459 research outputs found

    Périodes de niveaux excités du calcium 40 et de l'iode 132

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    Cet article présente la mesure de la période, T1/2 = (2,15 ± 0,08) ns du premier niveau excité de 40Ca. Les mesures de coïncidences différées dans 132I ont permis de fixer l'ordre d'émission des deux rayons gamma de 52 keV et 232 keV ; les périodes sont égales à T1/2 = (0,96 ± 0,04) ns pour le niveau à 52 keV et à T1/2 = (1,42 ± 0,05) ns pour le niveau à 284 keV. Ces valeurs, et des mesures du coefficient de conversion interne α K, permettent d'attribuer les ordres multipolaires M1 + E2 et E2 respectivement pour les transitions de 52 et 232 keV

    Réalisation d'un spectromètre de coïncidences à sept compteurs NaI

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    Un multicompteur comprenant sept détecteurs NaI(T1) 3" x 3" a été construit. Il permet de mesurer simultanément les valeurs correspondant à 16 angles de la fonction de corrélation angulaire W(θ1, θ 2, ϕ) ou les sept géométries définies par Litherland et Ferguson. Cet ensemble a été expérimenté avec succès dans le cas de corrélations angulaires bien connues aussi bien en désintégrations radioactives qu'en réactions nucléaires

    Résolution en temps d'un circuit de coïncidences particule gamma

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    Des détecteurs à barrière de surface ont été utilisés dans un circuit de coïncidences rapides particule-gamma en vue de mesurer des vies moyennes de noyaux dans des états excités. L'influence sur la résolution en temps de différents facteurs (résistivité, tension de polarisation, etc.) a été étudiée

    Micromegas in a Bulk

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    In this paper we present a novel way to manufacture the bulk Micromegas detector. A simple process based on the PCB (Printed Circuit Board) technology is employed to produce the entire sensitive detector. Such fabrication process could be extended to very large area detectors made by the industry. The low cost fabrication together with the robustness of the electrode materials will make it extremely attractive for several applications ranging from particle physics and astrophysics to medicineComment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    MEMPHYS:A large scale water Cerenkov detector at Fr\'ejus

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    A water \v{C}erenkov detector project, of megaton scale, to be installed in the Fr\'ejus underground site and dedicated to nucleon decay, neutrinos from supernovae, solar and atmospheric neutrinos, as well as neutrinos from a super-beam and/or a beta-beam coming from CERN, is presented and compared with competitor projects in Japan and in the USA. The performances of the European project are discussed, including the possibility to measure the mixing angle θ13\theta_{13} and the CP-violating phase δ\delta.Comment: 1+33 pages, 14 figures, Expression of Interest of MEMPHYS projec

    The current status of orbital experiments for UHECR studies

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    Two types of orbital detectors of extreme energy cosmic rays are being developed nowadays: (i) TUS and KLYPVE with reflecting optical systems (mirrors) and (ii) JEM-EUSO with high-transmittance Fresnel lenses. They will cover much larger areas than existing ground-based arrays and almost uniformly monitor the celestial sphere. The TUS detector is the pioneering mission developed in SINP MSU in cooperation with several Russian and foreign institutions. It has relatively small field of view (+/-4.5 deg), which corresponds to a ground area of 6.4x10^3 sq.km. The telescope consists of a Fresnel-type mirror-concentrator (~2 sq.m) and a photo receiver (a matrix of 16x16 photomultiplier tubes). It is to be deployed on the Lomonosov satellite, and is currently at the final stage of preflight tests. Recently, SINP MSU began the KLYPVE project to be installed on board of the Russian segment of the ISS. The optical system of this detector contains a larger primary mirror (10 sq.m), which allows decreasing the energy threshold. The total effective field of view will be at least +/-14 degrees to exceed the annual exposure of the existing ground-based experiments. Several configurations of the detector are being currently considered. Finally, JEM-EUSO is a wide field of view (+/-30 deg) detector. The optics is composed of two curved double-sided Fresnel lenses with 2.65 m external diameter, a precision diffractive middle lens and a pupil. The ultraviolet photons are focused onto the focal surface, which consists of nearly 5000 multi-anode photomultipliers. It is developed by a large international collaboration. All three orbital detectors have multi-purpose character due to continuous monitoring of various atmospheric phenomena. The present status of development of the TUS and KLYPVE missions is reported, and a brief comparison of the projects with JEM-EUSO is given.Comment: 18 pages; based on the rapporteur talk given by M.I. Panasyuk at ECRS-2014; v2: a few minor language issues fixed thanks to the editor; to be published in the proceeding

    Progress on a spherical TPC for low energy neutrino detection

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    The new concept of the spherical TPC aims at relatively large target masses with low threshold and background, keeping an extremely simple and robust operation. Such a device would open the way to detect the neutrino-nucleus interaction, which, although a standard process, remains undetected due to the low energy of the neutrino-induced nuclear recoils. The progress in the development of the fist 1 m3^3 prototype at Saclay is presented. Other physics goals of such a device could include supernova detection, low energy neutrino oscillations and study of non-standard properties of the neutrino, among others.Comment: 3 pages, talk given at the 9th Workshop on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics, Zaragoza, September 10-1

    Antimatter and Matter Production in Heavy Ion Collisions at CERN (The NEWMASS Experiment NA52)

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    Besides the dedicated search for strangelets NA52 measures light (anti)particle and (anti)nuclei production over a wide range of rapidity. Compared to previous runs the statistics has been increased in the 1998 run by more than one order of magnitude for negatively charged objects at different spectrometer rigidities. Together with previous data taking at a rigidity of -20 GeV/c we obtained 10^6 antiprotons 10^3 antideuterons and two antihelium3 without centrality requirements. We measured nuclei and antinuclei (p,d,antiprotons, antideuterons) near midrapidity covering an impact parameter range of b=2-12 fm. Our results strongly indicate that nuclei and antinuclei are mainly produced via the coalescence mechanism. However the centrality dependence of the antibaryon to baryon ratios show that antibaryons are diminished due to annihilation and breakup reactions in the hadron dense environment. The volume of the particle source extracted from coalescence models agrees with results from pion interferometry for an expanding source. The chemical and thermal freeze-out of nuclei and antinuclei appear to coincide with each other and with the thermal freeze-out of hadrons.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the conference on 'Fundamental Issues in Elementary Matter' Bad Honnef, Germany, Sept. 25-29, 200

    Neutrinos in a spherical box

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    In the present paper we study some neutrino properties as they may appear in the low energy neutrinos emitted in triton decay with maximum neutrino energy of 18.6 keV. The technical challenges to this end can be achieved by building a very large TPC capable of detecting low energy recoils, down to a a few tenths of a keV, within the required low background constraints. More specifically We propose the development of a spherical gaseous TPC of about 10-m in radius and a 200 Mcurie triton source in the center of curvature. One can list a number of exciting studies, concerning fundamental physics issues, that could be made using a large volume TPC and low energy antineutrinos: 1) The oscillation length involving the small angle of the neutrino mixing matrix, directly measured in this disappearance experiment, is fully contained inside the detector. Measuring the counting rate of neutrino-electron elastic scattering as a function of the distance of the source will give a precise and unambiguous measurement of the oscillation parameters free of systematic errors. In fact first estimates show that even with a year's data taking a sensitivity of a few percent for the measurement of the above angle will be achieved. 2) The low energy detection threshold offers a unique sensitivity for the neutrino magnetic moment which is about two orders of magnitude beyond the current experimental limit. 3) Scattering at such low neutrino energies has never been studied and any departure from the expected behavior may be an indication of new physics beyond the standard model. In this work we mainly focus on the various theoretical issues involved including a precise determination of the Weinberg angle at very low momentum transfer.Comment: 16 Pages, LaTex, 7 figures, talk given at NANP 2003, Dubna, Russia, June 23, 200

    On the electromagnetic energy resolution of Cherenkov-fiber calorimeters

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    Electromagnetic calorimeters which sample the Cherenkov radiation of shower particles in optical fibers operate in a markedly different manner from calorimeters which rely on the dE/dx of shower particles. The well-understood physics of electromagnetic shower development is applied to the case of Cherenkov-fiber calorimetry (also known as quartz fiber calorimetry) and the results of systematically performed studies are considered in detail to derive an understanding of the critical parameters involved in energy measurement using such calorimeters. A quantitative parameterization of Cherenkov-fiber calorimetry electromagnetic energy resolution is proposed and compared with existing experimental results