6,412 research outputs found

    The Butcher--Oemler effect at z~0.35: a change in perspective

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    The present paper focuses on the much debated Butcher-Oemler effect: the increase with redshift of the fraction of blue galaxies in clusters. Considering a representative cluster sample made of seven group/clusters at z~0.35, we have measured the blue fraction from the cluster core to the cluster outskirts and the field mainly using wide field CTIO images. This sample represents a random selection of a volume complete x-ray selected cluster sample, selected so that there is no physical connection with the studied quantity (blue fraction), to minimize observational biases. In order to statistically assess the significance of the Butcher-Oemler effect, we introduce the tools of Bayesian inference. Furthermore, we modified the blue fraction definition in order to take into account the reduced age of the universe at higher redshifts, because we should no longer attempt to reject an unphysical universe in which the age of the Universe does depend on redshift, whereas the age of its content does not. We measured the blue fraction from the cluster center to the field and we find that the cluster affects the properties of the galaxies up to two virial radii at z~0.35. Data suggest that during the last 3 Gyrs no evolution of the blue fraction, from the cluster core to the field value, is seen beyond the one needed to account for the varying age with redshift of the Universe and of its content. The agreement of the radial profiles of the blue fraction at z=0 and z~0.35 implies that the pattern infall did not change over the last 3 Gyr, or, at least, its variation has no observational effect on the studied quantity.Comment: MNRAS, in pres

    Redshifts in the Southern Abell Redshift Survey Clusters. I. The Data

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    The Southern Abell Redshift Survey contains 39 clusters of galaxies with redshifts in the range 0.0 < z < 0.31 and a median redshift depth of z = 0.0845. SARS covers the region 0 21h (while avoiding the LMC and SMC) with b > 40. Cluster locations were chosen from the Abell and Abell-Corwin-Olowin catalogs while galaxy positions were selected from the Automatic Plate Measuring Facility galaxy catalog with extinction-corrected magnitudes in the range 15 <= b_j < 19. SARS utilized the Las Campanas 2.5 m duPont telescope, observing either 65 or 128 objects concurrently over a 1.5 sq deg field. New redshifts for 3440 galaxies are reported in the fields of these 39 clusters of galaxies.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal, Table 2 can be downloaded in its entirety from http://trotsky.arc.nasa.gov/~mway/SARS1/sars1-table2.cs

    X-ray total mass estimate for the nearby relaxed cluster A3571

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    We constrain the total mass distribution in the cluster A3571, combining spatially resolved ASCA temperature data with ROSAT imaging data with the assumption that the cluster is in hydrostatic equilibrium. The total mass within r_500 (1.7/h_50 Mpc) is M_500 = 7.8[+1.4,-2.2] 10^14/ h_50 Msun at 90% confidence, 1.1 times smaller than the isothermal estimate. The Navarro, Frenk & White ``universal profile'' is a good description of the dark matter density distribution in A3571. The gas density profile is shallower than the dark matter profile, scaling as r^{-2.1} at large radii, leading to a monotonically increasing gas mass fraction with radius. Within r_500 the gas mass fraction reaches a value of f_gas = 0.19[+0.06,-0.03] h_50^{-3/2} (90% confidence errors). Assuming that this value of f_gas is a lower limit for the the universal value of the baryon fraction, we estimate the 90% confidence upper limit of the cosmological matter density to be Omega_m < 0.4.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Ap

    Chemical fractionation of siderophile elements in impactites from Australian meteorite craters

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    The abundance pattern of siderophile elements in terrestrial and lunar impact melt rocks was used extensively to infer the nature of the impacting projectiles. An implicit assumption made is that the siderophile abundance ratios of the projectiles are approximately preserved during mixing of the projectile constituents with the impact melts. As this mixture occurs during flow of strongly shocked materials at high temperatures, however there are grounds for suspecting that the underlying assumption is not always valid. In particular, fractionation of the melted and partly vaporized material of the projectile might be expected because of differences in volatility, solubility in silicate melts, and other characteristics of the constituent elements. Impactites from craters with associated meteorites offer special opportunities to test the assumptions on which projectile identifications are based and to study chemical fractionation that occurred during the impact process

    The circumstellar envelope around the S-type AGB star W Aql Effects of an eccentric binary orbit

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    The CO(J=3-2) emission from the CSE of the binary S-type AGB star W Aql has been observed at subarcsecond resolution using ALMA. The aim of this paper is to investigate the wind properties of the AGB star and to analyse how the known companion has shaped the CSE. The average mass-loss rate during the creation of the detected CSE is estimated through modelling, using the ALMA brightness distribution and previously published single-dish measurements as observational constraints. The ALMA observations are presented and compared to the results from a 3D smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) binary interaction model with the same properties as the W Aql system and with two different orbital eccentricities. Three-dimensional radiative transfer modelling is performed and the response of the interferometer is modelled and discussed. The estimated average mass-loss rate of W~Aql agrees with previous results. The size of the emitting region is consistent with photodissociation models. The CO(J=3-2) emission is dominated by a smooth component overlayed with two weak arc patterns with different separations. The larger pattern is predicted by the binary interaction model with separations of 10" and therefore likely due to the known companion. It is consistent with a binary orbit with low eccentricity. The smaller separation pattern is asymmetric and coincides with the dust distribution, but the separation timescale (200 yrs) is not consistent with any known process of the system. The separation of the known companions of the system is large enough to not have a very strong effect on the circumstellar morphology. The density contrast across the envelope of a binary with an even larger separation will not be easily detectable, even with ALMA, unless the orbit is strongly asymmetric or the AGB star has a much larger mass-loss rate.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Properties of compact 250 μm emission and H II regions in M 33 (HERM33ES)

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    Aims. Within the framework of the HERM33ES key program, using the high resolution and sensitivity of the Herschel photometric data, we study the compact emission in the Local Group spiral galaxy M33 to investigate the nature of the compact SPIRE emission sources. We extracted a catalogue of sources at 250 μm in order to investigate the nature of this compact emission. Taking advantage of the unprecedented Herschel resolution at these wavelengths, we also focus on a more precise study of some striking Hα shells in the northern part of the galaxy. Methods. We present a catalogue of 159 compact emission sources in M33 identified by SExtractor in the 250 μm SPIRE band that is the one that provides the best spatial resolution. We also measured fluxes at 24 μm and Hα for those 159 extracted sources. The morphological study of the shells also benefits from a multiwavelength approach including Hα, far-ultraviolet from GALEX, and infrared from both Spitzer IRAC 8 μm and MIPS 24 μm in order to make comparisons. Results. For the 159 compact sources selected at 250 μm, we find a very strong Pearson correlation coefficient with the MIPS 24 μm emission (r_(24) = 0.94) and a rather strong correlation with the Hα emission, although with more scatter (r_(Hα) = 0.83). The morphological study of the Hα shells shows a displacement between far-ultraviolet, Hα, and the SPIRE bands. The cool dust emission from SPIRE clearly delineates the Hα shell structures. Conclusions. The very strong link between the 250 μm compact emission and the 24 μm and Hα emissions, by recovering the star formation rate from standard recipes for H II regions, allows us to provide star formation rate calibrations based on the 250 μm compact emission alone. The different locations of the Hα and far-ultraviolet emissions with respect to the SPIRE cool dust emission leads to a dynamical age of a few Myr for the Hα shells and the associated cool dust

    Evaluation of radiography as a screening method for detection and characterisation of congenital vertebral malformations in dogs

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    Congenital vertebral malformations (CVM) are common in brachycephalic ‘screw-tailed’ dogs; they can be associated with neurological deficits and a genetic predisposition has been suggested. The purpose of this study was to evaluate radiography as a screening method for congenital thoracic vertebral malformations in brachycephalic ‘screw-tailed’ dogs by comparing it with CT. Forty-nine dogs that had both radiographic and CT evaluations of the thoracic vertebral column were included. Three observers retrospectively reviewed the images independently to detect CVMs. When identified, they were classified according to a previously published radiographic classification scheme. A CT consensus was then reached. All observers identified significantly more affected vertebrae when evaluating orthogonal radiographic views compared with lateral views alone; and more affected vertebrae with the CT consensus compared with orthogonal radiographic views. Given the high number of CVMs per dog, the number of dogs classified as being CVM free was not significantly different between CT and radiography. Significantly more midline closure defects were also identified with CT compared with radiography. Malformations classified as symmetrical or ventral hypoplasias on radiography were frequently classified as ventral and medial aplasias on CT images. Our results support that CT is better than radiography for the classification of CVMs and this will be important when further evidence of which are the most clinically relevant CVMs is identified. These findings are of particular importance for designing screening schemes of CVMs that could help selective breeding programmes based on phenotype and future studies
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