378 research outputs found

    Cadmium phosphide as a new material for infrared converters

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    Possible use of cadmium phosphide (Cd₃P₂) for infrared converter systems has been debated. The interband absorption coefficient calculations has been executed for single crystals of n-Cd₃P₂ and interpreted in the exact generalized Kildal band model. Relationship between the absorption coefficient and radiation temperature is presented. On the ground of our calculations, the theoretical temperature dependences of the maximum values of photovoltage and efficiency have been obtained. A common thermo-dynamical approach was applied in this case. The source of radiation was a black body. In our investigations, the barrier structure on metal-semiconductor basis with the Schottky layer has been considered. The operation temperature range for the Me–n-Cd₃P₂ converter has been found

    Прогнозирование остаточного ресурса колёсных пар вагонов метрополитена «Русич» моделей 81-740/741

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    A modern approach to determining the useful life of components and parts of rolling stock allows not only to estimate the pre-failure state of an object, but also to predict its useful life.The objective of the study is to predict the mileage of wheelsets of modern electric trains of the «Rusich» series based on the use of statistical data and assessment of the residual life.The study used real data recorded during maintenance and repair of electric trains.The proposed approach allows getting a vivid presentation of the equipment wear rate, since it is based on the use of the measured parameters of the object. The analysis of these values makes it possible to determine the processes occurring in the product. When using large samples, it becomes possible to approximate the obtained numerical values and make a forecast of the technical condition with greater reliability.The task of predicting the residual life is quite complicated and must be solved separately for each type of equipment. That is why the generally accepted world practices are associated with preventive maintenance and repair system, while modern automated digital systems for technical diagnostics (including on-board and built-in ones) make it possible to partially switch to technical maintenance and repair considering the actual technical condition of the rolling stock.Современный подход к определению ресурса узлов и деталей подвижного состава позволяет не только оценивать предотказное состояние объекта, но и прогнозировать его ресурс.Целью исследования является прогнозирование величины пробега колёсных пар современных электропоездов модели «Русич» на основе использования статистических данных и определения остаточного ресурса.При проведении исследования использованы реальные данные, фиксируемые при обслуживании и ремонте электропоездов.Предложенный подход позволяет получить наглядное представление о скорости износа оборудования, так как он основан на использовании измеренных параметров объекта.Проведение анализа указанных величин даёт возможность определить процессы, протекающие в изделии. При использовании больших выборок появляется возможность провести аппроксимацию полученных числовых значений и произвести прогноз технического состояния с бóльшей достоверностью.Задача прогнозирования остаточного ресурса является достаточно сложной и должна решаться отдельно для каждого вида оборудования. Именно поэтому общепринятой мировой практикой является планово-предупредительная система технического обслуживания и ремонта. Но современные автоматизированные цифровые системы технического диагностирования (включая бортовые и встроенные) позволяют частично перейти на техническое обслуживание и ремонт с учётом фактического технического состояния подвижного состава

    Influence of the drug Detralex on calcium ion-dependent smooth muscle contractility, function of an endothelium and aggregation of thrombocytes in the conditions of experimental modeling of endothelial dysfunction

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    A venotonic effect was investigated after week administration of drug inside on model of the endoteliumdependent smooth muscle response to increased calcium ion isolated portal vein of rats. In model of endothelial dysfunction rising of sensitivity to the contractile response to Сa2+ the isolated segment of a portal vein after use of the drug Detralex of 500 mg/kg per day, and also elongation of AT and decrease of coefficient of endothelial dysfunction on a background the course reception of the investigated preparatio

    Status on the Michigan‐MIT ultra‐cold polarized hydrogen jet target

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    Progress on the Mark‐II ultra‐cold polarized atomic hydrogen gas Jet target for the experiments NEPTUN‐A and NEPTUN at UNK is presented. We describe the performance and the present status of different components of the jet.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/87525/2/698_1.pd

    Beam-helicity asymmetries for single-hadron production in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering from unpolarized hydrogen and deuterium targets

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    A measurement of beam-helicity asymmetries for single-hadron production in deep-inelastic scattering is presented. Data from the scattering of 27.6 GeV electrons and positrons off gaseous hydrogen and deuterium targets were collected by the HERMES experiment. The asymmetries are presented separately as a function of the Bjorken scaling variable, the hadron transverse momentum, and the fractional energy for charged pions and kaons as well as for protons and anti-protons. These asymmetries are also presented as a function of the three aforementioned kinematic variables simultaneously