214 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Budaya Sekolah dan Motivasi Kerja Guru terhadap Mutu Pendidikan di SMK N 1 Pabelan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh budaya organisasi dan motivasi kerja guru terhadap mutu pendidikan di SMK N 1Pabelan.Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif; Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode questioner. Sampel yang digunakan adalah semua guru di SD N karanggondang yang berjumlah 30 orang. Analisis data dilakukan dengan perhitungan dari statistik dengan Software SPSS (Statistical Program Smart Solution) Ver.17.0 For Windows. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Budaya sekolah berpengaruh positif terhadap mutu pendidikan sebesar 67,6% kategori sedang, Motivasi kerja guru berpengaruh positif terhadap mutu pendidikan sebesar 100% karegori kuat serta. Budaya sekolah dan motivasi kerja guru secara bersama sama berpengaruh positif terhadap mutu pendidikan

    Mengenal Sahabat Abu Hurairah R.A. (Kritik dan Pembelaan)

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    Pengembangan Model Sistem Pengendalian Aliansi Alkamil pada Bmt

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    The aim of their study is develop a model of alliance control system implemented in the BMTand BMT ALKAMIL Alliance joined in an alliance "ALKAMIL" in Malang. This research is asurvey research using primary data. Primary data obtained from the manager of BMT and alliances.The method is a method of data collection questionnaires, in-depth interview method (indeptinterview), direct observation methods, and FGD (Focus Group Discussion). Data analysis methodsused in this research is descriptive statistical analysis. The research was conducted in two phases.The results of these studies in stage I, suggesting that the accumulation of funds belonging tothe alliance BMT derived from principal savings, mandatory, voluntary, and from bank loans (thelargest). While channeling their funds to SMEs / SMEs through a variety of financing. BMT-BMTliquidity levels appear to be less good. Controls relating to the collection and disbursement of fundsfor each BMT already have a system of internal control but have not gone well, so there is also anindependent agency or an alliance whose job is to oversee the development and control in thedisbursement of funds from Islamic Bank to the BMT and the BMT to SMEs / SMEs but also hasnot run as expected. Among the unclear organizational structure discriptionnya job, recording systemand the authority is also not clear, as well as in its implementation, there are parts that have not beenperforming their duties and responsibilities as appropriate. It is therefore necessary to model thedevelopment of good control in sharia-based alliance for the collection and disbursement of fundscan be run well, smooth and reliable

    Pemberdayaan Keterampilan Penemuan dalam Scientific Approach melalui Pembelajaran Berbasis Remap Coople

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    The various studies indicated that our students have low reading habit, academics achievement, social attitudes, and many other skills. The kinds of skills that need to be empowered are the five discovery skills owned by the inovators in the world, ie associating, questioning, observing, experimenting, and networking. In the curriculum of 2013, those five discovery skills are packages in the scientific approach. Those five skills can be taught to students with remap coople based learning, through reading assignments then making concept map, and the learning is done by the models of cooperative learning. The remap coople based learning have been examined by several studies and the results showed there were improvement in some aspects observed. This paper will discuss the short review about the five discovery skills, scientific approach, and remap coople based learning

    Upaya Meningkatan Kemampuan Menentukan Unsur Unsur Intrinsik Cerita Rakyat Siswa Kelas III SD Negeri 25 Lubuklinggau melalui Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Think Pair And Share (TPS)

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    The purpose of this research is to prove that through cooperative learning model of Think Pair and Share (TPS) type can improve the ability of third grade students of SD Negeri 25 Lubuklinggau in determining the intrinsic elements of folklore. The method used in this research is Classroom Action Research method (PTK) which is preceded by pratindakan data and twice the implementation of the research cycle. Results of test data on pratindakan of 36 students, students who scored 65 or have completed as many as 21 people or 58.33 percent of the number of students. While students who scored less than 65 or not completed as many as 15 people or 41.67 percent, with an average grade grade of 61.25. In the first cycle there is an increase in value gains. Students who have completed as many as 26 students or 72.22 percent while unfinished as many as 10 people or 27.78 percent with an average score of 66.53. This is an increase of 5.28 or 8.62 percent. Cycle II also increased, from 36 students who have completed as many as 33 students or 91.67 percent and unfinished as many as 3 students or 8.33 percent with an average value of 75.69. If the calculated increase from the pre-action value until the second cycle there is an increase of 16.1 percent. Thus, the hypothesis that is found in this research is proved, that with the implementation of cooperative learning model Think Pair and Share (TPS) can improve the ability to determine the intrinsic elements in folklore students III SD Negeri 25 Lubuklinggau. Keywords: Cooperative Model, Think Pair and Share, Intrinsic Elements

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa Berbasis Masalah untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar di SMP

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    The purpose of this experiment to develop students\u27 worksheet (LKS). this research is a Student Activity Sheet (LKS) based on material issues cube junior class VIII. This research is development. While the quality of the Student Worksheet (LKS) which will be described include feasibility worksheets, worksheets effectiveness in terms of student learning outcomes, and practicality in terms of student responses LKS Instrument performed in this study (1) sheet material and expert evaluation for both the media experts assessed for (2) about the posttest or learning outcomes for, (3) pieces of student questionnaire responses for practicality LKS. Based on the evaluation results of the evaluation worksheets development of media experts to obtain an average score of 4, so LKS declared eligible. Posttest results showed that the percentage of completeness is 78%, so the subject matter based LKS surface area and volume of a cube can be said to be effective. While LKS developed to obtain an average score of student questionnaire responses by 3.01 so it can be concluded that the practical worksheets. So it can be concluded that the problem-based worksheets developed meets the criteria feasible, can be used as a good teaching materials
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