43 research outputs found

    A model of spontaneous flow driven by capillary pressure in nanoporous media

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    The spontaneous capillary imbibition phenomenon is a fundamental mechanism in porous media with applications in many fields. In low permeability shale reservoirs, this flow driven by capillary pressure is extremely important due to the predominance of nano-scale pores, which enhance capillary pressure and weaken hydrodynamic viscous force. This paper presents the results of an analytical model for capillary rise in nano-channels by taking into consideration the effect of inherent surface roughness. Model predictions match better with available experiments results. Relevant experiments were carried out on silicon-based nano-channels with rectangular section, which height is between 5 and 50 nm using de-ionized water. Results proved that the capillary rise kinetics in nano-channels follows the modified Lucas-Washburn law. The surface roughness adds extra resistance during the process of capillary rise, which is calculated as an equivalent porous medium layer. The capillary model is extended to porous media using the capillary bundle concept. In this model, imbibition height versus time was defined. Using this equation, the weight of imbibed liquid by spontaneous imbibition can be obtained. The results from this study demonstrate that the spontaneous imbibition in nanoporous media could be scaled and predicted.Cited as: Shen, A., Liu, Y., Farouq Ali, S.M. A model of spontaneous flow driven by capillary pressure in nanoporous media. Capillarity, 2020, 3(1): 1-7, doi:10.26804/capi.2020.01.0

    Encapsulated deep eutectic solvent for esterification of free fatty acid

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    A novel encapsulated deep eutectic solvent (DES) was introduced for biodiesel production via a two-step process. The DES was encapsulated in medical capsules and were used to reduce the free fatty acid (FFA) content of acidic crude palm oil (ACPO) to the minimum acceptable level (< 1%). The DES was synthesized from methyltriphenylphosphonium bromide (MTPB) and p-toluenesulfonic acid (PTSA). The effects pertaining to different operating conditions such as capsule dosage, reaction time, molar ratio, and reaction temperature were optimized. The FFA content of ACPO was reduced from existing 9.61% to less than 1% under optimum operating conditions. This indicated that encapsulated MTPB-DES performed high catalytic activity in FFA esterification reaction and showed considerable activity even after four consecutive recycling runs. The produced biodiesel after acid esterification and alkaline transesterification met the EN14214 international biodiesel standard specifications. To our best knowledge, this is the first study to introduce an acidic catalyst in capsule form. This method presents a new route for the safe storage of new materials to be used for biofuel production. Conductor-like screening model for real solvents (COSMO-RS) representation of the DES using σ-profile and σ-potential graphs indicated that MTPB and PTSA is a compatible combination due to the balanced presence and affinity towards hydrogen bond donor and hydrogen bond acceptor in each constituent

    State-of-the-Art of Thermal Recovery Models

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    Experimental Study on Pulsed Plasma Stimulation and Matching with Simulation Work

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    Plasma stimulation is a form of waterless fracturing as it requires that only the wellbore be filled with an aqueous fluid. The technique creates multiple fractures propagating in different directions around the wellbore. The intent of this paper is to present an experimental and numerical investigation of the degree of competitiveness of plasma stimulation with hydraulic fracturing, especially in the case of stimulating tight formation. Several cases were run experimentally. The samples included limestone and sandstone to investigate plasma fracturing in different rock types. In addition, the main goal of the experiments was to study the creation of fracture(s) under confining stresses, the type of rock, the amount of electrical energy used in the experiment, and the length of the wire to generate the plasma reaction. A laboratory plasma equipment was designed and used to accomplish the experimental work. The experiments were then numerically matched using a finite element numerical simulator, HOSS developed by LANL (Los Alamos National Lab). HOSS was developed to simulate high-strain-rate fractures such as those created by plasma stimulation. It accounts for mixed-mode fracture mechanics which are tensile and shear fractures. The simulator governing equations obey the conservation of mass and momentum in a solid-mechanics sense and account for the nonlinear deformation of rock material. The matching of the experiment allowed us to validate the HOSS simulation of the process and showed that the numerical results are in good agreement with the experimental work. Using the HOSS simulator, we also investigated the effect of higher energy levels and/or short release time on a cement rock model. The pressure profile that is developed due to the energy release can vary in the peak pressure and the release time. The results showed that the plasma fracturing technique is an effective stimulation method in sandstone and limestone. Plasma fractures were developed in the rock samples and extended from the sample wellbore to the outer boundaries. The shape of the pressure pulse has an impact on the developed fractures. Moreover, the effect of plasma stimulation on natural fractures was studied numerically. It was found that natural fractures can arrest the plasma-generated fractures that propagate from the wellbore to the outer boundaries. However, new fractures may develop in the rock starting from the natural fracture tips

    Utilizing of 1-Hexyl-1-Methyl-Pyrrolidinium Bis (Trifluoromethyl-Sulfonyl) Imide as Medium for Electrochemical Generation of Superoxide Ion-Radical

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    The superoxide ion-radical was generated and analysed electrochemically using cyclic voltammetry (CV) technique from oxygen dissolved in a room-temperature ionic liquid, 1-Hexyl-1-methyl-pyrrolidinium bis (trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide, at atmospheric pressure. It was found that the generated superoxide ion was stable which indicates its possible use for further useful applications. ABSTRAK: Ion radikal superoksida dihasil dan dianalisa secara elektrokimia menggunakan teknik voltammetri berkitar (cyclic voltammetry (CV)) daripada oksigen yang dilarutkan dalam larutan ionik pada suhu bilik, 1-Hexyl-1-methyl-pyrrolidinium bis (trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imida, pada tekanan atmosfera. Didapati bahawa ion superoksida yang terhasil adalah stabil. Ini menunjukkan ia berkemungkinan berguna dalam aplikasi lain

    Generation of Superoxide Ion in Pyridinium, Morpholinium, Ammonium, and Sulfonium-Based Ionic Liquids and the Application in the Destruction of Toxic Chlorinated Phenols

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    Generation of superoxide ion (O<sub>2</sub><sup>•–</sup>) was carried out in four ionic liquids (ILs) having the same anion, bis­(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)­imide [N­(Tf)<sub>2</sub>]<sup>−</sup>, and different cations, N-hexylpyridinium [HPy]<sup>+</sup>, N-methoxyethyl-N-methylmorpholinium [MO1,1O2]<sup>+</sup>, N-ethyl-N,N-dimethyl-2-methoxyethylammonium [N112,1O2]<sup>+</sup>, and triethylsulfonium [S222]<sup>+</sup>. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) and chronoamperometry (CA) electrochemical techniques were used in this investigation. It was found that O<sub>2</sub><sup>•–</sup> is not stable in the [HPy]<sup>+</sup>-based IL. On the other hand, CV showed that the electrochemically generated O<sub>2</sub><sup>•–</sup> is stable in [MO1,1O2]<sup>+</sup>-, [N112,1O2]<sup>+</sup>-, and [S222]<sup>+</sup>-based ILs for the time duration of the experiment. The long-term stability of the generated O<sub>2</sub><sup>•–</sup> was then investigated by dissolving potassium superoxide (KO<sub>2</sub>) in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) in the presence of the corresponding IL. It was found that ILs containing [MO1,1O2]<sup>+</sup> and [N112,1O2]<sup>+</sup> offer a promising long-term stability of O<sub>2</sub><sup>•–</sup> for various reactions to be used for several applications. However, it was found that after 2 h, about 92.5% of the generated O<sub>2</sub><sup>•–</sup> in [S222]<sup>+</sup> based IL was consumed. The diffusion coefficient and solubility of O<sub>2</sub> in the studied ILs were then determined using CV and CA techniques simultaneously. It was found that diffusion coefficients and CA steady-state currents increase with temperature increases, while the solubility of O<sub>2</sub> decreased. To our best knowledge, this is the first time that morpholinium and sulfoniumbased ILs were utilized as media for chemical and electrochemical generation of O<sub>2</sub><sup>•–</sup>. Additionally, the chemically generated O<sub>2</sub><sup>•–</sup>, by dissolving KO<sub>2</sub>, was then used for the destruction of 2,4-dichlorophenol (DCP) in [MO1,1O2]­[N­(Tf)<sub>2</sub>] under ambient conditions. The destruction percentage was higher than 98%. This work represents a novel application of the chemically generated O<sub>2</sub><sup>•–</sup> for the destruction of toxic chlorinated phenols in ILs media

    Immiscible CO 2

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