98 research outputs found

    Changes in gray forest soil organic matter pools under anthropogenic load in agrocenoses

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    Received: August 6th, 2023 ; Accepted: September 30th, 2023 ; Published: October 24th, 2023 ; Correspondence: [email protected] relevance of research is determined by a complex of factors that shape the change in the humus system of gray forest soil dynamics (content, total reserves, values variability of labile and stable humus pools, humification processes direction) under the influence of mineral fertilizers and chemical reclamation in the long-term ecotope conditions. The purpose of the research was to assess the impact of systematic anthropogenic loading on changes in soil organic matter pools. Research methods included long-term stationary studies, laboratory determination of organic matter content and humus group composition, and statistical data analysis. It has been proven that liming practically did not contribute to the increase of the total humus content, however, due to the coagulating effect, certain changes in labile and more stable forms of humus substances occurred in its qualitative composition. It has been established that the cultivation of crops сultivation in crop rotation with a purely mineral fertilizer system did not lead to a significant organic matter accumulation in the soil, despite the increase in crop yield levels under appropriate conditions and the accumulation of a larger vegetative mass of root and post-harvest residues entering the soil, but its losses were significantly reduced. The use of organic components (green manure, by-products) in combination with moderate rates of mineral fertilizers on a liming background (humus content 1.63%), provided a clear tendency to expand humus reproduction by 0.16%, compared to the initial level, and by 15% and 12% more than in the version with no fertilizers and just mineral system. Under such a fertilizing system, there is a tendency to increase more stable humic acids. The increase in humification of organic matter was achieved through the application of fertilizers in limed backgrounds. In this case, the humus formation type exhibited characteristics of humate-fulvate, with a value of 0.9, which is characteristic of soils of forest origin in the northern Forest-Steppe region with the presence of soil-forming factors specific to that territory. The article materials are of practical value for agricultural producers in the development of an innovative strategy for preserving the environment safety, and soil fertility under the influence of elements of energy-saving technologies for crops

    The Current State of Development of International Money Transfers in Ukraine

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    The development of international bank transfers and mobile applications in Ukraine is considered. The essence of bank transfer, types and participants of the transfer process are defined. The tendency of development of money transfers in Ukraine, where international transfer systems are used both within the country and for receiving funds from abroad, is analyzed. The largest amounts of funds received in the country through international systems from foreign countries are identified. According to the research results, the most popular transfer systems most often used in Ukraine have been allocated as follows: SWIFT, IntelExpress, Western Union, MoneyGram, RIA MoneyTransfer. Among the cross-border transfers received in Ukraine we distinguish the following: remuneration of workers, which includes incomes of migrant workers working abroad for up to one year; «private transfers», which include transactions between resident and non-resident households. Recently, according to the results of statistical reporting on the analysis of private remittances, an increase in their volumes has been noted. The dynamics of volumes of private remittances in Ukraine by major countries is provided, which indicates an increase in their number over the past few years. The support of consumers of banking services in the direction of international bank transfers in wartime conditions in Ukraine is examined. Among them: support for international systems by canceling or reducing transfer fees; the emergence of new services. It is noted that the banking services market is sensitive to innovation processes, especially those related to the introduction of information technologies. Among such technologies, mobile applications for transferring money, which are extremely popular today, are allocated and studied. Based on the main criteria of Monito company, a digital startup whose mission is to help by saving on fees and exchange rates when making money transfers, the best mobile money transfer apps are considered. The rating of the best modern mobile applications for transferring funds is provided

    Подбор имплантатов для замены слуховых косточек человека на основе модели связанных контуров

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    У роботі, на основі моделі зв’язаних контурів, вирішується актуальна у пластичній хірургії ЛОР-органів проблема індивідуального підбору матеріалу для заміщення слухових кісточок середнього вуха людини.In this work, based on the model of coupled circuits, decided actual plastic surgery ENT problem of individual selection of material to replace the auditory ossicles of the middle ear of man.В работе, на основе модели связанных контуров, решается актуальная в пластической хирургии ЛОР-органов проблема индивидуального подбора материала для замещения слуховых косточек среднего уха человека

    Determination of the chromosome aberrations frequency and the dynamics of acrocentric chromosomes associations in children with type I diabetes

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    Abstract To date, it’s known that in Ukraine there are about 1 million patients with diabetes, but their real number is 2–3 times more, since this disease is usually diagnosed at the stage of already manifested pathological process. Unfortunately, diabetes mellitus remains an incurable disease, but it is possible to prolong life of patients or improve its quality by preventing or delaying its complications. Objective. To study quantitative and qualitative cytogenetic indices in peripheral blood lymphocytes of children with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Materials and methods. Cytogenetic study was performed in 30 children with type 1 diabetes aged from 5 to 17 years and 40 practically healthy peers. Associations of acrocentric chromosomes (AAX) were evaluated using criteria developed by K. D. Zang and E. Back (1968). Metaphase plate analysis was performed using a Leica Galen III binocular microscope (Austria), an eyepiece of ×15, a lens of ×100, a binocular nozzle of ×1.25. The statistical processing of the results was carried out using Excel application packages, SPSS Statistica17.0. Results: Changes in the somatic cells genome stability of children with type 1 diabetes have been revealed. Thus, the spontaneous level of chromosomal aberrations in the main and control groups was within 3.66 % and 0.96 %, respectively, and significantly exceeded the control indices (P < 0.005). In children, genomic abnormalities in the form of polyploidy and hypoploidy, as well as a decrease in CL0+2, were found, which indicates a decrease in the immunoreactivity of the sick children organism and allows to consider them as persons with secondary immunodeficiency. Conclusions: The spontaneous level of chromosomal aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes in children with type 1 diabetes significantly exceeded the control indices. Cytogenetic examination of children with type 1 diabetes has revealed genomic disorders in the form of polyploid cells, which have not been detected in the control group. Changes in the genome stability in the form of hypoploid aneuploidy have also been found in the examined group. In children with type 1 diabetes a decrease in the acrocentric chromosomes ability to join associations has been identified, which makes it possible to consider these children as persons with secondary immunodeficiency

    Cu and Fe oxides dispersed on SBA-15:a Fenton type bimetallic catalyst for N,N-diethyl-p-phenyl diamine degradation

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    A bimetallic oxidation catalyst has been synthesized via wet impregnation of copper and iron over a mesoporous SBA-15 silica support. Physicochemical properties of the resulting material were characterized by XRD, N2 physisorption, DRUVS, FTIR, Raman, SEM and HRTEM, revealing the structural integrity of the parent SBA-15, and presence of highly dispersed Cu and Fe species present as CuO and Fe2O3. The CuFe/SBA-15 bimetallic catalyst was subsequently utilized for the oxidative degradation of N,N-diethyl-p-phenyl diamine (DPD) employing a H2O2 oxidant in aqueous solution

    Continuous fungal treatment of non-sterile veterinary hospital effluent: pharmaceuticals removal and microbial community assessment

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    Source point treatment of effluents with a high load of pharmaceutical active compounds (PhACs), such as hospital wastewater, is a matter of discussion among the scientific community. Fungal treatments have been reported to be successful in degrading this type of pollutants and, therefore, the white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor was applied for the removal of PhACs from veterinary hospital wastewater. Sixty-six percent removal was achieved in a non-sterile batch bioreactor inoculated with T. versicolor pellets. On the other hand, the study of microbial communities by means of DGGE and phylogenetic analyses led us to identify some microbial interactions and helped us moving to a continuous process. PhAC removal efficiency achieved in the fungal treatment operated in non-sterile continuous mode was 44 % after adjusting the C/N ratio with respect to the previously calculated one for sterile treatments. Fungal and bacterial communities in the continuous bioreactors were monitored as well.Authors want to acknowledge the UAB veterinary hospital staff for their kind permission and help for the samplings. This work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and FEDER (projects CTM2013-48545-C2 and AIB2010PT-00169) and supported by the Generalitat de Catalunya (Consolidated Research Groups 2014-SGR-476 and 2014-SGR-291). The Department of Chemical Engineering of the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB) is a member of the Xarxa de Referencia en Biotecnologia de la Generalitat de Catalunya. M. Badia-Fabregat and D. Lucas acknowledge the predoctoral grants from UAB and from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (AP-2010-4926), respectively. The authors also thank the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) Strategic Project PEst-OE/EQB/LA0023/2013, Project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-027462 co-funded by Operational Competitiveness Programme, FEDER, and Project "BioEnv-Biotechnology and Bioengineering for a sustainable world," REF. NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000048, co-funded by Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (ON.2 - O Novo Norte), QREN, FEDER

    The role of genes of renin-angiotensin system in the development of adverse outcomes of treatment in severe intraventricular hemorrhages in premature infants

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    Введение: Внутрижелудочковые кровоизлияния (ВЖК) являются причиной повышенной заболеваемости и смертности преждевременно рожденных детей и ассоциируются с неблагоприятными неврологическими исходами. Цель: Подтвердить роль генов ренин-ангиотензиновой системы в развитии неблагоприятных исходов лечения тяжелых ВЖК у преждевременно рожденных детей. Материалы и методы: Проведено проспективное исследование, в которое включено 58 новорожденных (средний вес при рождении 1016,8±52,59 г, гестационный возраст 26,96±0,33 нед.), которые лечились в лечебных учреждениях Полтавской области в течение 2012-2015 гг. Изучали I/D полиморфизм АСЕ гена, A/C полиморфизм AGT2R1 гена и 4a/b полиморфизм eNOS гена. Распределение генотипа сравнивали между группами с помощью анализа χ2. Результаты исследования: Из 58 детей, включенных в исследование у 33 (56,9%) младенцев развилась вентркулодилятация, которая у 8 (13,8%) новорожденных прогрессировала в гидроцефалию. 34 (58,6%) младенцев с тяжелыми ВЖК умерли. Средний показатель (медиана) времени смерти детей составил 10,6 суток. Среди детей, которые умерли, достоверно чаще, чем у детей, которые выжили, выявляли сочетание генотипов ID&DD гена АСЕ+4ab & 4АА гена eNOS и на границе статистической значимости – изолированно генотип 4ab & 4АА гена eNOS. Сочетание генотипа ID+DD АСЕ гена и AC+CC генотипа AGTR1 гена достоверно чаще оказывалось среди детей с вентрикулодилятацией, чем у детей без нее. Вес при рождении имеет негативные корреляционные тренды с летальными исходами и не имеет – с вентрикулодилятацией и гидроцефалией. Выводы: Летальные исходы у детей с ВЖК ассоциируются с весом при рождении, а также наличием у них сочетания генотипов ID+DD гена АСЕ и 4ab+4аа гена eNOS; Introduction: Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) causes increased morbidity and mortality in premature infants and is associated with adverse neurological outcomes. The aim of the research is to confirm the role of genes of renin-angiotensin system in the development of adverse outcomes of treatment of severe IVC in preterm. Materials and methods: A prospective study was conducted, which included 58 premature infants (average birth weight 1016.8 ± 52.59 g, gestational age 26.96 ±0.33 weeks), who were treated at medical institutions in Poltava region during 2012-2015. I/D polymorphism of ACE gene, A/C polymorphism of AGT2R1 gene and 4a/b polymorphism of the eNOS gene were studied. The distribution of the genotype was compared between groups using the χ2 analysis. Results: Out of 58 children enrolled in the study, 33 (56.9%) of infants developed ventricular dilatation, which in 8 (13.8%) of the newborns progressed to hydrocephalus. Thirty-four (58.6%) infants with severe IVHs died. The average (median) time of death of infants was 10.6 days. Among children who died, a combination of genotypes ID & DD of the gene ACE +4ab & 4AA of the eNOS gene was found significantly more often than in children who survived, and at the border of statistical significance – the isolated genotype 4ab & 4 aa of the eNOS gene. The combination of genotype ID+DD of the ACE gene and the AC + CC genotype of the AGTR1 gene was significantly more frequent among children with ventricular dilatation than in children without it. The weight at birth have negative correlation trends with lethal outcomes and do not have with ventricular dilatation and hydrocephalus. Conclusions: Lethal outcomes in children with IVH are associated with weight at birth, as well as the presence of a combination of genotypes ID+DD of the ACE gene and 4ab+4aa of the eNOS gene

    Main epidemiological trends of asphyxia rate among term newborns in Poltava region: 2004–2014

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    Целью исследования было изучить эпидемиологические тенденции частоты асфиксии среди доношенных новорожденных Полтавской области, а также состояний, которые с ней связаны. Выявлено, что за последние 15 лет частота асфиксии среди доношенных новорожденных Полтавской области значительно сократилась, в частности, с 81,89‰ в 2000 г. до 12,9‰ в 2014 г. с наиболее существенным сокращением в 2005–2009 гг., когда ежегодно показатель уменьшался на 12,9‰. В течение 2009–2013 гг. снижение частоты асфиксии в год составило 2,9‰. Сокращение показателя смертности новорожденных от асфиксии наблюдалось в 2000–2008 гг. (от 2,62 до 1,4‰ в 2008 г.), но с 2008 г. показатель смертности при асфиксии не изменяется и составляет 0,1–0,2‰. Проведенное исследование дало возможность сделать вывод о том, что значительное снижение частоты асфиксии среди доношенных новорожденных Полтавской области обусловлено как внедрением современных перинатальных технологий, так и более точной верификацией диагноза; The aim of the research is to study the epidemiological trends of asphyxia incidence among term infants in Poltava region and the conditions associated with its development. Over the past 15 years, the asphyxia incidence among the term infants significantly decreased in Poltava region from 81.89‰ in 2000 to 12.9‰ in 2014 with the most significant decline in 2005–2009 – annual reduction of 12.9‰. During 2009–2013, the annual reduction rate of asphyxia decreased significantly and was 2.9‰. Reduction of incidence of neonatal death from asphyxia occurred during 2000–2008 from 2,62 to 1,4‰, but since 2008, asphyxia death rates remain unchanged and are 0,1–0,2‰. The significant decrease in the asphyxia rate among term infants in Poltava region is due to introduction of modern perinatal technologies, as well as more accurate verification of diagnosis