2,067 research outputs found

    Exploring the fragile antiferromagnetic superconducting phase in CeCoIn5

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    CeCoIn5 is a heavy fermion Type-II superconductor which exhibits clear indications of Pauli-limited superconductivity. A variety of measurements give evidence for a transition at high magnetic fields inside the superconducting state, when the field is applied either parallel to or perpendicular to the c axis. When the field is perpendicular to the c axis, antiferromagnetic order is observed on the high-field side of the transition, with a magnetic wavevector of (q q 0.5), where q = 0.44 reciprocal lattice units. We show that this order remains as the magnetic field is rotated out of the basal plane, but the associated moment eventually disappears above 17 degrees, indicating that the anomalies seen with the field parallel to the c axis are not related to this magnetic order. We discuss the implications of this finding.Comment: Accepted Physical Review Letters, September 2010. 4 pages, 4 figure

    Light elements in massive single and binary stars

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    We highlight the role of the light elements (Li, Be, B) in the evolution of massive single and binary stars, which is largely restricted to a diagnostic value, and foremost so for the element boron. However, we show that the boron surface abundance in massive early type stars contains key information about their foregoing evolution which is not obtainable otherwise. In particular, it allows to constrain internal mixing processes and potential previous mass transfer event for binary stars (even if the companion has disappeared). It may also help solving the mystery of the slowly rotating nitrogen-rich massive main sequence stars.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, to appear in proc. IAU-Symp. 268. C. Charbonnel et al., eds

    Multiband effects on beta-FeSe single crystals

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    We present the upper critical fields Hc2(T) and Hall effect in beta-FeSe single crystals. The Hc2(T) increases as the temperature is lowered for field applied parallel and perpendicular to (101), the natural growth facet of the crystal. The Hc2(T) for both field directions and the anisotropy at low temperature increase under pressure. Hole carriers are dominant at high magnetic fields. However, the contribution of electron-type carriers is significant at low fields and low temperature. Our results show that multiband effects dominate Hc2(T) and electronic transport in the normal state

    Topological Quantum Computing with Only One Mobile Quasiparticle

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    In a topological quantum computer, universal quantum computation is performed by dragging quasiparticle excitations of certain two dimensional systems around each other to form braids of their world lines in 2+1 dimensional space-time. In this paper we show that any such quantum computation that can be done by braiding nn identical quasiparticles can also be done by moving a single quasiparticle around n-1 other identical quasiparticles whose positions remain fixed.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    The Missing Link: Magnetism and Superconductivity

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    The effect of magnetic moments on superconductivity has long been a controversial subject in condensed matter physics. While Matthias and collaborators experimentally demonstrated the destruction of superconductivity in La by the addition of magnetic moments (Gd), it has since been suggested that magnetic fluctuations are in fact responsible for the development of superconducting order in other systems. Currently this debate is focused on several families of unconventional superconductors including high-Tc cuprates, borocarbides as well as heavy fermion systems where magnetism and superconductivity are known to coexist. Here we report a novel aspect of competition and coexistence of these two competing orders in an interesting class of heavy fermion compounds, namely the 1-1-5 series: CeTIn5 where T=Co, Ir, or Rh. Our optical experiments indicate the existence of regions in momentum space where local moments remain unscreened. The extent of these regions in momentum space appears to control both the normal and superconducting state properties in the 1-1-5 family of heavy fermion (HF) superconductors.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Enhanced Thermoelectric Power and Electronic Correlations in RuSe2_2

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    We report the electronic structure, electric and thermal transport properties of Ru1−x_{1-x}Irx_{x}Se2_2 (x≤0.2x \leq 0.2). RuSe2_2 is a semiconductor that crystallizes in a cubic pyrite unit cell. The Seebeck coefficient of RuSe2_2 exceeds -200 μ\muV/K around 730 K. Ir substitution results in the suppression of the resistivity and the Seebeck coefficient, suggesting the removal of the peaks in density of states near the Fermi level. Ru0.8_{0.8}Ir0.2_{0.2}Se2_{2} shows a semiconductor-metal crossover at about 30 K. The magnetic field restores the semiconducting behavior. Our results indicate the importance of the electronic correlations in enhanced thermoelectricity of RuSb2_{2}.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
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