tunable, bipolar spin filter. Calculations and measurements show that higher-order tunnel processes and spin-orbit interaction have a negligible effect on the polarization.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Zeeman energy and spin relaxation in a one-electron quantum dot

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    We have measured the relaxation time, T1, of the spin of a single electron confined in a semiconductor quantum dot (a proposed quantum bit). In a magnetic field, applied parallel to the two-dimensional electron gas in which the quantum dot is defined, Zeeman splitting of the orbital states is directly observed by measurements of electron transport through the dot. By applying short voltage pulses, we can populate the excited spin state with one electron and monitor relaxation of the spin. We find a lower bound on T1 of 50 microseconds at 7.5 T, only limited by our signal-to-noise ratio. A continuous measurement of the charge on the dot has no observable effect on the spin relaxation.Comment: Replaced with the version published in Phys. Rev. Let