12 research outputs found

    Finite time decoherence could be suppressed efficiently in photonic crystal

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    The decoherence of two initially entangled qubits in anisotropic band gap photonic crystal has been studied analytically without Born or Markovian approximation. It is shown that the decoherence dynamics of two qubits in photonic crystal is greatly different from that of two qubits in vacuum or subjected to usual non-Markovian reservoir. The results also show that the finite time decoherence invoked by spontaneous emission could be suppressed efficiently and the entanglement of the Bell state possesses odd parity is more easily preserved in photonic crystal than that of the Bell state possesses even parity under the same condition. A store scheme for entangled particle pair is proposed.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure

    Stability of BTZ black strings

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    We study the dynamical stability of the BTZ black string against fermonic and gravitational perturbations. The BTZ black string is not always stable against these perturbations. There exist threshold values for m2m^2 related to the compactification of the extra dimension for fermonic perturbation, scalar part of the gravitational perturbation and the tensor perturbation, respectively. Above the threshold values, perturbations are stable; while below these thresholds, perturbations can be unstable. We find that this non-trivial stability behavior qualitatively agrees with that predicted by a thermodynamical argument, showing that the BTZ black string phase is not the privileged stable phase.Comment: 9 pages, revised version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Analytical Solution of the Voter Model on Disordered Networks

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    We present a mathematical description of the voter model dynamics on heterogeneous networks. When the average degree of the graph is μ≤2\mu \leq 2 the system reaches complete order exponentially fast. For μ>2\mu >2, a finite system falls, before it fully orders, in a quasistationary state in which the average density of active links (links between opposite-state nodes) in surviving runs is constant and equal to (μ−2)3(μ−1)\frac{(\mu-2)}{3(\mu-1)}, while an infinite large system stays ad infinitum in a partially ordered stationary active state. The mean life time of the quasistationary state is proportional to the mean time to reach the fully ordered state TT, which scales as T∼(μ−1)μ2N(μ−2)μ2T \sim \frac{(\mu-1) \mu^2 N}{(\mu-2) \mu_2}, where NN is the number of nodes of the network, and μ2\mu_2 is the second moment of the degree distribution. We find good agreement between these analytical results and numerical simulations on random networks with various degree distributions.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Quantum Zeno and anti-Zeno effects in surface diffusion of interacting adsorbates

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    Surface diffusion of interacting adsorbates is here analyzed within the context of two fundamental phenomena of quantum dynamics, namely the quantum Zeno effect and the anti-Zeno effect. The physical implications of these effects are introduced here in a rather simple and general manner within the framework of non-selective measurements and for two (surface) temperature regimes: high and very low (including zero temperature). The quantum intermediate scattering function describing the adsorbate diffusion process is then evaluated for flat surfaces, since it is fully analytical in this case. Finally, a generalization to corrugated surfaces is also discussed. In this regard, it is found that, considering a Markovian framework and high surface temperatures, the anti-Zeno effect has already been observed, though not recognized as such.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figur

    String Instabilities in Black Hole Spacetimes

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    We study the emergence of string instabilities in DD - dimensional black hole spacetimes (Schwarzschild and Reissner - Nordstr\o m), and De Sitter space (in static coordinates to allow a better comparison with the black hole case). We solve the first order string fluctuations around the center of mass motion at spatial infinity, near the horizon and at the spacetime singularity. We find that the time components are always well behaved in the three regions and in the three backgrounds. The radial components are {\it unstable}: imaginary frequencies develop in the oscillatory modes near the horizon, and the evolution is like (τ−τ0)−P(\tau-\tau_0)^{-P}, (P>0)(P>0), near the spacetime singularity, r→0r\to0, where the world - sheet time (τ−τ0)→0(\tau-\tau_0)\to0, and the proper string length grows infinitely. In the Schwarzschild black hole, the angular components are always well - behaved, while in the Reissner - Nordstr\o m case they develop instabilities inside the horizon, near r→0r\to0 where the repulsive effects of the charge dominate over those of the mass. In general, whenever large enough repulsive effects in the gravitational background are present, string instabilities develop. In De Sitter space, all the spatial components exhibit instability. The infalling of the string to the black hole singularity is like the motion of a particle in a potential γ(τ−τ0)−2\gamma(\tau-\tau_0)^{-2} where γ\gamma depends on the DD spacetime dimensions and string angular momentum, with γ>0\gamma>0 for Schwarzschild and γ<0\gamma<0 for Reissner - Nordstr\o m black holes. For (τ−τ0)→0(\tau-\tau_0)\to0 the string ends trapped by the black hole singularity.Comment: 26pages, Plain Te

    Regge behaviour of distribution functions and t and x-evolutions of gluon distribution function at low-x

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    In this paper t and x-evolutions of gluon distribution function from Dokshitzer-Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi(DGLAP) evolution equation in leading order(LO) at low-x, assuming the Regge behaviour of quark and gluon at this limit, are presented. We compare our results of gluon distribution function with MRST 2001, MRST 2004 and GRV '98 parameterizations and show the compatibility of Regge behaviour of quark and gluon distribution functions with perturbative quantum chromodynamics(PQCD) at low-x. We also discuss the limitations of Taylor series expansion method used earlier to solve DGLAP evolution equations, in the Regge behaviour of distribution functions.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure