19 research outputs found
IT-basierte Produkte und Dienste für ältere Menschen - Nutzeranforderungen und Techniktrends: Tagungsband zur FAZIT Fachtagung "Best Agers" in der Informationsgesellschaft
Die IT-basierte Unterstützung des Alltags schreitet in der Informationsgesellschaft in hohem Tempo voran und spielt auch für ältere Menschen eine immer größere Rolle. Da aufgrund des demographischen Wandels der Anteil der älteren Menschen an der Bevölkerung zunimmt und somit auch die Zielgruppe der älteren Menschen an Bedeutung gewinnt, ändern sich auch die Strategien zur Entwicklung von Produkten und Diensten für Alltagshilfen, welche die Selbstständigkeit und Mobilität erhalten sollen. Dieser Band präsentiert versammelt Fachbeiträge einer Tagung zum Thema "Best Agers in der Informationsgesellschaft - mit IT in die zweite Lebenshälfte", die im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts FAZIT im Oktober 2005 in Stuttgart stattgefunden hat
Zukünftige Informationstechnologie für den Gesundheitsbereich
Informationstechnologie im Gesundheitsbereich wird in den kommenden Jahren (weiterhin) ein wichtiges Thema sein. An dieser Schnittstelle eröffnen sich neue Marktpotenziale für IT-Unternehmen. Aber welche Informationstechniken sind es, die Änderungen bewirken? Das war die Ausgangsfrage der vorliegenden Delphi-Studie im Rahmen des Projektes FAZIT (Forschungsprojekt für aktuelle und zukunftsorientierte Informations- und Medientechnologie und deren Nutzung in Baden-Württemberg). Um diese Frage zu beantworten, wurden solche informationstechnischen Entwicklungen identifiziert, die in den nächsten 20 Jahren relevant werden können. Für die Thesengenerierung, -fokussierung und -formulierung wurden Literatur zu Rate gezogen, Experten befragt und ein Workshop abgehalten
eLearning in der beruflichen Aus- und Weiterbildung
eLearning will probably transform the vocational education system seen as a whole in much the same way that "eBusiness" has already transformed the entire economy. However eLearning will not replace other training instruments, but will rather qualitatively complement them. But the expectations that were raised several years ago through analyses of potentials have to date been only partially met on the basis of current experience. The preparation, representation and quality of the eLearning content make up the decisive success factors for both facilitators as well as the learners, and there is still considerable potential for development in these areas. eLearning will only then be able to assert itself in the long term in everyday operational life as well, when acceptance and implementation is ensured and the eLearning courses provide all concerned with the desired added value. In order for this to be achieved there is a requirement for firstly, a significantly more detailed insight into the embedding of learning processes in the habitual or working world, and secondly for instruments, which ensure the quality of eLearning content during its creation or application. Not until these hurdles are cleared will eLearning be able to develop its potential for vocational and further training
Step by step. Erfolgsfaktoren wissensbasierter Unternehmensnetze
Die Vernetzung von Wissensressourcen wird für Unternehmen ein entscheidender Erfolgsfaktor des modernen Managements, denn Wissen gewinnt als immaterieller Produktionsfaktor zunehmend an Bedeutung. Folgerichtiges und stufenweises Vorgehen beim Aufbau wissenbasierter Unternehmensnetze sind dabei besonders wichtig für Akzeptanz und Nachhaltigkeit
Future information technology for the health sector: English version
Information technology in the health sector will (continue to) be an important topic in the oncoming years. This offers interfaces for new market potential for IT companies. However, which information technologies bring about change? This was the initial question for the Delphi study at hand in the context of the FAZIT project (research project for current and forward-looking information and media technology and its use in Baden-Wurttemberg). In order to find answers to this question, information technological developments were identified, which could become relevant during the next 20 years. Literature was sought, experts were consulted and a workshop was organised to generate the theses, focus on them and to phrase each individually. During the selection period of the theses there was a first curious finding: The task instructed to phrase technical theses, which could have a beneficial effect on the health sector. However, those developments which have a strong impact on cost cutting and solving of problems cannot always be assigned to technical areas, they are moreover closely correlated to the German health care system, regulatory issues and organisational challenges. Correspondingly one finding of this study describes that although technical obstacles are a major hindrance, other obstacles play a significant role as well, e.g. the acceptance by parties involved and users, too. To answer further questions on technological methods and their use, in a two-step online Delphi survey, the theses phrased in detail were evaluated by experts from scientific research organisations, companies, healthcare facilities and societies respectively associations in terms of the theses ' importance, feasibility, desirability and obstacles. In the first round 203 persons filled out the questionnaire completely or partially, in the second round, this was accomplished by 86 persons. This way, the results are fairly significant. Among the persons answering there were seven percent females, which resembles the share of the gender among researchers and technological developers in Germany. Differences in the answers between gender or age could not be detected. Many of the technical solutions described in the theses which can lead to new markets consist of low-profile unspectacular developments. Some of the theses consist of scenarios that employ the use of a technology that, already today, is in use, e.g. telemonitoring of risk patients. However, it has turned out that, although there have been tests and first applications, monitoring on a closely-meshed base in the sharpened phrasing of the Delphi study as a "standard" this is not yet reality. In the overview all theses near-future realisations as well as later ones are xpected to evolve around the year 2025, which means that future developments of individual theses display very different dynamics. Theses which capture the industry's interest, e.g. technologies that can be applied to other sectors as well, should be more closely observed in the future. They are the important and interesting issues of the study: In the evaluation of realisation time and importance they are not among those expected in the near future, but are rather located in the chronological higher respectively early mid-table and are all considered desirable by most of the Delphi participants. On the other hand, theses which employ applications which "get under the skin" are very controversial. In the Delphi study at hand all theses that involve implantation (e.g. retina implants, artificial kidneys, electrodes in the brain in order to prevent epileptic seizures, artificial heart and lung implant etc.) as well as transdermal intervention (e.g. biopsy robots) are considered desirable, however, desirability does not extend to the stage of other theses. Besides ordinary technical problems data ntegrity and data protection or acceptance by the persons concerned are often stated as obstacles. For new markets in the sector of ICT-based health applications topics such as proteomics, telemonitoring, expert systems and databases, voice entry as documentary means or external data access are especially interesting and they receive the highest rating with respect to their importance in cost cutting, improving the healthcare system or the quality of healthcare. The topic "ambient intelligence" will particularly contribute to improving the quality of life. All theses with high market potential for the IT industry are extremely knowledge-intense in their development and realisation. Correspondingly, some of the theses are to be found in the topic areas of the Federal Government's high-tech strategy (BMBF, 2006b and 2007). The few controversial theses of the Delphi study at hand refer to a higher investment risk for developers and manufacturers. Many of the theses are not strictly limited to the health sector, but are rather important in other sectors in the future, too. Nearly all the phrased theses are considered feasible; nevertheless, experts see obstacles in their development in certain fields. Technical problems are predominantly mentioned. These are foremost in developments such as retina implants, artificial organs, micromachines and implantable minimal systems, voice recognition or genome analysis as standard health care applications. For other theses, they concern issues of data protection and data safety and thus regulative issues, which still need to be adapted to, e.g. radio frequency identification (RFID) or ambient intelligence. In a few cases, e.g. when considering surgery-executing micromachines, there are other, legal, questions (liability etc.). Very often, high expenditure (initial investment or maintenance costs) is mentioned as an obstacle for realisation. For certain theses, on the one hand expenditure is considered an obstacle, on the other hand technology is rated as important for cost cutting. This, for instance, can be applied for ambient intelligence for monitoring patients at home or for non-invasive long-term blood pressure sensors. In these cases the odds must be weighed as to whether or not investing in the future is worthwhile. The Delphi results merely deliver starting points for further going discussion or measures. All in all, it can be said that chances for the realisation of many of the phrased theses in the upcoming 10 to 15 years are not bad. While technical obstacles cannot be disregarded, they are, however, surmountable. New markets for ICT in healthcare applications are especially expected in the areas of voice recognition, virtual reality and simulations, databases, sensors, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) or new management and planning systems