14 research outputs found

    Physico-chemical Modification of the Fibrous Filter Nozzles for Purification Processes of Water and Air

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    A set of experiments to study physical and chemical modification of the surface of fibers is conducted to expand the area of their application for purification of water, gas and air (including that in conditions of space). The possibility of modification of filter nozzles in the process of fiber formation by particles of coal of BAU type, copper sulfide and silver chloride is experimentally shown. The fraction of the copper sulfide powder less than 50 microns in size was crushed in a spherical mill; it was deposited on fiber at air temperature of 50Β° C and powder consumption of 0.5 g/l of air. The resulting material contained 6–18 CuS particles per 1 cm of the fiber length. An effective bactericidal fibrous material can be produced using rather cheap material – CuS and relatively cheap natural compounds of sulphides and oxides of heavy metals

    Steady operation of the electric drive of pipeline armature in the emergency situation at low ambient temperatures

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    This scientific work is devoted to the study of the electric drive operation of pipeline armature at low ambient temperatures. Hit of moisture into reducer and rare inclusions in operation of locking regulator are led to curdling lubricant that causes the increased wear of mechanical knots. There is a probability of freezing mechanical components; it leads to emergency situations. The problem of improving working efficiency of the electric drive of shut-off regulating armature at low ambient temperatures of the environment is solved in this work. A simulation model of the GUSAR electric drive was developed to solve this problem. Studies of the simulation model show the need to limit the torque increase rate on a drive motor shaft. The algorithm of setting of PI speed controller to obtain acceptable transient processes is suggested. Recommendations for the use of the algorithm in the microprocessor control system of electric drive are proposed. It is shown that the electric drive operation algorithm with torque increasing limitation on the motor shaft will be smoothly working off the perturbing actions that occur in pipeline armature

    Highly-Effective Purification of Air on the Fibrous Filtering Nozzles

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    A series of experiments by air purification on fibrous filtering nozzles was made. It is experimentally shown that the fibrous filter can operate in a wide rate range. The degree of trapping of fine aerosols of glass was 99% at a linear rate of 0.01 m/s. the degree of capture decreased to 85% at the increasing of filtration rate up to 0.06 m/s. Dustiness of the air ranged from 3 to 5 g/m3 at the course of the experiment. Hydraulic resistance changed from 5 to 25 mm of water column. The calculated data of resistance and falling of pressure on fibrous filters are given; these data were received on the equations from various sources in comparison with experimentally obtained data. According to the results of series of experiments the amendment of the well-known Fuchsian equation is calculated for calculation of the resistance of fibrous air filter. This amendment considers a form and defects of surface of the fibers received by centrifugal-spinneret method