3,927 research outputs found

    QUASAT: An orbiting very long baseline interferometer program using large space antenna systems

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    QUASAT, which stands for QUASAR SATELLITE, is the name given to a new mission being studied by NASA. The QUASAT mission concept involves a free flying Earth orbiting large radio telescope, which will observe astronomical radio sources simultaneously with ground radio telescopes. The primary goal of QUASAT is to provide a system capable of collecting radio frequency data which will lead to a better understanding of extremely high energy events taking place in a variety of celestial objects including quasars, galactic nuclei, interstellar masers, radio stars and pulsars. QUASAT's unique scientific contribution will be the increased resolution in the emission brightness profile maps of the celestial objects

    The evolution of electron overdensities in magnetic fields

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    When a neutral gas impinges on a stationary magnetized plasma an enhancement in the ionization rate occurs when the neutrals exceed a threshold velocity. This is commonly known as the critical ionization velocity effect. This process has two distinct timescales: an ion–neutral collision time and electron acceleration time. We investigate the energization of an ensemble of electrons by their self-electric field in an applied magnetic field. The evolution of the electrons is simulated under different magnetic field and density conditions. It is found that electrons can be accelerated to speeds capable of electron impact ionization for certain conditions. In the magnetically dominated case the energy distribution of the excited electrons shows that typically 1% of the electron population can exceed the initial electrostatic potential associated with the unbalanced ensemble of electrons

    Canyon Depth Effect on Surface Ground Motion

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    Topographic effects are rarely accounted for in seismic design codes, despite their potential to significantly modify surface ground motions. This paper investigates the influence of a canyon’s slope height on the surface ground motion through a parametric time-domain Finite Element (FE) study. A two-dimensional plane-strain model of an idealised canyon is considered for vertically propagating SV waves, using wavelets as input excitation. The model consists of two step-like slopes with slope height (H), in a homogeneous linear elastic soil layer overlying rigid bedrock. The analysis results show that the distribution of topographic aggravation at the ground surface varies significantly with normalized canyon depth over the input wavelength (H/λ) and it does not necessarily reach a maximum at a specific H/λ ratio, as has been suggested in previous studies. The validity of this conclusion is investigated for different depths to bedrock and soil layer properties

    An assessment of the economic impact of Canada goose grazing on Grasmere Station using a farm management modelling technique

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    Estimates are made of the quantities of various pasture and crop types consumed by Canada geese (Branta canadensis maxima) at Grasmere Station over two years. The costs incurred by the farmer as a result of such feeding are then calculated on the basis of displaced stock units using a computer-based farm management modelling technique

    Introducing a Calculus of Effects and Handlers for Natural Language Semantics

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    In compositional model-theoretic semantics, researchers assemble truth-conditions or other kinds of denotations using the lambda calculus. It was previously observed that the lambda terms and/or the denotations studied tend to follow the same pattern: they are instances of a monad. In this paper, we present an extension of the simply-typed lambda calculus that exploits this uniformity using the recently discovered technique of effect handlers. We prove that our calculus exhibits some of the key formal properties of the lambda calculus and we use it to construct a modular semantics for a small fragment that involves multiple distinct semantic phenomena

    Non-Preemptive Scheduling on Machines with Setup Times

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    Consider the problem in which n jobs that are classified into k types are to be scheduled on m identical machines without preemption. A machine requires a proper setup taking s time units before processing jobs of a given type. The objective is to minimize the makespan of the resulting schedule. We design and analyze an approximation algorithm that runs in time polynomial in n, m and k and computes a solution with an approximation factor that can be made arbitrarily close to 3/2.Comment: A conference version of this paper has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of the 14th Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium (WADS

    Application of exchange Monte Carlo method to ordering dynamics

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    We apply the exchange Monte Carlo method to the ordering dynamics of the three-state Potts model with the conserved order parameter. Even for the deeply quenched case to low temperatures, we have observed a rapid domain growth; we have proved the efficiency of the exchange Monte Carlo method for the ordering process. The late-stage growth law has been found to be R(t)∌t1/3R(t) \sim t^{1/3} for the case of conserved order parameter of three-component system.Comment: 7 pages including 5 eps figures, to appear in New J. Phys. http://www.njp.or

    An Evaluation Service for Digital Public Health Interventions: User-Centered Design Approach

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    BACKGROUND: Digital health interventions (DHIs) have the potential to improve public health by combining effective interventions and population reach. However, what biomedical researchers and digital developers consider an effective intervention differs, thereby creating an ongoing challenge to integrating their respective approaches when evaluating DHIs. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to report on the Public Health England (PHE) initiative set out to operationalize an evaluation framework that combines biomedical and digital approaches and demonstrates the impact, cost-effectiveness, and benefit of DHIs on public health. METHODS: We comprised a multidisciplinary project team including service designers, academics, and public health professionals and used user-centered design methods, such as qualitative research, engagement with end users and stakeholders, and iterative learning. The iterative approach enabled the team to sequentially define the problem, understand user needs, identify opportunity areas, develop concepts, test prototypes, and plan service implementation. Stakeholders, senior leaders from PHE, and a working group critiqued the outputs. RESULTS: We identified 26 themes and 82 user needs from semistructured interviews (N=15), expressed as 46 Jobs To Be Done, which were then validated across the journey of evaluation design for a DHI. We identified seven essential concepts for evaluating DHIs: evaluation thinking, evaluation canvas, contract assistant, testing toolkit, development history, data hub, and publish health outcomes. Of these, three concepts were prioritized for further testing and development, and subsequently refined into the proposed PHE Evaluation Service for public health DHIs. Testing with PHE’s Couch-to-5K app digital team confirmed the viability, desirability, and feasibility of both the evaluation approach and the Evaluation Service. CONCLUSIONS: An iterative, user-centered design approach enabled PHE to combine the strengths of academic and biomedical disciplines with the expertise of nonacademic and digital developers for evaluating DHIs. Design-led methodologies can add value to public health settings. The subsequent service, now known as Evaluating Digital Health Products, is currently in use by health bodies in the United Kingdom and is available to others for tackling the problem of evaluating DHIs pragmatically and responsively

    Likely year-round presence of beaked whales in the Bay of Biscay

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    Gas-plasma compressional wave coupling by momentum transfer

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    Pressure disturbances in a gas-plasma mixed fluid will result in a hybrid response, with magnetosonic plasma waves coupled to acoustic waves in the neutral gas. In the analytical and numerical treatment presented here, we demonstrate the evolution of the total fluid medium response under a variety of conditions, with the gas-plasma linkage achieved by additional coupling terms in the momentum equations of each species. The significance of this treatment lies in the consideration of density perturbations in such fluids: there is no 'pure' mode response, only a collective one in which elements of the characteristics of each component are present. For example, an initially isotropic gas sound wave can trigger an anisotropic magnetic response in the plasma, with the character of each being blended in the global evolution. Hence sound waves do not remain wholly isotropic, and magnetic responses are less constrained by pure magnetoplasma dynamics
