452 research outputs found

    CMB Lensing Reconstruction in Real Space

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    We explore the reconstruction of the gravitational lensing field of the cosmic microwave background in real space showing that very little statistical information is lost when estimators of short range on the celestial sphere are used in place of the customary estimators in harmonic space, which are nonlocal and in principle require a simultaneous analysis of the entire sky without any cuts or excisions. Because virtually all the information relevant to lensing reconstruction lies on angular scales close to the resolution scale of the sky map, the gravitational lensing dilatation and shear fields (which unlike the deflection field or lensing potential are directly related to the observations in a local manner) may be reconstructed by means of quadratic combinations involving only very closely separated pixels. Even though harmonic space provides a more natural context for understanding lensing reconstruction theoretically, the real space methods developed here have the virtue of being faster to implement and are likely to prove useful for analyzing realistic maps containing a galactic cut and possibly numerous small excisions to exclude point sources that cannot be reliably subtracted.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure

    The Fundamental Plane of Galaxy Clusters

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    Velocity dispersion σ\sigma, radius RR and luminosity LL of elliptical galaxies are known to be related, leaving only two degrees of freedom and defining the so-called ``fundamental plane". In this {\em Letter} we present observational evidence that rich galaxy clusters exhibit a similar behaviour. Assuming a relation L∝Rασ2ÎČL \propto R^{\alpha}\sigma^{2 \beta}, the best-fit values of α\alpha and ÎČ\beta are very close to those defined by galaxies. The dispersion of this relation is lower than 10 percent, i.e. significantly smaller than the dispersion observed in the L−σL-\sigma and L−RL-R relations. We briefly suggest some possible implications on the spread of formation times of objects and on peculiar velocities of galaxy clusters.Comment: 11pp., 4 figures (available on request), LaTeX, BAP-04-1993-015-OA

    The shape of high order correlation functions in CMB anisotropy maps

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    We present a phenomenological investigation of non-Gaussian effects that could be seen on CMB temperature maps. Explicit expressions for the temperature correlation functions are given for different types of primordial mode couplings. We argue that a simplified description of the radial transfer function for the temperature anisotropies allows to get insights into the general properties of the bi and tri-spectra. The accuracy of these results is explored together with the use of the small scale approximation to get explicit expressions of high order spectra. The bi-spectrum is found to have alternate signs for the successive acoustic peaks. Sign patterns for the trispectra are more complicated and depend specifically on the type of metric couplings. Local primordial couplings are found to give patterns that are different from those expected from weak lensing effects.Comment: 31 pages, 17 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Encircling the dark: constraining dark energy via cosmic density in spheres

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    The recently published analytic probability density function for the mildly non-linear cosmic density field within spherical cells is used to build a simple but accurate maximum likelihood estimate for the redshift evolution of the variance of the density, which, as expected, is shown to have smaller relative error than the sample variance. This estimator provides a competitive probe for the equation of state of dark energy, reaching a few percent accuracy on wp and wa for a Euclid-like survey. The corresponding likelihood function can take into account the configuration of the cells via their relative separations. A code to compute one-cell density probability density functions for arbitrary initial power spectrum, top-hat smoothing and various spherical collapse dynamics is made available online so as to provide straightforward means of testing the effect of alternative dark energy models and initial power-spectra on the low-redshift matter distribution.Comment: 7 pages, replaced to match the MNRAS accepted versio

    Extended Perturbation Theory for the Local Density Distribution Function

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    Perturbation theory makes it possible to calculate the probability distribution function (PDF) of the large scale density field in the small variance limit. For top hat smoothing and scale-free Gaussian initial fluctuations, the result depends only on the linear variance, sigma_linear, and its logarithmic derivative with respect to the filtering scale -(n_linear+3)=dlog sigma_linear^2/dlog L (Bernardeau 1994). In this paper, we measure the PDF and its low-order moments in scale-free simulations evolved well into the nonlinear regime and compare the results with the above predictions, assuming that the spectral index and the variance are adjustable parameters, n_eff and sigma_eff=sigma, where sigma is the true, nonlinear variance. With these additional degrees of freedom, results from perturbation theory provide a good fit of the PDFs, even in the highly nonlinear regime. The value of n_eff is of course equal to n_linear when sigma << 1, and it decreases with increasing sigma. A nearly flat plateau is reached when sigma >> 1. In this regime, the difference between n_eff and n_linear increases when n_linear decreases. For initial power-spectra with n_linear=-2,-1,0,+1, we find n_eff ~ -9,-3,-1,-0.5 when sigma^2 ~ 100.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, Latex (MN format), submitted to MNRA

    Projection and Galaxy Clustering Fourier Spectra

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    Second order perturbation theory predicts a specific dependence of the bispectrum, or three-point correlation function in the Fourier transform domain, on the shape of the configuration of its three wave vector arguments, which can be taken as a signature of structure formed by gravitational instability. Comparing this known dependence on configuration shape with the weak shape dependence of the galaxy bispectrum has been suggested as an indication of bias in the galaxy distribution. However, to interpret results obtained from projected catalogs, we must first understand the effects of projection on this shape dependence. We present expressions for the projected power spectrum and bispectrum in both Cartesian and spherical geometries, and we examine the effects of projection on the predicted bispectrum with particular attention to the dependence on configuration shape. Except for an overall numerical factor, for Cartesian projection with characteristic depth \Dstar there is little effect on the shape dependence of the bispectrum for wavelengths small compared to \Dstar or projected wavenumbers q \Dstar \gg 1 . For angular projection, a scaling law is found for spherical harmonic index ℓ≫1 \ell \gg 1 , but there is always a mixing of scales over the range of the selection function. For large ℓ \ell it is sufficient to examine a small portion of the sky.Comment: aastex, 7 figure

    High order correlation functions for self interacting scalar field in de Sitter space

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    We present the expressions of the three- and four-point correlation functions of a self interacting light scalar field in a de Sitter spacetime at tree order respectively for a cubic and a quartic potential. Exact expressions are derived and their limiting behaviour on super-horizon scales are presented. Their essential features are shown to be similar to those obtained in a classical approach.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Biased-estimations of the Variance and Skewness

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    Nonlinear combinations of direct observables are often used to estimate quantities of theoretical interest. Without sufficient caution, this could lead to biased estimations. An example of great interest is the skewness S3S_3 of the galaxy distribution, defined as the ratio of the third moment \xibar_3 and the variance squared \xibar_2^2. Suppose one is given unbiased estimators for \xibar_3 and \xibar_2^2 respectively, taking a ratio of the two does not necessarily result in an unbiased estimator of S3S_3. Exactly such an estimation-bias affects most existing measurements of S3S_3. Furthermore, common estimators for \xibar_3 and \xibar_2 suffer also from this kind of estimation-bias themselves: for \xibar_2, it is equivalent to what is commonly known as the integral constraint. We present a unifying treatment allowing all these estimation-biases to be calculated analytically. They are in general negative, and decrease in significance as the survey volume increases, for a given smoothing scale. We present a re-analysis of some existing measurements of the variance and skewness and show that most of the well-known systematic discrepancies between surveys with similar selection criteria, but different sizes, can be attributed to the volume-dependent estimation-biases. This affects the inference of the galaxy-bias(es) from these surveys. Our methodology can be adapted to measurements of analogous quantities in quasar spectra and weak-lensing maps. We suggest methods to reduce the above estimation-biases, and point out other examples in LSS studies which might suffer from the same type of a nonlinear-estimation-bias.Comment: 28 pages of text, 9 ps figures, submitted to Ap

    Observational Constraints on Higher Order Clustering up to $z\simeq 1

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    Constraints on the validity of the hierarchical gravitational instability theory and the evolution of biasing are presented based upon measurements of higher order clustering statistics in the Deeprange Survey, a catalog of ∌710,000\sim710,000 galaxies with IAB≀24I_{AB} \le 24 derived from a KPNO 4m CCD imaging survey of a contiguous 4∘×4∘4^{\circ} \times 4^{\circ} region. We compute the 3-point and 4-point angular correlation functions using a direct estimation for the former and the counts-in-cells technique for both. The skewness s3s_3 decreases by a factor of ≃3−4\simeq 3-4 as galaxy magnitude increases over the range 17≀I≀22.517 \le I \le 22.5 (0.1â‰Čzâ‰Č0.80.1 \lesssim z \lesssim 0.8). This decrease is consistent with a small {\it increase} of the bias with increasing redshift, but not by more than a factor of 2 for the highest redshifts probed. Our results are strongly inconsistent, at about the 3.5−4σ3.5-4 \sigma level, with typical cosmic string models in which the initial perturbations follow a non-Gaussian distribution - such models generally predict an opposite trend in the degree of bias as a function of redshift. We also find that the scaling relation between the 3-point and 4-point correlation functions remains approximately invariant over the above magnitude range. The simplest model that is consistent with these constraints is a universe in which an initially Gaussian perturbation spectrum evolves under the influence of gravity combined with a low level of bias between the matter and the galaxies that decreases slightly from z∌0.8z \sim 0.8 to the current epoch.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures included, ApJ, accepted, minor change

    Structure formation from non-Gaussian initial conditions: multivariate biasing, statistics, and comparison with N-body simulations

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    We study structure formation in the presence of primordial non-Gaussianity of the local type with parameters f_NL and g_NL. We show that the distribution of dark-matter halos is naturally described by a multivariate bias scheme where the halo overdensity depends not only on the underlying matter density fluctuation delta, but also on the Gaussian part of the primordial gravitational potential phi. This corresponds to a non-local bias scheme in terms of delta only. We derive the coefficients of the bias expansion as a function of the halo mass by applying the peak-background split to common parametrizations for the halo mass function in the non-Gaussian scenario. We then compute the halo power spectrum and halo-matter cross spectrum in the framework of Eulerian perturbation theory up to third order. Comparing our results against N-body simulations, we find that our model accurately describes the numerical data for wavenumbers k < 0.1-0.3 h/Mpc depending on redshift and halo mass. In our multivariate approach, perturbations in the halo counts trace phi on large scales and this explains why the halo and matter power spectra show different asymptotic trends for k -> 0. This strongly scale-dependent bias originates from terms at leading order in our expansion. This is different from what happens using the standard univariate local bias where the scale-dependent terms come from badly behaved higher-order corrections. On the other hand, our biasing scheme reduces to the usual local bias on smaller scales where |phi| is typically much smaller than the density perturbations. We finally discuss the halo bispectrum in the context of multivariate biasing and show that, due to its strong scale and shape dependence, it is a powerful tool for the detection of primordial non-Gaussianity from future galaxy surveys.Comment: 26 pages, 16 figures. Minor modifications, version accepted by Phys. Rev.
