2,192 research outputs found

    Data Network Models of Burstiness

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    Data Network Models of Burstines

    Densities with Gaussian Tails

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    Consider densities fi(t), for i = 1, ..., d, on the real line which have thin tails in the sense that, for each i, fi(t) ∼ γi(t)e−ψi(t), where γi behaves roughly like a constant and ψi is convex, C2, with ψ′ → ∞ and ψ″ > 0 and l/√ψ″ is self-neglecting. (The latter is an asymptotic variation condition.) Then the convolution is of the same form ft * ... *fd(t) ∼ γ(t)e − ψ(t) Formulae for γ, ψ are given in terms of the factor densities and involve the conjugate transform and infimal convolution of convexity theory. The derivations require embedding densities in exponential families and showing that the assumed form of the densities implies asymptotic normality of the exponential familie

    Detecting a conditional extrme value model

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    In classical extreme value theory probabilities of extreme events are estimated assuming all the components of a random vector to be in a domain of attraction of an extreme value distribution. In contrast, the conditional extreme value model assumes a domain of attraction condition on a sub-collection of the components of a multivariate random vector. This model has been studied in \cite{heffernan:tawn:2004,heffernan:resnick:2007,das:resnick:2008a}. In this paper we propose three statistics which act as tools to detect this model in a bivariate set-up. In addition, the proposed statistics also help to distinguish between two forms of the limit measure that is obtained in the model.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    We Can and Must Understand Computers NOW

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    Intermediate Tail Dependence: A Review and Some New Results

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    The concept of intermediate tail dependence is useful if one wants to quantify the degree of positive dependence in the tails when there is no strong evidence of presence of the usual tail dependence. We first review existing studies on intermediate tail dependence, and then we report new results to supplement the review. Intermediate tail dependence for elliptical, extreme value and Archimedean copulas are reviewed and further studied, respectively. For Archimedean copulas, we not only consider the frailty model but also the recently studied scale mixture model; for the latter, conditions leading to upper intermediate tail dependence are presented, and it provides a useful way to simulate copulas with desirable intermediate tail dependence structures.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figur

    A statistical network analysis of the HIV/AIDS epidemics in Cuba

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    The Cuban contact-tracing detection system set up in 1986 allowed the reconstruction and analysis of the sexual network underlying the epidemic (5,389 vertices and 4,073 edges, giant component of 2,386 nodes and 3,168 edges), shedding light onto the spread of HIV and the role of contact-tracing. Clustering based on modularity optimization provides a better visualization and understanding of the network, in combination with the study of covariates. The graph has a globally low but heterogeneous density, with clusters of high intraconnectivity but low interconnectivity. Though descriptive, our results pave the way for incorporating structure when studying stochastic SIR epidemics spreading on social networks

    Gaussian queues in light and heavy traffic

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    In this paper we investigate Gaussian queues in the light-traffic and in the heavy-traffic regime. The setting considered is that of a centered Gaussian process X{X(t):tR}X\equiv\{X(t):t\in\mathbb R\} with stationary increments and variance function σX2()\sigma^2_X(\cdot), equipped with a deterministic drift c>0c>0, reflected at 0: QX(c)(t)=sup<st(X(t)X(s)c(ts)).Q_X^{(c)}(t)=\sup_{-\infty<s\le t}(X(t)-X(s)-c(t-s)). We study the resulting stationary workload process QX(c){QX(c)(t):t0}Q^{(c)}_X\equiv\{Q_X^{(c)}(t):t\ge0\} in the limiting regimes c0c\to 0 (heavy traffic) and cc\to\infty (light traffic). The primary contribution is that we show for both limiting regimes that, under mild regularity conditions on the variance function, there exists a normalizing function δ(c)\delta(c) such that QX(c)(δ(c))/σX(δ(c))Q^{(c)}_X(\delta(c)\cdot)/\sigma_X(\delta(c)) converges to a non-trivial limit in C[0,)C[0,\infty)

    Depinning of kinks in a Josephson-junction ratchet array

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    We have measured the depinning of trapped kinks in a ratchet potential using a fabricated circular array of Josephson junctions. Our ratchet system consists of a parallel array of junctions with alternating cell inductances and junctions areas. We have compared this ratchet array with other circular arrays. We find experimentally and numerically that the depinning current depends on the direction of the applied current in our ratchet ring. We also find other properties of the depinning current versus applied field, such as a long period and a lack of reflection symmetry, which we can explain analytically.Comment: to be published in PR