123 research outputs found

    Sink or Swim? Survival Mechanisms Employed by Local Non-Governmental Organisations in Malawi: A Case from the Agriculture Sector

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    The study was conducted to explore the survival mechanisms of local non-governmental organisations in Malawi particularly those operating in the agriculture sector as a case. It used a qualitative approach with focus on survival mechanisms based on three categories visa-vie financial, public relations and capacity building.  Among the three categories, financial related mechanisms were revealed as key to local non-governmental organisations’ survival.  Many of them depend on grants and donations to fund their projects. Others depend on subcontracting and community or member contributions. Public relations and capacity building mechanisms such as use of rebranding, diversified programmes, technical, managerial and resource mobilization skills were also revealed as central to their survival. Since a good relationship with the public plays a very important role to the existence of any non-government organisation, the study therefore recommends that the local organizations need to touch-base well with the public (target audience) and all stakeholders within and outside its catchment area to ensure their survival.  This could enable them to get the much needed support from all the relevant stakeholders thereby guaranteeing their continued survival. In addition, the review of the Non-Governmental Organisation Act and development of a policy, should factor in issues of their survival if their contribution to the development of Malawi is to be sustained. The act or the policy should incorporate some guidelines on how subcontracting should be handled. Above all, local non-governmental organisations should look beyond one strategy. Keywords: Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), Survival Strategies, Agriculture Sector, Malawi

    Representations of Arab Women in Hollywood Pre- and Post- 9/11

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    Many scholars argue that the image of Arabs in Hollywood has always been tainted by prejudice and stereotyping. However, little attention is paid to women\u27s representation in general or the influence of 9/11 on that representation. This paper compares portrayals of Arab women in popular Hollywood films before and after 9/11. A purposive sample of 76 Arab female characters from 40 popular Hollywood films is used to conduct a content analysis, comparing portrayals in films released before and after 9/11. Popular Hollywood films are defined as films with at least 50,000 reviews that score seven or more on the International Movie Database (IMDB). The results show that Arab women’s representation lacks diversity and Arab women remain unidentified in Hollywood films. Arab women’s portrayal shifts from one of the magical or sexualized characters to one of the violent terrorists. Despite the overall increase in the amount of violence depicted after 9/11, there is a shift in favor of the portrayal of Arab women, with more depicted as good or pure after 9/11. Finally, the results show that the morality of Arab female characters improves, with more characters depicted as evaluating options and making their own decisions


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    Introduction. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by various manifestations and clinical course, many aspects of the etiology and pathogenesis of which remain unclear. Recently, the interest of researchers in studying the role of cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Epstein - Barr virus (EBV) has been growing in the occurrence and course of a number of human diseases due to their ability to affect almost all organs and systems of the body, causing the formation of latent, active or chronic infection, which can often cause temporary disability, disability or even death, however, for the patients with SLE, despite the possibility of approaching the difficult problem of diagnosis and treatment of this disease, this issue is given insufficient attention, as evidenced by isolated studies.The aim of the study. Detect cytomegalovirus and Epstein - Barr infection in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and its dependence on gender and age of patients. Materials and methods of research. The study involved 120 patients (15 men (12.50%) and 105 women (87.50%) aged 18 to 69 years with SLE, who were in the rheumatology department of the Communal Non-Commercial Enterprise of the Lviv Regional Council "Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital" in 2014-2019. To diagnose CMV and EBV infection by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, antibodies of IgM and IgG to viruses were detected in blood serum, and viruses were detected by polymerase chain reaction. According to the results of virus detection, formed groups of the patients, namely: patients with active CMV infection, active EBV, active CMV and EBV, without active CMV and EBV. All patients with SLE included in the study were subsequently stratified by age according to the classification of the World Health Organization (2015), according to which the following age limits were determined: young age, middle-aged, elderly, senile. Statistical analysis was performed on a personal computer in MS Excel and Statistica 6.0 using descriptive statistics. The frequency of cases of active CMV and EBV infection was calculated mathematically by the binomial coefficient of I. Newton. Research results and their discussion. We found in the vast majority of patients with SLE (117 patients, 97.50%) increase in the titer of specific antibodies to CMV. Only in 3 patients (2.50%) the titer of antibodies to this virus was within normal limits. Analyzing the frequency of EBV infection in patients with SLE, we recorded an increase in the titer of specific antibodies to the virus in 119 patients (99.17%). Among the examined patients with SLE in all (100.00%) found an increase in the titer of antibodies to CMV and / or EBV, of which 97.50% - infected with CMV and 97.17% - infected with EBV. The active phase of CMV and / or EBV infection was detected in 54.17%, of which 23.33% - active CMV infection, 17.50% - active EBV infection and 12.50% - a combination of active CMV and EBV infection simultaneously, which indicates a high frequency of CMV and EBV infection in patients with SLE and reflects the urgency of the problem of diagnosing herpesvirus infection in them. We found that activeCMV, EBV infections and their combinations are present only in women (64 patients, which is 60.96% of the total number of women with SLE), of which 28 patients (26.67%) there was only active CMV infection, in 21 patients (20.00%) - only active EBV infection and in 15 patients (14.29%) – combination of active CMV and EBV infection. 41 women (39.05%) and all (100.00%) men were not found to have active CMV and EBV infection, which indicates that men at the time of the survey were significantly more likely to have this infection in the integration phase. The most frequently active EBV infection was detected in patients with SLE of young age (17 cases, 24.64%), and in middle-aged patients 3 cases (6.52%) were recorded, which indicates a significant (p <0.05) difference in the frequency of cases of active EBV infection in patients of both groups. Only 1 case (20.00%) of active EBV infection was detected in elderly patients. Conclusions. All patients with systemic lupus erythematosus are infected - 97.50% with cytomegalovirus and 97.17% with Epstein-Barr virus infection, that was confirmed by the increased titer of antibodies to them. Among the mentioned patients 53.33% of them had the active phase of infection (23.33% - cytomegalovirus infection in the replication phase, 17.50% - the Epstein- Barr virus infection in the replication phase and 12.50% - their combination). The prevalence of active viral infection in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus depends on gender (active cytomegalovirus, active Epstein-Barr virus infection and their combination are significantly more common in women) and age - they are probably more common in young patients.  Introduction. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by various manifestations and clinical course, many aspects of the etiology and pathogenesis of which remain unclear. Recently, the interest of researchers in studying the role of cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Epstein - Barr virus (EBV) has been growing in the occurrence and course of a number of human diseases due to their ability to affect almost all organs and systems of the body, causing the formation of latent, active or chronic infection, which can often cause temporary disability, disability or even death, however, for the patients with SLE, despite the possibility of approaching the difficult problem of diagnosis and treatment of this disease, this issue is given insufficient attention, as evidenced by isolated studies.The aim of the study. Detect cytomegalovirus and Epstein - Barr infection in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and its dependence on gender and age of patients. Materials and methods of research. The study involved 120 patients (15 men (12.50%) and 105 women (87.50%) aged 18 to 69 years with SLE, who were in the rheumatology department of the Communal Non-Commercial Enterprise of the Lviv Regional Council "Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital" in 2014-2019. To diagnose CMV and EBV infection by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, antibodies of IgM and IgG to viruses were detected in blood serum, and viruses were detected by polymerase chain reaction. According to the results of virus detection, formed groups of the patients, namely: patients with active CMV infection, active EBV, active CMV and EBV, without active CMV and EBV. All patients with SLE included in the study were subsequently stratified by age according to the classification of the World Health Organization (2015), according to which the following age limits were determined: young age, middle-aged, elderly, senile. Statistical analysis was performed on a personal computer in MS Excel and Statistica 6.0 using descriptive statistics. The frequency of cases of active CMV and EBV infection was calculated mathematically by the binomial coefficient of I. Newton. Research results and their discussion. We found in the vast majority of patients with SLE (117 patients, 97.50%) increase in the titer of specific antibodies to CMV. Only in 3 patients (2.50%) the titer of antibodies to this virus was within normal limits. Analyzing the frequency of EBV infection in patients with SLE, we recorded an increase in the titer of specific antibodies to the virus in 119 patients (99.17%). Among the examined patients with SLE in all (100.00%) found an increase in the titer of antibodies to CMV and / or EBV, of which 97.50% - infected with CMV and 97.17% - infected with EBV. The active phase of CMV and / or EBV infection was detected in 54.17%, of which 23.33% - active CMV infection, 17.50% - active EBV infection and 12.50% - a combination of active CMV and EBV infection simultaneously, which indicates a high frequency of CMV and EBV infection in patients with SLE and reflects the urgency of the problem of diagnosing herpesvirus infection in them. We found that activeCMV, EBV infections and their combinations are present only in women (64 patients, which is 60.96% of the total number of women with SLE), of which 28 patients (26.67%) there was only active CMV infection, in 21 patients (20.00%) - only active EBV infection and in 15 patients (14.29%) – combination of active CMV and EBV infection. 41 women (39.05%) and all (100.00%) men were not found to have active CMV and EBV infection, which indicates that men at the time of the survey were significantly more likely to have this infection in the integration phase. The most frequently active EBV infection was detected in patients with SLE of young age (17 cases, 24.64%), and in middle-aged patients 3 cases (6.52%) were recorded, which indicates a significant (p <0.05) difference in the frequency of cases of active EBV infection in patients of both groups. Only 1 case (20.00%) of active EBV infection was detected in elderly patients. Conclusions. All patients with systemic lupus erythematosus are infected - 97.50% with cytomegalovirus and 97.17% with Epstein-Barr virus infection, that was confirmed by the increased titer of antibodies to them. Among the mentioned patients 53.33% of them had the active phase of infection (23.33% - cytomegalovirus infection in the replication phase, 17.50% - the Epstein- Barr virus infection in the replication phase and 12.50% - their combination). The prevalence of active viral infection in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus depends on gender (active cytomegalovirus, active Epstein-Barr virus infection and their combination are significantly more common in women) and age - they are probably more common in young patients. &nbsp


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    Actuality. The infection with cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in the patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is of particular interest to researchers. SLE is a chronic autoimmune disease of unknown etiology that is characterized by multisystemic lesions and is potentially life-threatening [1, 2, 3]. The severity of the problem is caused by the fact that active viral infection can change the manifestations of SLE, but these changes are not always specific, so primary care physicians have no reason to suspect active virus infection at the first stage of examination of SLE patients and prescribe expensive direct virological tests accordingly. It has not been definitively established yet which complaints are the most meaningful regarding the presence of active viral infection in patients with SLE.The purpose of the research was to study complaints in SLE patients with active cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus infection and determine their diagnostic value. Materials and methods. We randomly enrolled 120 SLE patients – 15 men (12.50%) and 105 women (87.50%) aged 18 to 69 years. All patients received treatment at the Rheumatology Department of Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital in 2014-2019. The diagnosis of SLE was established based on the diagnostic criteria of the American College of Rheumatologists (ACR, 1997). In addition, IgM and IgG antibodies to serum viruses were detected for the diagnosis of CMV and EBV infection. To confirm the presence of active viral infection, viruses were detected in media (CMV - urine, blood; EBV - oral mucosa, blood) by polymerase chain reaction, resulting in 28 patients with SLE (23.33%) detected active CMV infection, in 21 patients with SLE (17.50%) - active EBV infection and in 15 patients with SLE (12.5%) - a combination of active CMV and EBV infection. To achieve the purpose of the study, we identified three steps: the first step was to analyze complaints in patients with SLE with active CMV infection and determine their diagnostic value, the second - in the analysis of complaints in patients with SLE with active EBV infection and clarify their diagnostic values and the third - in the analysis of complaints in patients with SLE with a combination of active CMV and EBV infection and clarification of their diagnostic value. We identified three steps: the first step was to analyze complaints in patients with SLE with active CMV infection and determine their diagnostic value, the second - in the analysis of complaints in patients with SLE with active EBV infection and clarify their diagnostic values and the third - in the analysis of complaints in patients with SLE with a combination of active CMV and EBV infection and clarification of their diagnostic value.Statistical analysis was performed by calculating the chances of establishing the phase of CMV and EBV infection in patients with SLE, using a separate feature - a marker that can be detected during the initial examination of the patient. The probable probability of active infection was determined using indicators of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy [4]. The actual material was processed on a personal computer in MS Excel and SPSS on the basis of conjugation tables with calculation of diagnostic value indicators. The association between active infection and a particular patient complaint was considered to be confirmed when the coefficient of association exceeded 0.5 (or 0.3 for the coefficient of contingency). Research results. It was found that in patients with SLE the presence of active cytomegalovirus infection among the main complaints significantly more often indicate the presence of myalgias (coefficient of association 0.79) or fever (0.51), or chills of the extremities (0.51), or arthralgia (coefficient of contingent 0.31). The presence of active virus Epstein - Barr infections are significantly more often evidenced by the presence of myalgias (coefficient of contingent 0.31) or sleep disorders (coefficient of association 0.84), or mood swings (0.74), or fever (0.61), or the appearance of new rashes (0.53). On the presence of a combination of active cytomegalovirus and virus Epstein - Barr infections significantly more often indicate complaints of sleep disturbances (coefficient of association 0.97) or mood swings (0.83), or a feeling of dryness in the eyes (0.51), or fever (0.50). Conclusions. The presence of active cytomegalovirus infection in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus among the main complaints often indicates the presence of myalgias or fever, or chills of the extremities, or arthralgia, the presence of active virus Epstein - Barr infection - myalgia or sleep disturbances, or mood swings, or fever, or the appearance of new rashes, the presence of their combination - sleep disturbances or mood swings, or a feeling of dryness in the eyes, or fever, which can be used in the diagnostic algorithm. The established patterns of complaints allow us to reasonably suspect in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus the presence of active cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus infection, the final verification of which requires the use of direct serological tests.Actuality. The infection with cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in the patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is of particular interest to researchers. SLE is a chronic autoimmune disease of unknown etiology that is characterized by multisystemic lesions and is potentially life-threatening [1, 2, 3]. The severity of the problem is caused by the fact that active viral infection can change the manifestations of SLE, but these changes are not always specific, so primary care physicians have no reason to suspect active virus infection at the first stage of examination of SLE patients and prescribe expensive direct virological tests accordingly. It has not been definitively established yet which complaints are the most meaningful regarding the presence of active viral infection in patients with SLE.The purpose of the research was to study complaints in SLE patients with active cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus infection and determine their diagnostic value. Materials and methods. We randomly enrolled 120 SLE patients – 15 men (12.50%) and 105 women (87.50%) aged 18 to 69 years. All patients received treatment at the Rheumatology Department of Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital in 2014-2019. The diagnosis of SLE was established based on the diagnostic criteria of the American College of Rheumatologists (ACR, 1997). In addition, IgM and IgG antibodies to serum viruses were detected for the diagnosis of CMV and EBV infection. To confirm the presence of active viral infection, viruses were detected in media (CMV - urine, blood; EBV - oral mucosa, blood) by polymerase chain reaction, resulting in 28 patients with SLE (23.33%) detected active CMV infection, in 21 patients with SLE (17.50%) - active EBV infection and in 15 patients with SLE (12.5%) - a combination of active CMV and EBV infection. To achieve the purpose of the study, we identified three steps: the first step was to analyze complaints in patients with SLE with active CMV infection and determine their diagnostic value, the second - in the analysis of complaints in patients with SLE with active EBV infection and clarify their diagnostic values and the third - in the analysis of complaints in patients with SLE with a combination of active CMV and EBV infection and clarification of their diagnostic value. We identified three steps: the first step was to analyze complaints in patients with SLE with active CMV infection and determine their diagnostic value, the second - in the analysis of complaints in patients with SLE with active EBV infection and clarify their diagnostic values and the third - in the analysis of complaints in patients with SLE with a combination of active CMV and EBV infection and clarification of their diagnostic value.Statistical analysis was performed by calculating the chances of establishing the phase of CMV and EBV infection in patients with SLE, using a separate feature - a marker that can be detected during the initial examination of the patient. The probable probability of active infection was determined using indicators of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy [4]. The actual material was processed on a personal computer in MS Excel and SPSS on the basis of conjugation tables with calculation of diagnostic value indicators. The association between active infection and a particular patient complaint was considered to be confirmed when the coefficient of association exceeded 0.5 (or 0.3 for the coefficient of contingency). Research results. It was found that in patients with SLE the presence of active cytomegalovirus infection among the main complaints significantly more often indicate the presence of myalgias (coefficient of association 0.79) or fever (0.51), or chills of the extremities (0.51), or arthralgia (coefficient of contingent 0.31). The presence of active virus Epstein - Barr infections are significantly more often evidenced by the presence of myalgias (coefficient of contingent 0.31) or sleep disorders (coefficient of association 0.84), or mood swings (0.74), or fever (0.61), or the appearance of new rashes (0.53). On the presence of a combination of active cytomegalovirus and virus Epstein - Barr infections significantly more often indicate complaints of sleep disturbances (coefficient of association 0.97) or mood swings (0.83), or a feeling of dryness in the eyes (0.51), or fever (0.50). Conclusions. The presence of active cytomegalovirus infection in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus among the main complaints often indicates the presence of myalgias or fever, or chills of the extremities, or arthralgia, the presence of active virus Epstein - Barr infection - myalgia or sleep disturbances, or mood swings, or fever, or the appearance of new rashes, the presence of their combination - sleep disturbances or mood swings, or a feeling of dryness in the eyes, or fever, which can be used in the diagnostic algorithm. The established patterns of complaints allow us to reasonably suspect in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus the presence of active cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus infection, the final verification of which requires the use of direct serological tests

    Corporate contact tracing as a pandemic response

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    Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, a steady stream of propositions from tech giants and start-ups alike has furnished us with the idea that GPS- or Bluetooth-enabled contact tracing apps are a vital part of the pandemic response. This commentary considers these apps as ‘corporate contact tracing’, emphasizing the private-sector role that such developments imply. We first discuss corporate contact tracing’s potential to de-center the power of public health authorities. Then, using the frames of surveillance capitalism and disaster capitalism, we suggest how corporate contact tracing might feed the rise of corporate power in the public sphere. We question its capacity to address structural inequalities and to foster a social justice vision of public health. And, we wonder whether corporate contact tracing might intensify the effects of discriminatory design and algorithmic oppression. We conclude by calling for a discussion of this technology beyond questions of privacy and efficacy

    Quantum hypothesis testing for quantum Gaussian states: Quantum analogues of chi-square, t and F tests

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    We treat quantum counterparts of testing problems whose optimal tests are given by chi-square, t and F tests. These quantum counterparts are formulated as quantum hypothesis testing problems concerning quantum Gaussian states families, and contain disturbance parameters, which have group symmetry. Quantum Hunt-Stein Theorem removes a part of these disturbance parameters, but other types of difficulty still remain. In order to remove them, combining quantum Hunt-Stein theorem and other reduction methods, we establish a general reduction theorem that reduces a complicated quantum hypothesis testing problem to a fundamental quantum hypothesis testing problem. Using these methods, we derive quantum counterparts of chi-square, t and F tests as optimal tests in the respective settings.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figure

    AI for Zero-Touch Management of Satellite Networks in B5G and 6G Infrastructures

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    Satellite Communication (SatCom) networks are become more and more integrated with the terrestrial telecommunication infrastructure. In this paper, we shows the current status of the still ongoing European Space Agency (ESA) project”Data-driven Network Controller Orchestration for Real time Network Management-ANChOR”. In particular, we propose a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)based methodology to drive the dynamic selection of the optimal satellite gateway station, which will be performed by combining different kinds of information (i.e. traffic profile, network and weather conditions). Some preliminary results on the real world dataset shows the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    A Quantum Langevin Formulation of Risk-Sensitive Optimal Control

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    In this paper we formulate a risk-sensitive optimal control problem for continuously monitored open quantum systems modelled by quantum Langevin equations. The optimal controller is expressed in terms of a modified conditional state, which we call a risk-sensitive state, that represents measurement knowledge tempered by the control purpose. One of the two components of the optimal controller is dynamic, a filter that computes the risk-sensitive state. The second component is an optimal control feedback function that is found by solving the dynamic programming equation. The optimal controller can be implemented using classical electronics. The ideas are illustrated using an example of feedback control of a two-level atom

    Експериментальна оцінка токсичності кардіологічного препарату на основі інгібітора фосфодиестерази-3 та етилметилгідроксипіридину сукцинату

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    The study aimed to establish the parameters of chronic toxicity of the newly developed drug based on phosphodiesterase-3 inhibitor and ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate in experiments on laboratory animals. The analysis was performed on white sexually mature young male Wistar rats weighing 170–185 g. Four groups of white rats were formed. The first experimental group was administered Bendamine based on a phosphodiesterase-3 inhibitor and ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate at a therapeutic dose. Rats of the second experimental group were injected with the experimental drug in a 5-fold dose. Rats of the third experimental group were administered the drug in a 10-fold dose. The fourth group served as control. The study of chronic toxicity of Bendamine in white rats indicates that long-term 30-day administration in therapeutic doses or 5-fold dose does not cause clinical signs of poisoning, as evidenced by the physiological limits of fluctuations in the studied morphological and biochemical parameters of blood rats. Prolonged administration of Bendamine to rats in a 10-fold dose is accompanied by a slight suppression of the body's physiological state, as indicated by a decrease in total erythrocytes and hemoglobin by 10.1 % against an increase in white blood cells by 59.8% (P < 0.001). In addition, there was a decrease in the functional state of the liver, as evidenced by a probable reduction in total protein by 8.0% and urea – by 13.5 %, as well as an increase in ALT, AST, and alkaline phosphatase by 31.6 %, 7.4 %, and 53.9% respectively. Probable changes in the coefficients of liver and spleen mass have been established. When administered intramuscularly to rats with the drug Bendamine for 30 days, the macroscopic and microscopic structure of the studied internal organs is preserved in all groups of animals. The second experimental group revealed reversible moderate histostructural changes in the liver and kidneys. In rats treated with ten times the therapeutic dose of the drug, histologically found hemodynamic disorders and alterations in dystrophic nature, mainly of protein origin, with focal localization in the parenchyma of the liver, kidneys, and myocardium, which in most cases are reversible and result from the compensatory response. Macroorganism on the introduction of a high dose of the study drug.Метою роботи було у дослідах на лабораторних тваринах встановити параметри хронічної токсичності новоствореного препарату на основі інгібітора фосфодиестерази-3 та етилметилгідроксипіридину сукцинату. Дослідження проводили на білих статево-зрілих молодих щурах-самцях лінії Вістар масою 170−185 г. Було сформовано чотири групи. Першій дослідній групі вводили препарат “Бендамін” на основі інгібітора фосфодиестерази-3 та етилметилгідроксипіридину сукцинату у терапевтичній дозі. Щурам другої дослідної групи вводили дослідний препарат у 5-ти кратній дозі. Щурам третьої дослідної групи вводили препарат у 10-ти кратній дозі. Четверта група служила контролем. Дослідження хронічної токсичності Бендаміну на білих щурах вказує на те, що тривале 30-добове його введення у терапевтичній дозі або у 5-кратній дозі, не викликає клінічних ознак отруєння, про що свідчать фізіологічні межі коливань досліджуваних морфологічних та біохімічних показників крові щурів. Тривале введення щурам дослідного препарату в 10-кратній дозі супроводжується незначним пригніченням фізіологічного стану організму, на що вказує зниження загальної кількості еритроцитів і вмісту гемоглобіну на 10,1 % на тлі підвищення кількості лейкоцитів на 59,8 % (Р < 0,001). Крім цього встановлено зниження функціонального стану печінки, про що свідчить вірогідне зменшення вмісту загального протеїну на 8,0 % і сечовини – на 13,5 %, також підвищення активності АлАТ, АсАТ і лужної фосфатази на 31,6 %, 7,4 % і 53,9 % відповідно. Встановлено вірогідні зміни коефіцієнтів маси печінки та селезінки. За внутрішлункового застосування щурам препарату “Бендамін” упродовж 30 діб макроскопічна та мікроскопічна структура досліджуваних внутрішніх органів збережена у всіх групах тварин. У другій дослідній групі виявлені помірні гістоструктурні зміни в печінці і нирках, які мали зворотній характер. У щурів, яким застосовували 10-кратну терапевтичну дозу препарату, гістологічно встановлено порушення гемодинаміки та зміни дистрофічного характеру, переважно білкового походження, із вогнищевою локалізацією в паренхімі печінки, нирок та міокарду, що носять у більшості випадків зворотний характер і є наслідком компенсаторної реакції з боку макроорганізму на введення підвищеної дози досліджуваного препарату

    Information geometry and local asymptotic normality for multi-parameter estimation of quantum Markov dynamics

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    This paper deals with the problem of identifying and estimating dynamical parameters of continuous-time quantum open systems, in the input-output formalism. First, we characterise the space of identifiable parameters for ergodic dynamics, assuming full access to the output state for arbitrarily long times, and show that the equivalence classes of undistinguishable parameters are orbits of a Lie group acting on the space of dynamical parameters. Second, we define an information geometric structure on this space, including a principal bundle given by the action of the group, as well as a compatible connection, and a Riemannian metric based on the quantum Fisher information of the output. We compute the metric explicitly in terms of the Markov covariance of certain "fluctuation operators", and relate it to the horizontal bundle of the connection. Third, we show that the system-output and reduced output state satisfy local asymptotic normality, i.e. they can be approximated by a Gaussian model consisting of coherent states of a multimode continuos variables system constructed from the Markov covariance "data". We illustrate the result by working out the details of the information geometry of a physically relevant two-level system.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure