1,045 research outputs found

    The X-ray spectrum of the Seyfert I galaxy Markarian 766: Dusty warm absorber or relativistic emission lines?

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    Competing models for broad spectral features in the soft X-ray spectrum of the Seyfert I galaxy Mrk 766 are tested against data from a 130 ks XMM-Newton observation. A model including relativistically broadened Lyalpha emission lines of O VIII N VII and C VI is a better fit to 0.3-2 keV XMM RGS data than a dusty warm absorber. Moreover, the measured depth of neutral iron absorption lines in the spectrum is inconsistent with the magnitude of the iron edge required to produce the continuum break at 17-18 Angstrom in the dusty warm absorber model. The relativistic emission line model can reproduce the broadband (0.1-12 keV) XMM EPIC data with the addition of a fourth line to represent emission from ionized iron at 6.7 keV and an excess due to reflection at energies above the iron line. The pro le of the 6.7 keV iron line is consistent with that measured for the low-energy lines. There is evidence in the RGS data, at the 3sigma level, of spectral features that vary with source flux. The covering fraction of warm absorber gas is estimated to be 12%. Iron in the warm absorber is found to be overabundant with respect to CNO, compared to solar values

    Scattered Nuclear Continuum and Broad H-alpha in Cygnus A

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    We have discovered scattered broad Balmer emission lines in the spectrum of Cygnus A, using the Keck II telescope. Broad H-alpha appears in polarized flux from components on either side of the nucleus, and to a lesser extent in the nucleus. The full-width at half-maximum of broad H-alpha is 26,000 km/s, comparable to the widest emission lines seen in broad-line radio galaxies. Scattered AGN light provides a significant contribution to the total flux at 3800 Angstroms (rest) of the western component, where the polarization rises to 16%. The spatially integrated flux of Cygnus A at 5500 Angstroms can be decomposed into an elliptical galaxy fraction (Fg=0.70), a highly polarized blue component (FC1=0.15), a less polarized red component (FC=0.09), and a contribution from the nebular continuum (0.06). Imaging polarimetry shows a double fan of polarization vectors with circular symmetry which corresponds to the ionization cone seen in HST images. Our results are consistent with scattering of light from a hidden quasar of modest luminosity by an extended, dusty narrow-line region.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, Latex, to appear in ApJ Letter

    Powerful H2_2 Line-cooling in Stephan's Quintet : I - Mapping the Significant Cooling Pathways in Group-wide Shocks

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    We present results from the mid-infrared spectral mapping of Stephan's Quintet using the Spitzer Space Telescope. A 1000 km/s collision has produced a group-wide shock and for the first time the large-scale distribution of warm molecular hydrogen emission is revealed, as well as its close association with known shock structures. In the main shock region alone we find 5.0 ×108\times10^{8} M⊙_{\odot} of warm H2_2 spread over ∌\sim 480 kpc2^2 and additionally report the discovery of a second major shock-excited H2_2 feature. This brings the total H2_2 line luminosity of the group in excess of 1042^42 erg/s. In the main shock, the H2_2 line luminosity exceeds, by a factor of three, the X-ray luminosity from the hot shocked gas, confirming that the H2_2-cooling pathway dominates over the X-ray. [Si II]34.82ÎŒ\mum emission, detected at a luminosity of 1/10th of that of the H2_2, appears to trace the group-wide shock closely and in addition, we detect weak [FeII]25.99ÎŒ\mum emission from the most X-ray luminous part of the shock. Comparison with shock models reveals that this emission is consistent with regions of fast shocks (100 < VsV_{s} < 300 km/s) experiencing depletion of iron and silicon onto dust grains. Star formation in the shock (as traced via ionic lines, PAH and dust emission) appears in the intruder galaxy, but most strikingly at either end of the radio shock. The shock ridge itself shows little star formation, consistent with a model in which the tremendous H2_{2} power is driven by turbulent energy transfer from motions in a post-shocked layer. The significance of the molecular hydrogen lines over other measured sources of cooling in fast galaxy-scale shocks may have crucial implications for the cooling of gas in the assembly of the first galaxies.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figures, Accepted to Ap

    Intrinsic Absorption in the Spectrum of NGC 7469: Simultaneous Chandra, FUSE, and STIS Observations

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    We present simultaneous X-ray, far-ultraviolet, and near-ultraviolet spectra of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 7469 obtained with the Chandra X-Ray Observatory, the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer, and the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope. Previous non-simultaneous observations of this galaxy found two distinct UV absorption components, at -560 and -1900 km/s, with the former as the likely counterpart of the X-ray absorber. We confirm these two absorption components in our new UV observations, in which we detect prominent O VI, Ly alpha, N V, and C IV absorption. In our Chandra spectrum we detect O VIII emission, but no significant O VIII or O VII absorption. We also detect a prominent Fe K alpha emission line in the Chandra spectrum, as well as absorption due to hydrogen-like and helium-like neon, magnesium, and silicon at velocities consistent with the -560 km/s UV absorber. The FUSE and STIS data reveal that the H I and C IV column densities in this UV- and X-ray- absorbing component have increased over time, as the UV continuum flux decreased. We use measured H I, N V, C IV, and O VI column densities to model the photoionization state of both absorbers self-consistently. We confirm the general physical picture of the outflow in which the low velocity component is a highly ionized, high density absorber with a total column density of 10^20 cm^-2, located near the broad emission line region, although due to measurable columns of N V and C IV, we assign it a somewhat smaller ionization parameter than found previously, U~1. The high velocity UV component is of lower density, log N=18.6, and likely resides farther from the central engine as we find its ionization parameter to be U=0.08.Comment: Minor correction to abstract; STScI eprint #1683; 50 pages, incl. 19 figures, 4 tables; Accepted to Ap

    Extremely massive disc galaxies in the nearby Universe form through gas-rich minor mergers

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    © 2022 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. an article which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stac058In our hierarchical structure-formation paradigm, the observed morphological evolution of massive galaxies -- from rotationally-supported discs to dispersion-dominated spheroids -- is largely explained via galaxy merging. However, since mergers are likely to destroy discs, and the most massive galaxies have the richest merger histories, it is surprising that any discs exist at all at the highest stellar masses. Recent theoretical work by our group has used a cosmological, hydrodynamical simulation to suggest that extremely massive (M* > 10^11.4 MSun) discs form primarily via minor mergers between spheroids and gas-rich satellites, which create new rotational stellar components and leave discs as remnants. Here, we use UV-optical and HI data of massive galaxies, from the SDSS, GALEX, DECaLS and ALFALFA surveys, to test these theoretical predictions. Observed massive discs account for ~13% of massive galaxies, in good agreement with theory (~11%). ~64% of the observed massive discs exhibit tidal features, which are likely to indicate recent minor mergers, in the deep DECaLS images (compared to ~60% in their simulated counterparts). The incidence of these features is at least four times higher than in low-mass discs, suggesting that, as predicted, minor mergers play a significant (and outsized) role in the formation of these systems. The empirical star-formation rates agree well with theoretical predictions and, for a small galaxy sample with HI detections, the HI masses and fractions are consistent with the range predicted by the simulation. The good agreement between theory and observations indicates that extremely massive discs are indeed remnants of recent minor mergers between spheroids and gas-rich satellites.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Structure of the X-ray Emission from the Jet of 3C 273

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    We present images from five observations of the quasar 3C 273 with the Chandra X-ray Observatory. The jet has at least four distinct features which are not resolved in previous observations. The first knot in the jet (A1) is very bright in X-rays. Its X-ray spectrum is well fitted with a power law with alpha = 0.60 +/- 0.05. Combining this measurement with lower frequency data shows that a pure synchrotron model can fit the spectrum of this knot from 1.647 GHz to 5 keV (over nine decades in energy) with alpha = 0.76 +/- 0.02, similar to the X-ray spectral slope. Thus, we place a lower limit on the total power radiated by this knot of 1.5e43 erg/s; substantially more power may be emitted in the hard X-ray and gamma-ray bands. Knot A2 is also detected and is somewhat blended with knot B1. Synchrotron emission may also explain the X-ray emission but a spectral bend is required near the optical band. For knots A1 and B1, the X-ray flux dominates the emitted energy. For the remaining optical knots (C through H), localized X-ray enhancements that might correspond to the optical features are not clearly resolved. The position angle of the jet ridge line follows the optical shape with distinct, aperiodic excursions of +/-1 deg from a median value of -138.0deg. Finally, we find X-ray emission from the ``inner jet'' between 5 and 10" from the core.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters. For the color image, see fig1.ps or http://space.mit.edu/~hermanm/papers/3c273/fig1.jp

    The Soft X-ray Spectrum from NGC 1068 Observed with LETGS on Chandra

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    Using the combined spectral and spatial resolving power of the Low Energy Transmission Grating (LETGS) on board Chandra, we obtain separate spectra from the bright central source of NGC 1068 (Primary region), and from a fainter bright spot 4" to the NE (Secondary region). Both spectra are dominated by line emission from H- and He-like ions of C through S, and from Fe L-shell ions, but also include narrow radiative recombination continua, indicating that most of the soft X-ray emission arises in low-temperature (kT few eV) photoionized plasma. We confirm the conclusions of Kinkhabwala et al. (2002), based on XMM-Newton RGS observations, that the entire nuclear spectrum can be explained by recombination/radiative cascade following photoionization, and radiative decay following photoexcitation, with no evidence for hot, collisionally ionized plasma. In addition, this model also provides an excellent fit to the spectrum of the Secondary region, albeit with radial column densities a factor of three lower, as would be expected given its distance from the source of the ionizing continuum. The remarkable overlap and kinematical agreement of the optical and X-ray line emission, coupled with the need for a distribution of ionization parameter to explain the X-ray spectra, collectively imply the presence of a distribution of densities (over a few orders of magnitude) at each radius in the ionization cone. Relative abundances of all elements are consistent with Solar abundance, except for N, which is 2-3 times Solar. The long wavelength spectrum beyond 30 A is rich of L-shell transitions of Mg, Si, S, and Ar, and M-shell transitions of Fe. The velocity dispersion decreases with increasing ionization parameter, as deduced from these long wavelength lines and the Fe-L shell lines.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Relativistic iron K X-ray Reverberation in NGC 4151

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    Recent X-ray observations have enabled the study of reverberation delays in AGN for the first time. All the detections so far are in sources with a strong soft excess, and the measured delay is between the hard (1-3 keV) direct continuum and the soft excess (0.5-1 keV), interpreted as the reflection continuum smeared by relativistic effects. There is however an inherent ambiguity in identifying and studying the details of the lines in the soft excess. Here we report the first detection of reverberation in the iron K band in any AGN. Using XMM-Newton observations of NGC 4151, we find delays of order 2000 s on time-scales of 10e5 s between the 5-6 keV band and 2-3 and 7-8 keV bands, with a broad lag profile resembling a relativistically-broadened iron line. The peak of the lag spectra shifts to lower energies at higher frequencies, consistent with the red wing of the line being emitted at smaller radii, as expected from reflection off the inner accretion disk. This is a first detection of a broad iron line using timing studies.Comment: final version, corrected small typo

    Quantifying interactions between accommodation and vergence in a binocularly normal population

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    AbstractStimulation of the accommodation system results in a response in the vergence system via accommodative vergence cross-link interactions, and stimulation of the vergence system results in an accommodation response via vergence accommodation cross-link interactions. Cross-link interactions are necessary in order to ensure simultaneous responses in the accommodation and vergence systems. The crosslink interactions are represented most comprehensively by the response AC/A (accommodative vergence) and CA/C (vergence accommodation) ratios, although the stimulus AC/A ratio is measured clinically, and the stimulus CA/C ratio is seldom measured in clinical practice. The present study aims to quantify both stimulus and response AC/A and CA/C ratios in a binocularly normal population, and determine the relationship between them. 25 Subjects (mean±SD age 21.0±1.9years) were recruited from the university population. A significant linear relationship was found between the stimulus and response ratios, for both AC/A (r2=0.96, p<0.001) and CA/C ratios (r2=0.40, p<0.05). Good agreement was found between the stimulus and response AC/A ratios (95% CI −0.06 to 0.24MA/D). Stimulus and response CA/C ratios are linearly related. Stimulus CA/C ratios were higher than response ratios at low values, and lower than response ratios at high values (95% CI −0.46 to 0.42D/MA). Agreement between stimulus and response CA/C ratios is poorer than that found for AC/A ratios due to increased variability in vergence responses when viewing the Gaussian blurred target. This study has shown that more work is needed to refine the methodology of CA/C ratio measurement
