924 research outputs found

    Searching for a link between the presence of chemical spots on the surface of HgMn stars and their weak magnetic fields

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    We present the results of mapping the HgMn star AR Aur using the Doppler Imaging technique for several elements and discuss the obtained distributions in the framework of a magnetic field topology.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Proceedings of IAU Symposium 259 "Cosmic Magnetic Fields: from Planets, to Stars and Galaxies", Tenerife, Spain, November 3-7, 200

    On the elemental abundance and isotopic mixture of mercury in HgMn stars

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    Optical region spectra of 31 HgMn stars have been studied for the abundance and isotope mixture of mercury. In the course of the investigation the lines Hg I lambda 4358 and Hg Ii lambda lambda3984,6149 have been studied, with abundances established for all three lines in several HgMn stars. The mercury isotope mixture has been determined from high resolution spectra of the lambda 3984 line.Possible signs of an ionization anomaly have been detected by the comparison of the abundance derived from the Hg I line and the Hg Ii lines in seven of the observed HgMn stars. A possible correlation of the mercury abundance with Teff has been detected. Possible signs of a weak anticorrelation of the manganese and mercury abundance in HgMn stars have been found, which could be interpreted as a sign of inhomogeneous surface distribution of these elements. For a number of the HgMn stars in this study the mercury abundance and isotope mixture are reported for the first time

    The spectroscopic evolution of the symbiotic star AG Draconis. I.The O VI Raman, Balmer, and helium emission line variations during the outburst of 2006-2008

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    AG Dra is one of a small group of low metallicity S-type symbiotic binaries with K-type giants that undergoes occasional short-term outbursts of unknown origin. Our aim is to study the behavior of the white dwarf during an outburst using the optical Raman lines and other emission features in the red giant wind. The goal is to determine changes in the envelope and the wind of the gainer in this system during a major outburst event and to study the coupling between the UV and optical during a major outburst. Using medium and high resolution groundbased optical spectra and comparisons with archival FUSEFUSE and HST/STISHST/STIS spectra, we study the evolution of the Raman O VI features and the Balmer, He I, and He II lines during the outburst from 2006 Sept. through 2007 May and include more recent observations (2009) to study the subsequent evolution of the source. The O VI Raman features disappeared completely at the peak of the major outburst and the subsequent variation differs substantially from that reported during the previous decade. The He I and He II lines, and the Balmer lines, vary in phase with the Raman features but there is a double-valuedness to the He I 6678, 7065 relative to the O VI Raman 6825\AA\ variations in the period between 2006-2008 that has not been previously reported. The variations in the Raman feature ratio through the outburst interval are consistent with the disappearance of the O VI FUV resonance wind lines from the white dwarf and of the surrounding O+5^{+5} ionized region within the red giant wind provoked by the expansion and cooling of the white dwarf photosphere.Comment: 10 pages, 15 figs. A&A (in press, accepted for publication 23/11/2009

    The long-term spectroscopic misadventures of AG Dra with a nod toward V407 Cyg: Degenerates behaving badly

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    We present some results of an ongoing study of the long-term spectroscopic variations of AG Dra, a prototypical eruptive symbiotic system. We discuss the effects of the environment and orbital modulation in this system and some of the physical processes revealed by a comparison with the nova outburst of the symbiotic-like recurrent nova V407 Cyg 2010.Comment: 11 pages, invited review to appear in the proceedings of the 2011 Asiago Workshop on Symbiotic Stars, A. Siviero and U. Munari eds., Baltic Astronomy special issue. See also http://etd.adm.unipi.it/theses/available/etd-05052010-002805

    Effect of quantum noise on Coulomb blockade in normal tunnel junctions at high voltages

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    We have investigated asymptotic behavior of normal tunnel junctions at voltages where even the best ohmic environments start to look like RC transmission lines. In the experiments, this is manifested by an exceedingly slow approach to the linear behavior above the Coulomb gap. As expected on the basis of the quantum theory taking into account interaction with the environmental modes, better fits are obtained using 1/sqrt{V}- than 1/V- dependence for the asymptote. These results agree with the horizon picture if the frequency-dependent phase velocity is employed instead of the speed of light in order to determine the extent of the surroundings seen by the junction.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Multiwalled carbon nanotube: Luttinger liquid or not?

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    We have measured IV-curves of multiwalled carbon nanotubes using end contacts. At low voltages, the tunneling conductance obeys non-Ohmic power law, which is predicted both by the Luttinger liquid and the environment-quantum-fluctuation theories. However, at higher voltages we observe a crossover to Ohm's law with a Coulomb-blockade offset, which agrees with the environment-quantum-fluctuation theory, but cannot be explained by the Luttinger-liquid theory. From the high-voltage tunneling conductance we determine the transmission line parameters of the nanotubes.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages, 2 EPS-figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Lifetime measurements in CeI, CeII, and CeIII using time-resolved laser spectroscopy with application to stellar abundance determinations of cerium

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    Radiative lifetimes of two levels in Ce I, eight levels in Ce rr, and nine levels in Ce III have been measured using the time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence technique. Free cerium atoms and singly and doubly ionized ions were obtained in a laser-produced plasma. A narrow bandwidth UV laser pulse was employed to selectively populate the short-lived upper levels and the lifetime values were evaluated from the time-resolved fluorescence signals recorded by a fast detection system. Transition probabilities for Ce III were obtained from branching fractions calculated by the Cowan code and the experimental lifetimes. The results are compared with previous measurements and calculations. Spectral Lines of Ce III were identified in the spectrum of the magnetic chemically peculiar star alpha(2)CVn and the abundance of cerium was determined from synthetic spectrum fitting to be 800 times greater than the solar abundance

    HD 65949: Rosetta Stone or Red Herring

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    HD 65949 is a late B star with exceptionally strong Hg II at 3984[A], but it is not a typical HgMn star. The Re II spectrum is of extraordinary strength. Abundances, or upper limits are derived here for 58 elements based on a model with Teff = 13100K, and log(g) = 4.0. Even-Z elements through nickel show minor deviations from solar abundances. Anomalies among the odd-Z elements through copper are mostly small. Beyond the iron peak, a huge scatter is found. The abundance pattern of the heaviest elements resembles the N=126 r-process peak of solar material, though not in detail. We find a significant correlation of the abundance excesses with second ionization potentials for elements with Z > 30. This indicates the relevance of photospheric or near-photospheric processes. We explore a model with mass accretion of exotic material followed by the more commonly accepted differentiation by diffusion. That model leads to a number of predictions which challenge future work. Likely primary and secondary masses are near 3.3 and 1.6 M(solar), with a separation of ca. 0.25 AU. New atomic structure calculations are presented in two appendices.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS: 16 pages, 5 figure

    High Mass Triple Systems: The Classical Cepheid Y Car

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    We have obtained an HST STIS ultraviolet high dispersion Echelle mode spectrum the binary companion of the double mode classical Cepheid Y Car. The velocity measured for the hot companion from this spectrum is very different from reasonable predictions for binary motion, implying that the companion is itself a short period binary. The measured velocity changed by 7 km/ s during the 4 days between two segments of the observation confirming this interpretation. We summarize "binary" Cepheids which are in fact members of triple system and find at least 44% are triples. The summary of information on Cepheids with orbits makes it likely that the fraction is under-estimated.Comment: accepted by A

    Re II and Other Exotic Spectra in HD 65949

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    Powerful astronomical spectra reveal an urgent need for additional work on atomic lines, levels, and oscillator strengths. The star HD 65949 provides some excellent examples of species rarely identified in stellar spectra. For example, the Re II spectrum is well developed, with 17 lines between 3731 and 4904 [A], attributed wholly or partially to Re II. Classifications and oscillator strengths are lacking for a number of these lines. The spectrum of Os II is well identified. Of 14 lines attributed wholly or partially to Os II, only one has an entry in the VALD database. We find strong evidence that Te II is present. There are NO Te II lines in the VALD database. Ru II is clearly present, but oscillator strengths for lines in the visual are lacking. There is excellent to marginal evidence for a number of less commonly identified species, including Kr II, Nb II, Sb II, Xe II, Pr III, Ho III, Au II, and Pt II (probably Pt-198), to be present in the spectrum of HD 65949. The line Hg II at 3984 [A] is of outstanding strength, and all three lines of Multiplet 1 of Hg I are present, even though the surface temperature of HD 65949 is relatively high. Finally, we present the case of an unidentified, 24 [mA], line at 3859.63 [A], which could be the same feature seen in magnetic CP stars. It is typically blended with a putative U II line used in cosmochronology.Comment: ASOS9 Poster (Lund, Sweden, August 2007), to be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS), 6 pages 1 figur
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