238 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Partisipasi Anggaran, Ketepatan Anggaran terhadap Senjangan Anggaran dengan Komitmen Organisasi sebagai Variabel Moderasi (Studi pada Pemerintah Kabupaten Jayapura)

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    The purpose of this research is to understand the influence of the participation and the budget acuracy against budget gap with a current commitment of organization as moderation variables. This kind of research is quantitative research by the use of the primary data. The research population is civil servants of SKPD in Jayapura regency. The amount of sample was 105. Method used in the study was moderated regression analysis. The results of this study found that the budgeting participation has a positive and significant impact on budget gap, while the budget accuracy can not have positive and significant impact on budget gap. Organization commitment as moderate variable cannot moderating budgeting participation and the budget accuracy to budget gap in Jayapura regency. Keywords: Budget participation, budget accuracy, budget gap, organization commitment

    Hubungan Mekanisme Koping Dengan Regulasi Emosi Pada Mahasiswi Semester V Yang Mengalami Dismenore Di Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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    Dysmenorrhea is pain before, during or after menstruation. One of the common physical symptoms that occur during the women menstruate is dysmenorrhea. In the menstrual period occur that encourage emotional changes. The most obvious emotional changes take place at beginning in release ovum. The women usually tend to be lazy, irritability and hypersensitivity. So that needed to coping mechanisms that every effort directed at managing stress, including efforts to resolve the problems. Purposethe relationship of coping mechanisms with emotion regulation in fifth levels studentdysmenorrhea that at Scientific Study Nursing at Medical Faculty of Sam Ratulangi University. Design Research use cross sectional analytical survey. Sampel using total sampling with 51 sampels.Result of StatisticChi Square test with a confidence level of 95% (α = 0.05) and obtained 0,000 p value <0.05. Conclusionresult of this research there is relationship of coping mechanisms with emotion regulation in fifth levels student that dysmenorrhea at Study Nursing at Medical Faculty of Sam Ratulangi University. Keyword : Coping Mechanisms, Emotion Regulation, Dysmenorrhea Dismenore merupakan nyeri sebelum, sewaktu atau sesudah haid. Salah satu gejala fisik yang umum terjadi selama wanita mengalami menstruasi adalah dismenore . Pada masa menstruasiterjadi Perubahan-Perubahan yang mendorong terjadinya Perubahan emosional. Perubahan emosi yang paling nyata berlangsung diawal pelepasan sel telur. Biasanya wanita tersebut cenderung malas melakukan aktivitas, mudah marah dan hipersensitif. Sehingga diperlukan mekanisme koping yaitu tiap upaya yang diarahkan pada penatalaksanaan stress, termasuk upaya penyelesaian masalah yang sedang dialami.Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah diketahui hubungan mekanisme koping dengan regulasi emosi pada mahasiswi semester V yang mengalami dismenore di Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi. Desain Penelitian ini menggunakan survey analitik cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan Sampel menggunakan total sampling dengan jumlah sampel 51 orang. Hasil Uji Statistik Chi Squaredengan tingkat kepercayaan 95% (α=0,05) dan diperoleh p value 0,000 < 0,05. Kesimpulan yaitu terdapat hubungan mekanisme koping dengan regulasi emosi pada mahasiswi semester V yang mengalami dismenore di Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi

    Studi Teologis-praktis tentang Efektifitas Pelayanan Pendeta yang Membujang

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    This paper intends to examine and describe institutionally the reality in which the Protestant denomination do not recognizes anymore the existence of a celibate life form of the priest. This means that the priests may marry; but in some facts, it turns out that there are still found any unmarried priests. From a theological perspective, we might ask whether the Bible obliges Christian ministers not to marry. This issue is going to study deeper in this paper, by using a qualitative research approach. The object of this research is the humans’ beings, who have their own subjectivity; therefore, in fact, the phenomenological approach is also a perspective in seeing this existing phenomenon.The aims of this studies is to identify various reasons, why there are still some Torajan Church priests who choose to live in celibate; and it is hoped that this research can explain the efficiency of the status of a priest who chooses a celibate way of life in his ministry. Finally, this study aims to show there are several factors that form the basis of the fact that a priest is still single. Not being married is a value that also takes place within the framework of subjective decision-making.  This single status has an impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of the ministry of the single pastor. Penelitian ini hendak menimbang dan menjelaskan secara institusional realitas di mana aliran Protestan tidak lagi mengenal adanya bentuk kehidupan selibat dari imam. Artinya para pendeta boleh kawin; tetapi dalam beberapa kenyataan masih ada oknum pendeta yang tidak menikah. Dari perspektif teologi, kita bisa bertanya apakah Alkitab mewajibkan rohaniwan Kristen untuk tidak menikah? Hal ini yang hendak dikaji dalam tulisan ini, dengan menggunakan pendekatan penelitan kualitatif. Obyek riset adalah manusia yang memiliki subyektifitas masing-masing oleh karena itu, secara faktual pendekatan fenomenologi juga menjadi perspektif dalam melihat gejala yang ada ini.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukenali berbagai penyebab mengapa masih ada beberapa pendeta Gereja Toraja memilih untuk hidup membujang; serta diharapkan penelitian ini dapat menjelaskan sejauh mana efisiensi dari status pendeta yang memilihan cara hidup membujang dalam pelayanannya. Pada akhirnya penelitian ini hendak menunjukkan bahwa ada banyak faktor yang mejadi dasar kenyataan hidup membujang seorang pendeta. Tidak menikah adalah sebuah nilai yang juga mengambil tempat dalam kerangka pengambilan keputusan subyektif. Status membujang ini memiliki dampak bagi efektifitas dan efisiensi pelayanan pendeta yang melajang tersebut

    Analisis Motivasi Belajar Peserta Didik pada Pelajaran IPA di Masa Pandemik Covid-19 di SMP Negeri Sibena Raya Kabupaten Teluk Bintuni

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah guna mengetahui tingkat motivasi belajar IPA dalam siswa pada era Covid-19 di SMP Negeri Sibena Raya Bintuni. Penelitian ini memakai penelitian survei dengan memakai angket motivasi belajar, tahapan penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penyusunan instrumen penelitian, validasi, pengumpulan data, serta pengolahan data. Teknik analisa data menggunakan Rasch Modelling. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yakni murid dalam SMP Negeri Sibena Raya memiliki motivasi yang terdapat dalam klasifikasi tinggi serta klasifikasi signifikan dalam masa pandemi Covid-19. Hal tersebut didorong dengan hasil penelitian yang sudah dianalisis terlebih dahulu serta nilai hasil belajar peserta didik. &nbsp

    Reservoir fluid determination from angle stacked seismic volumes in ‘Jay’ field, Niger Delta, Nigeria

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    The study was carried out to investigate the dissimilar seismic amplitude responses observed in sandstone reservoirs with the same fluid saturation. This challenge now informed the analysis of different amplitude responses from the ‘Jay’ Field in order to verify the reservoirs fluids around and away from well location based on the integration of Amplitude Variation with Angle (AVA) and seismic inversions. The well log data provided were used to identify hydrocarbon bearing zones and Poisson Ratio analysis. Anomalies from the AVA analysis were investigated using the elastic impedance inversion of the near and far volumes. Crossplots of Lambda-Mu-Rho inversion were produced to relate reservoir incompressibility and rigidity modulus for lithology and fluid determination. Sand E exhibited amplitude increase with angles at well point and also away from well location (red triangle). The approximate elastic impedances of the inverted seismics are almost similar to the log estimates, an indication of good correlation. Integration of incompressibility (Lambda-Rho) and rigidity (Mu-Rho) modulus analyses reveals the presence of gas saturation in reservoir Sand G because low Lambda-Rho coincides with high Mu-Rho from both log estimates and inverted seismics. In the case of Sand D, high Lambda-Rho coincides with high Mu-Rho because it is oil saturated. This study has helped to differentiate the fluids in Sands D and G despite having similar AVA responses. The methods adopted in this work can be useful in hydrocarbon detection from seismic data in fields with similar geological setting.Keywords: Amplitude Variation with Angles; Elastic Impedance; Near and Far offsets; Full stack seismic volum

    The Prognostic Significance of the Depth of Cervical Stromal Invasion in Women with FIGO Stage II Uterine Endometrioid Carcinoma

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    Purpose/Objective(s): To explore the prognostic significance of the depth of cervical stromal invasion (CSI) on survival endpoints in women with FIGO stage II uterine endometrioid adenocarcinoma. Materials/Methods: A total of 117 patients were included in this retrospective review. Between 1990 and 2021, all patients with FIGO stage II endometrial cancer (EC) underwent hysterectomy and oophorectomy at our institution, with or without lymph node dissection. Patients with synchronous ovarian or breast cancer, as well as those who had undergone adjuvant systemic chemotherapy for EC, were excluded from the study. Pathologic slides were retrieved for these patients and were reviewed by a gynecologic pathologist to determine stromal thickness and the depth of CSI. The depth of CSI was then measured as a percentage of invasion (% CSI) and used in the analysis as a continuous or dichotomous variable (\u3c 50% vs \u3e = 50%). Patients\u27 demographics, pathologic, and treatment characteristics were analyzed using univariate and multivariate analysis to calculate recurrence-free (RFS) and disease-specific (DSS) rates. Results: The median age for the study cohort was 65 years (range, 34–96), and the median follow-up was 131 months (range, 9–334). A total of 90 patients (77%) had lymph node dissection, with a median of 8 examined lymph nodes (range 0-18). Adjuvant radiation therapy (RT) with pelvic or vaginal cuff HDR brachytherapy, or a combination of the two, was completed in 92 patients (79 percent). The median % CSI was 27% (range, 1-100) with 68% of patients having ≥ 50% CSI. While there was a trend for a worse 5-year RFS and DSS for women with ≥ 50% CSI (69% vs. 83%, p = 0.093) and (78% vs. 91%, p = 0.034), respectively, the depth of CSI was not statistically significant as an independent predictor of 5-year RFS, DSS, or OS. The depth of CSI was not associated with a difference in the recurrence pattern (vaginal cuff, pelvic, paraaortic, or distant). In multivariate analysis, FIGO grade was the only predictor of 5-year OS. FIGO grade and the presence of lympho-vascular space invasion (LVSI) were independent predictors of 5-year RFS and DSS. Conclusion: Deep cervical stromal invasion does not appear to be an independent predictive factor for survival endpoints in women with stage II uterine endometroid cancer, according to our findings. The presence of LVSI and tumor grade were both independent predictors of recurrence-free and disease-specific survival. Pooled data analysis may be needed to validate our study findings


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    The fuel is a source of energy with greatest consumption today. Where that stock is become less until 2025th. That’s way, it must to find some new energy to replacement, that one of alternative that is a fuel of solid phase that become from briquette. The briquette that use is compound between nyamplung’s fruit and rice husk. In this case because in NTB nyamplung’s fruit and  rice husk  is overabundance.This research conducted three testing that are testing of heat value, testing of combustion rate, and testing of dry measure. In case where to testing of heat value using bomb calorimeter. Independent variable both of this research is combine. Between nyamplung’s fruit and rice husk with comparison 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 1:2, and 1:3. The highest heating value is obtained from sample 3:1 as big as 4792,40 cal/gr, the lowest rate of combustion from sample 3:1 as big as 0,00156 gr/s and the lowest of dry measure lowest from sample 1:1 that is 21,52%.
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