601 research outputs found

    Vulgarisation de la methode du triple ensachage pour le stockage ameliore du niebe en zone sahelienne du Nord Cameroun: enjeux et perceptions paysannes

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    Article in French. Summary in English.The study reveals the stakes of the triple baggingmethod, assesses farmer perception about thistechnology and identifies the factors determiningtheir perception. One of the most limiting factors ofcowpea production is the storage. To solve thisproblem, Purdue University Improved CowpeaStorage Project introduced in 2010 in Cameroonthe PICS bag technology without chemical. Thesurvey revealed that pilot farmers were satisfied ofthe use of this technology. An assessment ofeconometric model pointed out an evidentcorrelation between socio-economic factors and thelevel of satisfaction of pilot farmers. Some variablesinfluenced significantly the probability of beingsatisfied, namely: the farmer experience in cowpeacropping, annual area covered by cowpea crops,the use of PICS bags without chemical, healthprotection and the potential use of PICS bags tostore other crops. Farmers are willing to adopt thistechnology for the storage of cowpea. A furthersurvey must be done in the future to assess thereal adoption rate and the impact of this technologyin this zone

    Communicating seasonal forecasts to farmers in Kaffrine, Senegal for better agricultural management

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    Our project explaining seasonal forecasting to farmers in central Senegal built common ground between scientific forecasting and traditional knowledge. It helped farmers understand and use seasonal forecasts to improve crop strategies, and let farmers explain to meteorologists what seasonal climate information they most needed, in turn improving the forecasts’ usefulness

    Innovations technologiques pour l’adaptation et l’atténuation des effets des changements climatiques en Afrique de l’Ouest: Récits paysans.

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    En Afrique subsaharienne, comme dans d’autres parties du monde, les changements climatiques constituent une menace sans prĂ©cĂ©dent qui af- fecte des millions de populations rurales et urbaines. Ils sont aussi un obstacle Ă  la rĂ©alisation des Objectifs du MillĂ©naire pour le DĂ©veloppement (OMD). Le changement climatique affecte l’agriculture et la sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire, tout comme l’agriculture et la gestion des ressources naturelles affectent le systĂšme climatique

    Essai de germination et de croissance de Artemisia annua L. au Niger

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    L’essai a Ă©tĂ© conduit Ă  la pĂ©piniĂšre de l’INRAN de Niamey et Ă  la cuvette de l’INRAN de Kollo, et a portĂ© sur la germination, croissance, dĂ©veloppement de Artemisia annua (l’hybride F2 et M), plante qui a des vertus  anti-paludique. Cette Ă©tude a pour objectif d’évaluer les meilleures  conditions de culture de artemisia annua et le meilleur substrat pour son adaptation. Le Niger, pays d’endĂ©mie du paludisme, maladie qui constitue la premiĂšre cause de morbiditĂ© et de mortalitĂ©. Face Ă  cette menace, les autoritĂ©s ont optĂ© pour l’utilisation des dĂ©rivĂ©s d’artĂ©misinine comme molĂ©cule de choix dans la prise en charge du paludisme comme l’a recommandĂ© l’OMS. Les tests de la levĂ©e en pĂ©piniĂšre ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©s dans un bac Ă  semis et un germoir en planche. Les plants ont Ă©tĂ© repiquĂ©s aprĂšs levĂ©e dans des pots avec trois types de substrats (substrat dunaire,substrat de bas fond et substrat de sable du fleuve) afin de dĂ©terminer le meilleur substrat pour la culture de la plante en pĂ©piniĂšre. Il ressort des rĂ©sultats obtenus que le substrat de bas fond offre les meilleurs valeurs pour la hauteur, le diamĂštre au collet et le nombre de feuilles que les substrats dunaire et du fleuve. Les plants ont Ă©tĂ© transfĂ©rĂ©s sur le site de Kollo et transplantĂ©s sur terre ferme. Pour la biomasse c’est la variĂ©tĂ© F2 qui a enregistrĂ©e les meilleurs rendements mĂȘme si au niveau de la hauteur, elle enregistre les valeurs les plus basses comparativement Ă  la variĂ©tĂ© M. Cette Ă©tude a montrĂ©e que Artemisia annua peut s’adapter au Niger et son introduction offre Ă  la population un moyen supplĂ©mentaire de lutte contre le paludisme.Mots clĂ©s : Artemisia annua, artemisinine, paludisme, Niger

    L’Approche fermes du futur pour accĂ©lĂ©rer l’adaptation au changement climatique: Manuel de mise en Ɠuvre en Afrique de l’Ouest

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    L’approche « fermes du futur » est une approche innovante dĂ©veloppĂ©e par le programme de recherche du groupe consultatif pour la recherche agricole internationale (CGIAR) sur le Changement Climatique, l’Agriculture et la SĂ©curitĂ© Alimentaire (CCAFS) pour contribuer Ă  l’amĂ©lioration des capacitĂ©s d’adaptation des communautĂ©s au changement climatique. L’approche « fermes du futur » utilise l’outil analogue climatique pour connecter les producteurs ruraux Ă  leur possible climat futur Ă  travers des visites d’échanges inter-communautĂ©s entre un site de rĂ©fĂ©rence et son site analogue climatique. Elle prĂ©sente une rĂ©elle opportunitĂ© pour les paysans d’anticiper et de mettre en Ɠuvre les leçons apprises lors des Ă©changes inter-paysans a n d’amĂ©liorer leur capacitĂ© d’adaptation. Le prĂ©sent manuel dĂ©veloppĂ© Ă  partir des expĂ©riences de terrain rĂ©alisĂ©es dans plusieurs pays, se veut un guide pour la mise en Ɠuvre de l’approche « fermes du futur » par l’ensemble des acteurs du monde rural en Afrique de l’Ouest

    Spatial swarm segregation and reproductive isolation between the molecular forms of Anopheles gambiae

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    Anopheles gambiae, the major malaria vector in Africa, can be divided into two subgroups based on genetic and ecological criteria. These two subgroups, termed the M and S molecular forms, are believed to be incipient species. Although they display differences in the ecological niches they occupy in the field, they are often sympatric and readily hybridize in the laboratory to produce viable and fertile offspring. Evidence for assortative mating in the field was recently reported, but the underlying mechanisms awaited discovery. We studied swarming behaviour of the molecular forms and investigated the role of swarm segregation in mediating assortative mating. Molecular identification of 1145 males collected from 68 swarms in Donéguébougou, Mali, over 2 years revealed a strict pattern of spatial segregation, resulting in almost exclusively monotypic swarms with respect to molecular form. We found evidence of clustering of swarms composed of individuals of a single molecular form within the village. Tethered M and S females were introduced into natural swarms of the M form to verify the existence of possible mate recognition operating within-swarm. Both M and S females were inseminated regardless of their form under these conditions, suggesting no within-mate recognition. We argue that our results provide evidence that swarm spatial segregation strongly contributes to reproductive isolation between the molecular forms in Mali. However this does not exclude the possibility of additional mate recognition operating across the range distribution of the forms. We discuss the importance of spatial segregation in the context of possible geographic variation in mechanisms of reproductive isolation

    Gender Differentials and Adoption of Drought Tolerant Maize Varieties among Farmers in Northern Nigeria

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    This study examined gender differences in farmer’s adoption of drought tolerant maize (DTM) varieties in Northern Nigeria. Specifically, it described the socio-economic characteristics of the farmers by gender; determined their rate of adoption of the DTM varieties; and analysed the factors affecting the rate of adoption of the varieties. The study was conducted in seven: Borno, Bauchi, Kano, Kaduna, Niger, Zamfara, and Kwara states of Nigeria. A multistage sampling procedure was used to select 946 respondents, comprising 626 males and 320 females. Data were collected with the use of a survey questionnaire that contained questions on respondent’s socio- economic characteristics such as age, years of schooling, household size, farm size, access to credit, level of awareness and adoption of DTM varieties and extension contact, among others. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and probit regression model. The results for the entire respondents showed average values of 46 years for age, seven years for year of schooling, 11 for household size, 6.93 for farm size and 5.7 ha for land area allocated to maize, with a significant difference (p<0.05) between male and female farmers for each of the variables. The adoption rate of DTM was 56.3% on the average in the entire sample with a significant difference (p<0.05) between male (61.8%) and female farmers (53.5%). The determinants of adoption of DTM varieties for both male and female farmers were access to credit, participation in field days, household size, fertilizer application, source of seeds and level of awareness of the variety, specific to male farmers was land area allocated to maize and number of livestock while source of information about the DTM variety was specific to female famers. It was concluded that policy strategies aimed at improving the uptake of DTM varieties must consider equality in male and female farmers’ access to basic resources, such as credit, land, labour, and participation in different meetings. Keywords: Gender, Drought tolerant, Maize varieties, Adoption, Nigeria.
