390 research outputs found

    Controlling kinetic pathways in demixing microgel-micelle mixtures

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    [Image: see text] We investigate the temperature-dependent phase behavior of mixtures of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (pNIPAM) microgel colloids and a triblock copolymer (PEO–PPO–PEO) surfactant. Usually, gelation in these systems results from an increase in temperature. Here we investigate the role of the heating rate, and surprisingly, we find that this causes the mechanism of aggregation to change from one which is driven by depletion of the microgels by the micelles at low temperatures to the association of the two species at high temperatures. We thus reveal two competing mechanisms for attractions between the microgel particles which can be controlled by changing the heating rate. We use this heating-rate-dependent response of the system to access multiple structures for the same system composition. Samples were found to demix into phases rich and poor in microgel particles at temperatures below 33 °C, under conditions where the microgels particles are partially swollen. Under rapid heating full demixing is bypassed, and gel networks are formed instead. The temperature history of the sample, therefore, allows for kinetic selection between different final structures, which may be metastable

    Defect modes in otherwise perfect photonic crystal and photonic crystal fibres

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    Many of the applications of photonic crystals and photonic crystal fibres require the periodic structure tohave some type of defect. In photonic crystal fibers a point defect defines the fiber core, whereas in photonic crystals a line defect acts as a waveguide, and point defects act as cavities. The modeling of these defects usually either makes use of periodic boundary conditions, by which the defect is replicated periodically, or models a photonic cyrstal of finite extent. HOwever, some applications, for example the cut-off behaviour of a defect mode where the field extends very widely, require methods that can model a defect in an otherwise infinite and perfectly periodic structure. Here we present such a method. It combines the method of fictitious sources with averaging over the Brillouin zone, and we apply it to study the long wavelength behavior of the fundamental mode of photonic crystal fibers

    Dominion cartoon satire as trench culture narratives: complaints, endurance and stoicism

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    Although Dominion soldiers’ Great War field publications are relatively well known, the way troops created cartoon multi-panel formats in some of them has been neglected as a record of satirical social observation. Visual narrative humour provides a ‘bottom-up’ perspective for journalistic observations that in many cases capture the spirit of the army in terms of stoicism, buoyed by a culture of internal complaints. Troop concerns expressed in the early comic strips of Australians, Canadians, New Zealanders and British were similar. They shared a collective editorial purpose of morale boosting among the ranks through the use of everyday narratives that elevated the anti-heroism of the citizen soldier, portrayed as a transnational everyman in the service of empire. The regenerative value of disparagement humour provided a redefinition of courage as the very act of endurance on the Western Front

    Robust plasmon waveguides in strongly-interacting nanowire arrays

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    Arrays of parallel metallic nanowires are shown to provide a tunable, robust, and versatile platform for plasmon interconnects, including high-curvature turns with minimum signal loss. The proposed guiding mechanism relies on gap plasmons existing in the region between adjacent nanowires of dimers and multi-wire arrays. We focus on square and circular silver nanowires in silica, for which excellent agreement between both boundary element method and multiple multipolar expansion calculations is obtained. Our work provides the tools for designing plasmon-based interconnects and achieving high degree of integration with minimum cross talk between adjacent plasmon guides.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    A Long Time Gone: Post-conflict Rural Property Restitution under Customary Law

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    Mass displacement of people due to violence poses a unique set of challenges for property restitution when people return to their homes after a long absence. This is particularly evident in rural areas where the dominant form of land holding is customary tenure. Violence-induced displacement, unlike voluntary migration, challenges both customary and public legaladministrative structures. The lack of written documentation of customary holdings and the importance of the support of community leaders means that incorporating returnees back into a community can be easier for those who choose to return, while reclaiming property without physical return is nearly impossible. This article seeks to make three contributions: 1) to note the diversity of return processes after long displacements in terms of timing and demographics; 2) to demonstrate that the nature of the claims people can make on customary tenure systems is at odds with international legal norms on property restitution after displacement; and 3) to introduce a set of observations and questions on how conflict can change customary law. The article is based on fieldwork conducted in Uganda, Liberia and Timor-Leste, all countries with extended displacement

    What are the living conditions and health status of those who don't report their migration status? a population-based study in Chile

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    BACKGROUND: Undocumented immigrants are likely to be missing from population databases, making it impossible to identify an accurate sampling frame in migration research. No population-based data has been collected in Chile regarding the living conditions and health status of undocumented immigrants. However, the CASEN survey (Caracterizacion Socio- Economica Nacional) asked about migration status in Chile for the first time in 2006 and provides an opportunity to set the base for future analysis of available migration data. We explored the living conditions and health of self-reported immigrants and respondents who preferred not to report their migration status in this survey. METHODS: Cross-sectional secondary analysis of CASEN survey in Chile in 2006. Outcomes: any disability, illness/accident, hospitalization/surgery, cancer/chronic condition (all binary variables); and the number of medical/emergency attentions received (count variables). Covariates: Demographics (age, sex, marital status, urban/rural, ethnicity), socioeconomic status (education level, employment status and household income), and material standard of living (overcrowding, sanitation, housing quality). Weighted regression models were estimated for each health outcome, crude and adjusted by sets of covariates, in STATA 10.0. RESULTS: About 1% of the total sample reported being immigrants and 0.7% preferred not to report their migration status (Migration Status - Missing Values; MS-MV). The MS-MV lived in more deprived conditions and reported a higher rate of health problems than immigrants. Some gender differences were observed by health status among immigrants and the MS-MV but they were not statistically significant. Regressions indicated that age, sex, SES and material factors consistently affected MS-MVs’ chance of presenting poor health and these patterns were different to those found among immigrants. Great heterogeneity in both the MS-MV and the immigrants, as indicated by wide confidence intervals, prevented the identification of other significantly associated covariates. CONCLUSION: This is the first study to look at the living conditions and health of those that preferred not to respond their migration status in Chile. Respondents that do not report their migration status are vulnerable to poor health and may represent undocumented immigrants. Surveys that fail to identify these people are likely to misrepresent the experiences of immigrants and further quantitative and qualitative research is urgently required

    Lyapunov exponent of the random Schr\"{o}dinger operator with short-range correlated noise potential

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    We study the influence of disorder on propagation of waves in one-dimensional structures. Transmission properties of the process governed by the Schr\"{o}dinger equation with the white noise potential can be expressed through the Lyapunov exponent Îł\gamma which we determine explicitly as a function of the noise intensity \sigma and the frequency \omega. We find uniform two-parameter asymptotic expressions for Îł\gamma which allow us to evaluate Îł\gamma for different relations between \sigma and \omega. The value of the Lyapunov exponent is also obtained in the case of a short-range correlated noise, which is shown to be less than its white noise counterpart.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure
