147 research outputs found

    Assessment of the industrial enterprises competitiveness in terms of import placement

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    The article describes a method to estimate the industrial enterprises’ competitiveness in the modern conditions of the import substitution policy’s application by the governing bodies of the Russian Federation. In this paper, the authors consider the factors and principles of the enterprise’s competitiveness. The authors have represented several approaches for the competitiveness assessment, and after that the most suitable one to assess the competitiveness of the industrial enterprises in the changing external environment, namely the application of the import substitution policy is chosen. For a detailed study of the concept of the «import substitution», the authors have reviewed the foreign countries’ experience concerning the import substitution policy application. As a result, the advantages and disadvantages of this policy, and especially the impact on the national economy, have been found out. The authors have also taken into account the social component of the assessment of the company’s competitiveness, which is currently one of the important indicators of industrial enterprises. The authors propose their mechanism of improving competitiveness of industrial enterprises in the conditions of import substitutio

    Toxic Chemical and their Neutralising Agents in Porous Media

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    The UK Government Decontamination Service advises central Govern- ment on the national capability for the decontamination of buildings, infrastructure, transport and open environment, and be a source of expertise in the event of a chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) incident or major release of HazMat materials. The study group constructed mathematical models to describe the depth to which a toxic chemical may seep into an initially dry porous substrate, and of the neutralisation process between a decontaminant and the imbibed chemical. The group recognised that capillary suction was the dominant process by which the contaminant spreads in the porous substrate. Therefore, in the first instance the absorption of the contaminant was modelled using Darcy’s law. At the next level of complication a diffuse interface model based on Richards’ equation was employed. The results of the two models were found to agree at early times, while at later times we found that the diffuse interface model predicted the more realistic scenario in which the contaminant has seeped deeper into the substrate even in the absence of further contaminant being supplied at the surface. The decontamination process was modelled in two cases; first, where the product of the decontamination reaction was water soluble, and the second where the reaction product formed soluble in the contaminant phase and of similar density. These simple models helped explain some of the key physics involved in the process, and how the decontamination process might be optimised. We found that decontamination was most effective in the first of these two cases. The group then sought to incorporate hydrodynamic effects into the reaction model. In the long wavelength limit, the governing equations reduced to a one-dimensional Stefan model similar to the one considered earlier. More detailed approximations and numerical simulations of this model were beyond the scope of this study group, but provide an entry point for future research in this area

    Pathogenetic Aspects of the First Trimester Miscarriage

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    Purpose: To examine the profile of cytokines and gormones in maternal serum of first-trimester pregnancies complicated by threatened abortion (TACP).Materials and Methods: Serum levels of interleukin-2 and -6, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), activin A, VEGF, sFlt, PGF were measured, by ELISA, in 24 women with TACP and adverse outcome (group IV) and compared with the corresponding levels of 35 women with TACP and successful outcome (group II) and 21 miscarriage (group III) and 26 women with first-trimester uncohreatened abortionmplicated pregnancy (group I) who served as controls. AtteStat 7.3, MedCalc, Microsoft Excel 2003, Statistica 6.0, Spirmen or Wilcoxon test were used for analysis.Results: IL-2 and -6 were detected lower and TNF-alpha and activin A were detected higher with no significant difference in group I, compared to all other groups. Only TNF-alpha in group II were detected lower with significantly levels, compared to I group. sFlt in all groups was detected lower, compared to I group. VEGF and CRH were detected lower in II and III groups and higher in IV group, compared to I group. PGF was detected higher in III group and lower in II and IV groups, compared to I group.Summary: In first-trimester TACP with adverse outcome, allteration of maternal angiogenic factors, activin A, IL and CRH levels, compared to first-trimester uncomplicated pregnancy and TACP wihreatened abortionth successful outcome, is relevant to the occurrence of miscarriages


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    Data of histological study of pathomorphological changes in liver of white mice with experimental plague are represented in the article. An important element in evaluation and prediction of the pathological process in the liver is the analysis of hepatocyte karyokinesis, the mitotic index calculation, the counting number of atypical mitosis and the degree of organ regeneration ability. Dynamics of these liver changes at infection process in experimental animals caused by Yersinia pestis plasmid variants was investigated in this work. The variability of liver injuries was shown depending on plasmid-associated virulence of the infection agent. It was proved that the Y. pestis strain carrying three basic pYP (6 mDa), pYV (45 mDa), pYT (61 mDa) plasmids caused the most severe systemic disease with lethal outcome as a rule. Lack of species-specific plasmids and especially virulence and pathogenicity plasmids reduced the rate of infection process generalization and the ability of the pathogen to initiate pathological changes incompatible with the microorganism life. Therefore, all morphological liver changes in experimental plague infection are directly dependent on plasmid profile of the pathogen. The mechanism of toxicity included the damaging effect of the toxin to the cellular structures and failure of the metabolic processes in the organism. Acuity of intoxication and the development of pathological process can be estimated by exploring changes in liver morphology

    Change of the composition of splenic lymphocytes at the effect of argentogalactomanann and argento-poly-1-vinyl-1,2,4-triazole on the experimental animals

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    The article presents the results of the research of effect of metal-containing nanocomposites on the content of splenic Band T-lymphocytes of white mice. Phenotypic analysis of the spleen cells suspension was conducted by flow cytometry on BD FACSCanto ™ П. Stimulating effect of these medications on the immune response formation is showed and is proved by the increase of content of B-lymphocytes and T-helper cells and it indicates cooperative interactions between the cells of immune system. It was experimentally showed that the medications 2-N-HTP-Ag, GM-Ag can be recommended for the further research in order to increase protective properties of an organism

    Assessment of indicators of specific humoral immune against COVID-19 in children during the distribution of a new coronavirus infection in the Irkutsk region (2020–2021)

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    Background. There are many aspects of the development of immunity to the SARSCoV-2 virus, that remain poorly understood, like the influence of age-related characteristics on the intensity of immunity and the course of the disease. Studies of the state of immunity are widely used, mainly in the adults. But questions of the patho- and immunogenesis in children remain unsolved. Determining the nature of seroconversion of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in this age group is important information for serological monitoring for targeted immunoprophylaxis of the population and forecasting the epidemic situation in the region.The aim. Evaluation of the dynamics of seroprevalence of specific antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in children of the Irkutsk region during the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection.Materials and methods. Study was conducted among the child population of the Irkutsk region in the period June 2020 – December 2021 as part of the Rospotrebnadzor project to assess population immunity to SARS-CoV-2 in the population of the Russian Federation. The content of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 was determined by ELISA using native commercial test systems.Results. Population immunity among the child population of the Irkutsk region was characterized by an upward trend from 7.8 % at stage 1 to 98.4 % at stage 6 of the study. IgG to SARS-CoV-2 remained in 72.8 % and formed in 25.6 % of previously seronegative children. Antibodies were detected in 66.1 % of cases and persisted for up to 10–15 months after COVID-19 infection. The proportion of asymptomatic forms of infection among seropositive volunteers was 69.5 %, which determines the high intensity of the latent epidemic process.Conclusion. The level of seroprevalence was 98.4%. The current results of serological monitoring serve as a scientific basis for adjusting the list and scope of management decisions on the organization of preventive anti-epidemic measures, including vaccination

    Changes in cellular components of peritoneal fluid of white mice with infection caused by Yersinia pestis with different plasmid profile

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    The article presents the data on the influence of Yersinia pestis plasmid profile on subpopulation structure of mononuclear cells of peritoneal fluid of mice at the early stages of infectious process. It was showed that change of cellular composition of peritoneal fluid of the experimental animals depended on the plasmid profile of Yersinia pestis strains. The phase character in the changes of quantitative composition of the mast cells of peritoneal fluid of white mice infected with Y. pestis strains with different plasmid spectrum was determined


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    At present, development of effective vaccines of new generation is an actual problem, in particular concerning the tularemia causative agent. It determines the need to search antigen determinants with high immunogenic activity. Some authors demonstrate that outer membrane proteins of Francisella tularensis possess immunological activity. This fact gave occasion to isolation and comprehensive study of F tularensis cellular envelopes as a perspective component in vaccine engineering. The influence of cell walls of F. tularensis was studied for morphological changes in immunocompetent organs of experimental animals. Cell walls were obtained from three virulence strains of living cultures: F. tularensis subsp. mediaasiatica А-61, F. tularensis subsp. nearctica В-399 A-Cole, F. tularensis subsp. holarctica 306 and vaccine strain F. tularensis subsp. holarctica 15 (extracted by Research Institute of Epidemiology and Hygiene). Cell walls of different subspecies of F. tularensis stimulate the production of antibody forming cells and cell proliferation more in T-dependent zones of lymph nodes and spleen. It has been determined that these antigen preparations do not cause stress reaction of the experimental animal organisms. Basing on the findings, we made a conclusion that there is a need for further detailed investigation of immunogenic properties of CE F. tularensis subsp. holarctica 306, F. tularensis subsp. mediasiatica А-61 and F. tularensis subsp. tularensis B-399 A-Cole as perspective components in development of tularemia vaccines

    Changes in immunocompetent guinea pigs immunizing with Francisella Tularensislipopoly-saccharide

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    Influence of Francisella tularensis lipopolysaccharide preparations on morphological changes in immunocompetent experimental animals was studied by subcutaneous introduction using survey microscopy and morphometric methods. Low expressed activation of B- and T-dependent bands in immunocompetent organs was determined. Proliferation of antigen-presented cells at early stages of investigation indicates the cell immunity activation. Pathomorphological alterations caused by lipopolysaccharide inoculation are homogeneous and benignant


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    The article provides methods for producing a heat.shielding coating on cylinder parts made of internal combustion engines made of aluminum alloys by the method of galvanic.plasma modification of the surface of GPM, which also give results on fuel economy.В статье рассматривается способ получения теплозащитного покрытия на деталях цилиндропоршневой группы ДВС из алюминиевых сплавов методом гальваноплазменной модифицикации ГПМ поверхности, а также приведены результаты по топливной экономичности