884 research outputs found

    Strengths and weaknesses of science and technology institutions in Arab countries

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    Ranking Arab universities : a farce

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    Electronic structure of C60 / graphite

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    We report temperature-dependent photoelectron spectra for a monolayer of C_60 adsorbed on HOPG, as well as C 1s x-ray absorption. This extends a previous report which showed the close similarity between the spectrum of the HOMO for the two-dimensional overlayer and that of C_60 in the gas phase. The present work shows that intermolecular and molecule-substrate vibrations contribute strongly to the spectral lineshape at room temperature. Thus, vibrational effects are shown to be crucial for the proper understanding of photoelectron spectra, and thus the charge transport properties, for C_60 in contact with graphite and graphite-like materials.Comment: Proc. of the XV. Int. Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, Kirchberg/Tirol, Austria, 200

    Geothermal exploration in the Sani-Afytos area of the Kassandra peninsula (Chalkidiki peninsula, Northern Greece)

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    Η περιοχή Σάνης - Αφύτου της Χερσονήσου Κασσάνδρας (Χα).κιδική) απετέλεσε περιοχή συστηματικής γεωθερμικής έρευνας. Από την αξιολόγηση των δεδομένων βαθιών γεωτρήσεων έρευνας υδρογονανθράκων διαπιστώθηκε το σημαντικό πάχος (μέχρι περίπου 3600 m) των Παλαιογενών, Νεογενών και Τεταρτογενών ιζημάτων που καλύπτουν το μεταμορφωμένο Μεσοζωικό (κυρίως ανθρακικό) υπόβαθρο της περιοχής. Η συστηματική θερμομετρική έρευνα κατέδειξε την παρουσία υπόθερμων; νερών (20-28°C) σε βάθη μέχρι 300 m και την χωρική κατανομή της θερμοκρασίας σε βάθη 150 και 200 m σύμφωνα με τις κύριες τεκτονικές δομές ΒΔ-ΝΑ και ΒΑ-ΝΔ διεύθυνσης της περιοχής. Με την ανόρυξη γεωθερμικών γεωτρήσεων (ερευνητικών και παραγωγής) βάθους 422-583 m εντοπίσθηκαν νερά 31,7-36°C στα Ανω-Μειοκανικά ιζήματα. Η μέση τιμή της γεωθερμικής βαθμίδας υπολογίστηκε σε 3-4°C/100 m. Παραγωγική γεώτρηση βάθους 520 m δίνει νερά 34°C με δυνατότητα παροχής περίπου 50 m3/h. Τα γεωθερμικά νερά είναι Na-HCO} και Na-CI με Σ.Δ.Α. 0,89-2,03 g/l. Με τη βοήθεια χημικών γεωθερμομέτρων εκτιμάται ότι η θερμοκρασία του βαθιού γεωθερμικού ρευστού είναι της τάξης των 80- 100°C. Η παρουσία αέριας φάσης (77% κ.ό. CH4, 21,8% κ.ό. Ν2) διαπιστώθηκε σε μία από τις ερευνητικές γεωτρήσεις. Αποτέλεσμα της γεωθερμικής έρευνας ήταν ο χαρακτηρισμός της περιοχής ως «γεωθερμικό πεδίο Σάνης - Αφύτου» (Φ.Ε.Κ. 1012/τ.Β/19-7-2005) και οι προοπτικές ανάπτυξης με χρήση των γεωθερμικών ρευστών στον τουρισμό και σε άλλες δραστηριότητες.The Sani-Afytos area in the Kassandra Peninsula (Chalkidiki) was the area of systematic geothermal exploration. Based on deep oil borehole data, the Paleogene, Neogene and Quaternary sediments show significant thickness reaching 3600 m and cover the metamorphosed Mesozoic, mainly carbonate, basement. The detailed water temperature investigation proved the presence of sub-thermal waters (20-28°C) at depths up to 300 m and the spatial distribution of the isothermal curves at depths of 150 and 200 m according to the main NW-SE and SE-NW tectonic structures of the area. Through the construction of geothermal exploration and production wells at depths of 422-583 m, thermal waters of 31.7-36°C were detected within the Upper Miocene sediments. The average value of the geothermal gradient was calculated to be 3-4°CI 100 m. One production well of 520 m depth provides waters of 34°C while its potential flow rate is approximately 50 m /h. The geothermal waters were classified in Na-HCOi and Na-CI types of waters with TD. S 0.89-2.03 g/l. With the aid of chemical geothermometers the deep temperature was estimated to be 80-100°C. In one exploration well, the presence of gas phase (77% v/v CH4, 21.8% v/v N2) was detected. The geothermal exploration resulted in the characterization of the area as the "geothermal field of Sani-Afytos" and in the prospective development using the geothermal fluids in the tourism and other activities

    Real time enhancement of operator's ergonomics in physical human - robot collaboration scenarios using a multi-stereo camera system

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    In collaborative tasks where humans work alongside machines, the robot's movements and behaviour can have a significant impact on the operator's safety, health, and comfort. To address this issue, we present a multi-stereo camera system that continuously monitors the operator's posture while they work with the robot. This system uses a novel distributed fusion approach to assess the operator's posture in real-time and to help avoid uncomfortable or unsafe positions. The system adjusts the robot's movements and informs the operator of any incorrect or potentially harmful postures, reducing the risk of accidents, strain, and musculoskeletal disorders. The analysis is personalized, taking into account the unique anthropometric characteristics of each operator, to ensure optimal ergonomics. The results of our experiments show that the proposed approach leads to improved human body postures and offers a promising solution for enhancing the ergonomics of operators in collaborative tasks