1,504 research outputs found

    AvaliaĆ§Ć£o dos impactos da Tecnologia Acasalamento de Outono em Bovinos de Corte.

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    IdentificaĆ§Ć£o da tecnologia; Procedimentos metodolĆ³gicos; IdentificaĆ§Ć£o dos impactos na cadeia produtiva; Impactos econĆ“micos; Impactos sociais; Impactos ambientais; AvaliaĆ§Ć£o integrada e comparativa dos impactos gerados; Custos para a geraĆ§Ć£o da tecnologia; AƧƵes sociais.bitstream/item/64239/1/DT89.pd

    The Effects of Sex-Role Attitudes and Group Composition on Men and Women in Groups

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    The dual impact of group gender composition and sex-role attitudes on self-perceptions and social behavior was explored. Androgynous and stereotyped men and women were placed in groups of skewed sex composition. Subjects\u27 self-descriptions of masculine attributes shifted significantly in the group environment. In some instances, sex role-stereotyped subjects responded most stereotypically when their gender was in the minority in the group. Differences between men and women and between androgynous and stereotyped subjects in sex role-related preferences for group roles and discussion topics were also found

    Complementary stereotyping of ethnic minorities predicts system justification in Poland

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    We investigate the phenomenon of complementary stereotyping of ethnic minorities in Poland and its relationship to system justification. Using results from a nationally representative survey we test the hypothesis that complementary stereotypesā€”according to which ethnic minorities are seen as possessing distinctive, offsetting strengths and weaknessesā€”would be associated with system justification among Polish majority citizens. For four minorities, results indicated that stereotyping them as (a) low in morality but high in competence or (b) high in morality but low in competence predicted greater system justification. These results suggest that even in a context that is low in support for the status quo, complementary stereotyping of ethnic minorities is linked to system justification processes. For the three minority groups that were lowest in social status, complementary stereotyping was unrelated to system justification. It appears that negative attitude towards these groups can be expressed openly, regardless of oneā€™s degree of system justification

    AplicaƧƵes de ferramentas de avaliaĆ§Ć£o de impacto socioeconĆ“mico e ambiental para agricultura de precisĆ£o.

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    Foram avaliadas ferramentas para aplicaĆ§Ć£o da avaliaĆ§Ć£o de impacto socioeconĆ“mico e ambiental para o macroprograma 1 de agricultura de precisĆ£o. Duas em particular chamaram a atenĆ§Ć£o pelo potencial de resposta e foram detalhadas nesse trabalho como exemplos: a Matriz Insumo Produto, representando ferramentas de avaliaĆ§Ć£o inovadoras a serem aplicadas na avaliaĆ§Ć£o da AP e a avaliaĆ§Ć£o tradicional pela Embrapa atravĆ©s do modelo Ambitec. Uma vez que a maioria das tecnologias propostas nesse projeto ainda nĆ£o estĆ£o em fase finalĆ­stica, optou-se por aplicar o modelo Ambitec nas tecnologias que atingiram a fase de uso pelo produtor e selecionou-se uma, o aplicador seletivo de herbicida Campo Limpo, desenvolvido pela Embrapa PecuĆ”ria Sul. O equipamento apresentou um baixo valor na avaliaĆ§Ć£o do Ambitec Social, responsĆ”vel pela dimensĆ£o social, principalmente devido ao baixo impacto econĆ“mico, mas um valor significativo em relaĆ§Ć£o ao Ambitec agro, que avalia a dimensĆ£o ambiental. Isso pode indicar uma tecnologia que serĆ” plenamente aplicada Ć  medida que demandas de ordem ambiental tornem a atividade agrĆ­cola mais restrita do que o momento atual

    Constructing female entrepreneurship policy in the UK : is the US a relevant benchmark?

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    Successive UK governments have introduced a range of policy initiatives designed to encourage more women to start new firms. Underpinning these policies has been an explicit ambition for the UK to achieve similar participation rates as those in the US where it is widely reported that women own nearly half the stock of businesses. The data underlying these objectives are critically evaluated and it is argued that the definitions and measures of female enterprise used in the UK and the US restrict meaningful comparisons between the two. It is suggested that the expansion of female entrepreneurship in the US is historically and culturally specific to that country. UK policy goals should reflect the national socioeconomic context, while drawing upon good practice examples from a range of other countries. The paper concludes by discussing the economic and social viability of encouraging more women in the UK to enter self-employment without fully recognising the intensely competitive sectors in which they are often located

    Masculine femininities/feminine masculinities: power, identities and gender

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    This paper is basically about terminology. In it I discuss the terms 'masculinity' and 'femininity' and how they relate to being male and being female. My theme arises from an increasing difficulty that I am finding in understanding how individual identities relate to dominant constructions of masculinity and femininity. Christine Skelton and Becky Francis argue that we should not be afraid to name certain behaviours as masculine even when they are performed by girls. After a discussion of the problems of defining both 'masculinity' and 'femininity', and a consideration of the power relations between these terms, I go on to consider the concept of 'female masculinity' (Halberstam). I argue that this formulation is problematic, due to its dependence on a main term whose definition is unclear. Finally, I argue that we need to distinguish 'masculinity' and 'femininity' from 'masculinities' and 'femininities'
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