943 research outputs found

    The Effects Of Marketing Mix Elements On Brand Equity

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    Menurut Aaker (2001), ekuitas suatu merek merupakan sekumpulan asset dan kewajiban yang berhubungan dengan suatu merek, bisa merupakan nama dan symbol yang ditambahkan atau dikurangi dari nilai yang ditawarkan oleh suatu barang dan jasa pada Perusahaan dan atau pada pelanggan Perusahaan. Brand equity is an added value endowed to products and services. Nilai ini dapat tercermin dari apa yang konsumen pikirkan, rasakan dan perbuat pada merek, juga pada harga, pangsa pasar, dan keuntungan yang berhubungan dengan merek tersebut. Brand equity is an important intangible asset that has psychological and financial value to the firm. Ada banyak teori mengenai ekuitas merek, salah satunya dari Feldwick. Feldwick memberikan 3 pendekatan untuk ekuitas merek:λ brand value (the total value of company's intangible assets --- financial approach),λ brand strength (the strength of commitment to a particular brand --- behavioristic approach),λ brand description (associations and beliefs consumers have about a particular brand --- cognitive approach).Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan pendekatan yang sama dengan pendekatan penelitian sebelumnya yaitu pendekatan perilaku terhadap ekuitas merek. Walaupun ekuitas merek menjadi perhatian banyak pihak namun pengaruh dari bauran pemasaran secara individual terhadap ekuitas merek belum pernah diteliti.Penelitian ini didasarkan atas penelitian Edo Rajh mengenai hal yang sama.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh elemen-elemen bauran pemasaran terhadap ekuitas merek. Akan diteliti lebih lanjut apakah model ini bisa digeneralisasi (terutama untuk sample di Bandung, Indonesia), atau lebih jauh lagi apakah model ini bisa berkembang.Tiga kategori produk dipakai dalam penelitian ini, (1) produk minuman berkarbonasi non-alkohol dengan merek Coca-Cola, Pepsi, A&W, (2) produk coklat dengan merek Toblerone, Cadburry, dan Silver Queen (3) produk elektronika dengan merek Philips, Samsung dan Sony. Responden yang diambil sebagai sampel adalah 200 mahasiswa/i Indonesia yang berdomisili di Bandung. Untuk mencari pengaruh masing-masing variabel digunakan metode Structural Equation Modelling (SEM).Ada 11 hipotesis yang akan diuji. Hipotesis 1-5 menguji pengaruh variabel harga, intensitas aktivitas pemasaran, citra toko serta kebijakan harga pada kesadaran merek dan citra merek. Hipotesis 6 dan 7 menguji pengaruh variabel kesadaran merek dan citra merek pada ekuitas merek. Hipotesis 8 sampai dengan 11 menguji pengaruh tidak langsung variabel harga, intensitas aktivitas pemasaran, citra toko serta kebijakan harga terhadap ekuitas merek.Dari hasil penelitian ternyata model ini bisa digeneralisasi.Penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil yang menyerupai hasil penelitian yang sebelumnya. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa elemen bauran pemasaran memang mempengaruhi ekuitas merek. Untuk itu ketika hendak memilih/mengintegrasikan bauran pemasaran pemasar perlu berhati-hati karena jika salah akan merusak ekutias merek. Melakukan aktivitas pemasaran intensitas tinggi tapi tidak mempedulikan kualitas barang juga bisa berdampak kurang baik pada ekuitas merek. Namun jika dilihat dari sisi positifnya dengan meningkatkan aktivitas pemasaran konsumen akan menjadi lebih sadar akan merek dan bisa meningkatkan citra merek.Pemilihan tempat berpengaruh terhadap citra merek, kalau konsumen membeli produk di tempat yang “berkelas” produk seakan-akan menjadi “berkelas” juga. Perlu dilakukan brand management

    Determination of Vertical Movement for Deformation Monitoring of a Bridge Using GPS Technique

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    Deformation analysis using height differences is imperative to the determination of vertical movements in engineering structures, landslide areas and crustal deformations. GNSS technology and data processing software have made these observations much more convenient, accurate and cost-effective tool for monitoring of natural and man-made structures. Here, we determine the vertical movement of a bridge with respect to control network established on stable grounds. These include pre-analysis, survey design, data collection, data reduction, adjustments determination of maximum expected displacement and its accuracy requirement. The observations are carried out in geodetic monitoring network in three epochs (2017, 2018 and 2019), and by this way stable network are verified. The instrument employed is Pro-mark3 and its accessories for measuring planimetric positions and elevations of points. Once the survey have been conducted, GNSS Solutions provides accurately determine site locations within the parameters establish. Least squares adjustment was used for rigorous adjustment of GPS carrier-phase measurements. The statistical test was carried out using Fisher Table and by computing T- test values. Finally the results obtained portrayed that the bridge, even though has minor vertical movement is found to be stable.Keywords: Engineering Structure, Vertical Movement, Deformation Monitoring, GNSS, T-tes

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Wordless Picture dengan Komputer untuk Kecakapan Writing di Pontianak

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    : The purpose of this research and development is to produce a package of learning and skill learning media for writing skill using wordless picture-based media computer the researcher also use some tools of data collection such as guide interview, observation checklist, which now facilitates all necessary data can be obtained from the results of the interview, observation and question form distribution during the learning process. After all the process were completed in this research, so there are several findings, namely, the products of learning media in the form of skills writing using wordless picture with computer-based in the form of a Power point presentation gained a positive responses from students as users and language teachers. In addition, both in terms of presentation materials, instructional design and media used, get a good appraisal from experts so worthy to be used as a product in research development

    Effect of Quality Service Indicators on the Attitude of Farmers towards Demand-driven Extension Services in Niger State, Nigeria

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    This study examined the effect of quality service indicators on the attitude of farmers towards demand-driven extension services in Niger State, Nigeria. Primary data for the study were collected through a cross-sectional survey using interview schedule. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression models. Result of the study shows that almost 86.0% of the respondents acquired formal education. With respect to the respondents’ attitude towards demand-driven extension services, 98.9% showed favourable attitude while 1.1% were neutral. Findings further revealed that quality service indicators of content accuracy, relevance, timeliness and effectiveness of extension services had significant positive effect on farmer’s attitude towards demand-driven extension services (P<0.05), while efficiency of extension services had significant negative effect on farmers’ attitude towards demand-driven extension services. It was therefore recommended that the extension service providers should always strive to provide high quality services to ensure and sustain farmers’ favourable attitude towards demand-driven extension services. It was also suggested that government policy should be created to favour demand-driven extension service providers to function where they have the comparative advantage in providing farmers with relevant extension services. Keywords: farmers, demand driven extension, attitude, qualit

    Karakteristik Buah Pisang Lahan Rawa Lebak Kalimantan Selatan Serta Upaya Perbaikan Mutu Tepungnya

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik buah pisang mentah dari pertanaman di lahan rawa lebak Kalimantan Selatan, serta teknologi perbaikan mutu dan daya simpan gaplek dan tepung pisang. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Fisiologi Hasil, Balai Penelitian Pertanian Lahan Rawa, Banjarbaru, pada bulan Juli-Desember 2002. Rancangan percobaan acak kelompok faktorial. Faktor I adalah dua varietas pisang (kepok dan awa). Faktor II adalah teknik pengirisan buah pisang, yaitu (1) sawut membujur, bagian tengah dibuang (cara petani), (2) iris tipis membujur, (3) sawut melintang, (4) iris tipis melintang, (5) iris tipis diagonal. Buah pisang dipilih pada tingkat kemasakan mature green (hijau tapi tua), buah masih keras dan kulit hijau. Setelah karakterisasi mutu buah pisang, dilakukan pembuatan gaplek dan tepung pisang serta penyimpanan dalam bentuk gaplek dan tepung menggunakan pengemas kantong plastik PE tebal 0,04 mm rangkap dua, selama 5 bulan penyimpanan pada kondisi kamar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pisang kepok dan awa dari pertanaman di lahan rawa lebak, mempunyai berat tandan antara 4,12-18,5 kg (pisang kepok), lebih besar daripada awa (2,1-8,8 kg). Namun, pisang kepok mempunyai kulit lebih tebal (44,35%) daripada pisang awa (33,28%), sehingga persentase daging buah (55,65%) lebih sedikit daripada awa (66,72%). Kadar air, pati, gula total buah pisang kepok masing-masing sebesar 59,83; 24,01 dan 4,16% bb (basis basah), pisang awa masing-masing sebesar 62,87; 20,07; dan 9,99% bb. Teknik iris tipis diagonal menghasilkan rendemen lebih tinggi dan meningkat sebesar 7,88% dari cara petani dengan teknik sawut bagian tengah dibuang. Selama 5 bulan penyimpanan, terjadi peningkatan kadar air sebesar 3,19% bb untuk gaplek dan 1,07% bb untuk tepung. Implikasinya, guna pengembangan industri tepung pisang khususnya di lahan rawa lebak Kalimantan Selatan, pengolahan tepung pisang disarankan pengirisan buah dengan teknik iris tipis, kemudian tepung pisangnya dapat disimpan cukup lama dalam kantong plastik.Characteristic of banana fruit origin from monotonous swampland in South Kalimantan and the efforts to improve the quality of banana flour. The objectives of the research were to find out the characteristics of mature green banana fruit origin from banana plantation in monotonous swampland in South Kalimantan, and technology to improve the quality and storage of dried banana chip (gaplek) and banana flour. This research conducted in Postharvest Laboratory, Research Institute for Swampland Agriculture, Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan, on July-December 2002. The treatment arranged in factorial randomized block design, with three replications. The first factor was two banana varieties (kepok and awa). The second factor was slicing techniques of banana fruit, they are (1) shredded in lengthwise, discard the fruit core (farmer technique); (2) sliced in lengthwise; (3) shredded in crosswise; (4) sliced in crosswise; and (5) sliced in diagonal shape. Mature green banana fruit was choosen for flour processing. After characterization, the fruit was processed to dried banana and flour. The dried banana and flour were stored using double PE plastic bag 0.04 mm thickness for 5 months at ambient conditions. The results showed that, fruit bunch weight of kepok was 4.12-18.5 kg, heavier than awa (2.1-8.8 kg). Kepok has thicker fruit skin (44.35%) compared to awa (33.28%). Therefore the flesh of kepok is 55.65% lower than awa (66.72%). The moisture, starch, and total sugar of kepok were 59.83; 24.01, and 4.16% wb (wet basis), respectively, and awa were 62.87; 20.07, and 9.99% wb, respectively. Diagonal shape of slicing technique produced higher yield recoveries of banana flour 7.88% higher compare to farmer technique. The quality of dried banana and flour on 5 months storage, still moderately good, and the moisture content increased as much as 3.19% wb for dried banana and 1.07% wb for banana flour. The implication is to develop banana flour industry espesialy at monotonous swampland area in South Kalimantan, it is suggested to use diagonal slices technique, and store the banana flour in plastic bag

    Forage substitution with MOIYL fermented cacao pod on carcass quality of local sheeps

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    Agriculture waste such as acao pod are abundant. This study aims to determine localsheeps carcass quality after feeding Moiyl fermented cacao pod (Theobroma cacao L) inrations as alternative feed. The research was carried out at Mr. Didit's farm located on BungaRinte street, Medan Tuntungan sub district, Medan in October-December 2018. Theexperiment used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 4replications. Using 20 local rams with an average of 12.65 ± 1 kg / head. Treatment consists offorages, and concentrated ingredients such as coconut cake, soybean meal, rice bran, molasses,urea, mineral mix, and Moiyl pod cacao fermented P0 (forage 80% + concentrate 20%), P1(forage 60% + Pod cacao fermentation 20% + Concentrate 20%), P2 (Forage 40% + Pod cacaofermented 40% + Concentrate 20%), P3 (Forage 20% + Pod cacao fermented 60% +Concentrate 20%), P4 (Pod 80% fermented cacao + Concentrate 20%).The results showed that the average cutting weight P0 = 15.70, P1 = 15.98, P2 = 17.55, P3 =16.27, P4 = 14.73, (kg / head). The average body weight is P0 = 9.75, P1 = 10.27, P2 = 10.52,P3 = 10.14, P4 = 9.18, (kg / head). The average carcass weight P0 = 5.36, P1 = 5.61, P2 =5.74, P3 = 5.73, P4 = 5.73 (kg / head). The average carcass percentage P0 = 56.51, P1 = 55.55,P2 = 54.71, P3 = 56.55, P4 = 51.48 (kg / head). The conclusion of this study is MOIYLfermented cacao pod (Theobroma cacao L) can substitute forage as feed for male local sheepand influenced cutting weight, average body weight, average carcass weight and also averagearcass percentage

    Analysis of elasticity of several kinds of eggs demand in North Tapanuli Regency

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    This study aims to determine the effect of price level on egg demand and to analyze factors affecting egg demand price in North Tapanuli regency. In addition, this study also to investigate how big the elasticity of egg demand and to know marketing channel eggs in North Tapanuli Regency. This research use survey method with consumer respondent unit and egg consumer. The sample was obtained by accidental sampling method and obtained 48 traders and 90 consumers. Data analysis was done descriptively and statistically. The results showed that the ras chicken egg and buras chicken egg are elastic while the duck eggs are inelastic. The demand for ras chicken eggs is significantly influenced by the number of dependents and substitute goods (tofu). Demand for duck eggs and buras chicken eggs is significantly influenced by the number of dependents. The more the number of family dependents then the number of egg demand will be higher. Influence of a good from the price of other goods because each item has a mutual relationship replace the function of usability, and also complement each other

    Price Transmission, Volatility and Discovery of Gram in Some Selected Markets in Rajathan State, India

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    Market integration in many agricultural commodities had been extensively studied for the insight it provides into the functioning of such markets, thus giving valuable information about the dynamics of market adjustment, and whether there exist market imperfection, which may justify government intervention. This study empirically investigated price transmission, volatility and discovery of gram across four wholesale gram markets, viz. Jaipur, Kishangarh, Chomu and Malpura in Rajasthan state of India using Johansen's multivariate cointegration approach, VECM, Granger causality tests, GARCH, EGARCH and ARIMA. Monthly wholesale gram price data spanning from January 2011 to December 2015 sourced from AGMARKNET were used. Multivariate cointegration showed that all the selected gram markets were cointegarted in the long-run, meaning long-run price association among these markets. The degree of market integration observed is consistent with the view that Rajasthan state gram markets are quite competitive; thus, provide little justification for extensive and costly government intervention designed to enhance market efficiency through improve competitiveness. Therefore, in order to sustain the present system of market integration, there is need to evolve mechanism that will generate market information and market intelligence which would serve as a platform for guiding farmers in marketing their produce

    Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Biji Duwet (Syzygium Cumini Linn.) pada Peroksidasi Lipida secara In Vitro

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    Tanaman duwet (Syzygium cumini Linn.) pada semua kompartemennya dimanfaatkan masyarakat untuk pengobatan suatu penyakit. Ekstrak bijinya dimanfaatkan untuk penurun gula darah. Bijinya merupakan bagian tanaman yang kaya senyawa polifenol. Fraksi kaya senyawa fenolik dipreparasi dengan mengekstraksi biji duwet varietas "Genthong", dengan tiga jenis ekstraktan; etil acetat 85%, metanol 50% dan etanol 50%. Ekstrak biji duwet (EBD) yang diperoleh dianalisis kelompok senyawa fenolik dan aktivitas antioksidan menggunakan metode uji penangkapan radikal DPPH (2,2-diphenil 1-picrylhydrazyl), uji reduksi ion Feri (ferric reduction antioxidant power-FRAP) dan uji penghambatan peroksidasi asam lemak linoleat. Tujuan penelitian adalah memilih satu dari tiga ekstraktan yang menghasilkaan ekstrak, dengan yield dan kadar senyawa polifenolik terbesar serta sifat antioksidatif terkuat. Yield dengan ekstraktan Met-OH-50%, sebesar 16,29% (db), senyawa fenoliknya sebesar 45,99 ±0,25 g-GAE/100 g-EBD; 2,28±0,07 g-QE/100 g-EBD dan 26,9±0,07 g-TAE/100 g-EBD. Ketiga ekstrak kuat dalam uji penangkapan radikal DPPH antara 87-95 % (100 g-mL-l) dan uji reduksi ion Feri (Fe3+), moderat pada uji penghambatan peroksidasi lipid, 49-52 % pada 400 g- mL-l
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