19,456 research outputs found

    Towards an ecological index for tropical soil quality based on soil macrofauna

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    The objective of this work was to construct a simple index based on the presence/absence of different groups of soil macrofauna to determine the ecological quality of soils. The index was tested with data from 20 sites in South and Central Tabasco, Mexico, and a positive relation between the model and the field observations was detected. The index showed that diverse agroforestry systems had the highest soil quality index (1.00), and monocrops without trees, such as pineapple, showed the lowest soil quality index (0.08). Further research is required to improve this model for natural systems that have very low earthworm biomass

    Morphological Evolution of Distant Galaxies from Adaptive Optics Imaging

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    We report here on a sample of resolved, infrared images of galaxies at z~0.5 taken with the 10-m Keck Telescope's Adaptive Optics (AO) system. We regularly achieve a spatial resolution of 0.05'' and are thus able to resolve both the disk and bulge components. We have extracted morphological information for ten galaxies and compared their properties to those of a local sample. The selection effects of both samples were explicitly taken into account in order to derive the unbiased result that disks at z~0.5 are ~0.6 mag arcsec^-2 brighter than, and about the same size as, local disks. The no-luminosity-evolution case is ruled out at 90% confidence. We also find, in a more qualitative analysis, that the bulges of these galaxies have undergone a smaller amount of surface brightness evolution and have also not changed significantly in size from z~0.5 to today. This is the first time this type of morphological evolution has been measured in the infrared and it points to the unique power of AO in exploring galaxy evolution.Comment: 27 pages, 7figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The Central Region in M100: Observations and Modeling

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    We present new high-resolution observations of the center of the late-type spiral M100 (NGC 4321) supplemented by 3D numerical modeling of stellar and gas dynamics, including star formation (SF). NIR imaging has revealed a stellar bar, previously inferred from optical and 21 cm observations, and an ovally-shaped ring-like structure in the plane of the disk. The K isophotes become progressively elongated and skewed to the position angle of the bar (outside and inside the `ring') forming an inner bar-like region. The galaxy exhibits a circumnuclear starburst in the inner part of the K `ring'. Two maxima of the K emission have been observed to lie symmetrically with respect to the nucleus and equidistant from it slightly leading the stellar bar. We interpret the twists in the K isophotes as being indicative of the presence of a double inner Lindblad resonance (ILR) and test this hypothesis by modeling the gas flow in a self-consistent gas + stars disk embedded in a halo, with an overall NGC4321-like mass distribution. We have reproduced the basic morphology of the region (the bar, the large scale trailing shocks, two symmetric K peaks corresponding to gas compression maxima which lie at the caustic formed by the interaction of a pair of trailing and leading shocks in the vicinity of the inner ILR, both peaks being sites of SF, and two additional zones of SF corresponding to the gas compression maxima, referred usually as `twin peaks').Comment: 31 pages, postscript, compressed, uuencoded. 21 figures available in postscript, compressed form by anonymous ftp from ftp://asta.pa.uky.edu/shlosman/main100 , mget *.ps.Z. To appear in Ap.

    The cleavage surface of the BaFe_(2-x)Co_(x)As_(2) and Fe_(y)Se_(1-x)Te_(x) superconductors: from diversity to simplicity

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    We elucidate the termination surface of cleaved single crystals of the BaFe_(2-x)Co_(x)As_(2) and Fe_(y)Se_(1-x)Te_(x) families of the high temperature iron based superconductors. By combining scanning tunneling microscopic data with low energy electron diffraction we prove that the termination layer of the Ba122 systems is a remnant of the Ba layer, which exhibits a complex diversity of ordered and disordered structures. The observed surface topographies and their accompanying superstructure reflections in electron diffraction depend on the cleavage temperature. In stark contrast, Fe_(y)Se_(1-x)Te_(x) possesses only a single termination structure - that of the tetragonally ordered Se_(1-x)Te_(x) layer.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Simulations of Dust in Interacting Galaxies I: Dust Attenuation

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    A new Monte-Carlo radiative-transfer code, Sunrise, is used in conjunction with hydrodynamic simulations of major galaxy mergers to calculate the effects of dust in such systems. The simulations are in good agreement with observations of dust absorption in starburst galaxies, and the dust has a profound effect on their appearance. The dust attenuation increases with luminosity such that at peak luminosities ~90% of the bolometric luminosity is absorbed by dust. In general, the detailed appearance of the merging event depends on the stage of the merger and the geometry of the encounter. The fraction of bolometric energy absorbed by the dust, however, is a robust quantity that can be predicted from the intrinsic properties bolometric luminosity, baryonic mass, star-formation rate, and metallicity of the system. This paper presents fitting formulae, valid over a wide range of masses and metallicities, from which the absorbed fraction of luminosity (and consequently also the infrared dust luminosity) can be predicted. The attenuation of the luminosity at specific wavelengths can also be predicted, albeit with a larger scatter due to the variation with viewing angle. These formulae for dust attenuation appear to be valid for both isolated and interacting galaxies, are consistent with earlier studies, and would be suitable for inclusion in theoretical models, e.g. semi-analytic models of galaxy formation.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Ap

    Towards a fully self-consistent spectral function of the nucleon in nuclear matter

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    We present a calculation of nuclear matter which goes beyond the usual quasi-particle approximation in that it includes part of the off-shell dependence of the self-energy in the self-consistent solution of the single-particle spectrum. The spectral function is separated in contributions for energies above and below the chemical potential. For holes we approximate the spectral function for energies below the chemical potential by a δ\delta-function at the quasi-particle peak and retain the standard form for energies above the chemical potential. For particles a similar procedure is followed. The approximated spectral function is consistently used at all levels of the calculation. Results for a model calculation are presented, the main conclusion is that although several observables are affected by the inclusion of the continuum contributions the physical consistency of the model does not improve with the improved self-consistency of the solution method. This in contrast to expectations based on the crucial role of self-consistency in the proofs of conservation laws.Comment: 26 pages Revtex with 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    X-Ray and Infrared Enhancement of Anomalous X-ray Pulsar 1E 2259+58

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    The long term (~1.5 years) X-ray enhancement and the accompanying infrared enhancement light curves of the anomalous X-ray pulsar 1E 2259+58 following the major bursting epoch can be accounted for by the relaxation of a fall back disk that has been pushed back by a gamma-ray flare. The required burst energy estimated from the results of our model fits is low enough for such a burst to have remained below the detection limits. We find that an irradiated disk model with a low irradiation efficiency is in good agreement with both X-ray and infrared data. Non-irradiated disk models also give a good fit to the X-ray light curve, but are not consistent with the infrared data for the first week of the enhancement.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Ap